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deltakosh committed Jun 15, 2016
1 parent 22dc494 commit 54f717b
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 82 deletions.
89 changes: 7 additions & 82 deletions dist/preview release/what's
@@ -1,88 +1,13 @@
- 2.4.0:
- 2.5.0:
- **Major updates**
- New refraction channel for Standard material (including fresnel support). Refraction texture can be provided by a reflection probe or a refraction texture. [See demo here]( ([deltakosh](
- Added support for HDR cubemaps. [demo here]( ([sebavan](
- Support for shaders includes ([deltakosh](
- New mesh type : `LineSystem`. [Demo here]( ([jerome](
- SerializationHelper for complex classes using TypeScript decorators ([deltakosh](
- StandardMaterial now supports Parallax and Parallax Occlusion Mapping ([tutorial]( ([nockawa](
- Animations blending. See [demo here]( More [info here]( ([deltakosh](
- New debuger tool: SkeletonViewer. See [demo here]( (Adam & [deltakosh](
- Added Camera Inputs Manager to manage camera inputs (mouse, touch, keyboard, gamepad, ...) in a composable way, without relying on class inheritance. [Documentation here]( ([gleborgne](
- Introduced new observable system to handle events. [Documentation here]( ([nockawa](, [deltakosh](
- Added a new VR camera : VRDeviceOrientationArcRotateCamera ([temechon](
- Moved PBR Material to core ([deltakosh](
- StandardMaterial.maxSimultaneousLights can define how many dynamic lights the material can handle. [Demo here]( ([deltakosh](
- Introduced Canvas2D feature: a 2D engine to render primitives, sprites in 2D, text. Canvas2D can be displayed in Screen Space (above the 3D scene) or in World Space to be a part of the Scene. [overview](, [tutorial]( ([nockawa](
- Added two new types of Texture: FontTexture and MapTexture ([quick doc]( ([nockawa](
- Added a dynamic [2D Bin Packing Algorithm](, ([more info here]( ([nockawa](
- Physics engine was completely rewritten, including both plugins for Oimo.js and Cannon.js. [overview]( ([RaananW](
- Interleaved buffers are now directly supported. Create a `Buffer` object and then use `buffer.createVertexBuffer` to specify the vertex buffers ([benaadams](
- Vertex buffers can be marked as instanced to allow custom instancing attributes ([benaadams](
- Mesh can have `overridenInstanceCount` set to specify the number of meshes to draw when custom instancing is used ([benaadams](
- Now supporting the [Earcut]( polygon triangulation library as part of babylon.js library. (Look for the `Earcut` module). The `PolygonMeshBuilder` class now relies on Earcut. ([nockawa](

- **Updates**
- Added `renderTargetTexture.useCameraPostProcesses` to control postprocesses for render targets ([deltakosh](
- Added `mesh.toLefthanded()` to convert a mesh from right handed system ([kesshi](
- Renderlists can now also be defined using predicates ([deltakosh](
- Added support for various normal maps conventions ([deltakosh](
- Added postprocess.enablePixelPerfectMode to avoid texture scaling/stretching when dealing with non-power of 2 resolutions. cannot be used on post-processes chain ([deltakosh](
- Enabled other post processes to be used when also using a 3D Rig ([jcpalmer](
- Got Skeleton.copyAminationRange scaling better for different bone lengths ([jcpalmer](
- Added skeleton.getBoneIndexByName(boneName: string) ([dad72](
- Added `node._children` to track children hierarchy ([deltakosh](
- Added Camera.ForceAttachControlToAlwaysPreventDefault to help embedding Babylon.js in iFrames ([deltakosh](
- Support for Layer.alphaTest ([deltakosh](
- New scene.pointerDownPredicate, scene.pointerMovePredicate, scene.pointerUpPredicate to define your own predicates for meshes picking selection ([deltakosh](
- New OnPickTrigger support for spritesManager ([deltakosh](
- New SPS method `digest()` ([jerome](
- New SPS property `computeBoundingBox` ([jerome](
- New SPS particle property `isVisible` ([jerome](
- Added a new OnPickOut trigger fired when you release the pointer button outside of a mesh or sprite. ([deltakosh](
- Added support for OnPointerOver and OnPointerOut for sprites. ([deltakosh](
- Added an optional predicate on Node.getDescendants, Node.getChildren to filter out Nodes based on a callback execution. ([nockawa](
- Added Ray.intersectionPlane & intersectionSegment. ([nockawa](
- LinesMesh class now supports Intersection. Added the intersectionThreshold property to set a tolerance margin during intersection with wire lines. ([nockawa](
- Geometry.boundingBias property to enlarge the boundingInfo objects ([nockawa](
- Tools.ExtractMinAndMax & ExtractMinAndMaxIndexed now supports an optional Bias for Extent computation.
- Added StringDictionary<T> class to implement an efficient generic typed string dictionary based on Javascript associative array. ([quick doc]( ([nockawa](
- Added RectanglePackingMap class to fit several rectangles in a big map in the most optimal way, dynamically. ([nockawa](
- Added DynamicFloatArray class to store float32 based elements of a given size (stride) into one big Float32Array, with allocation/free/pack operations to then access an optimal buffer that can be used to update a WebGLBuffer dynamically.([quick doc]( ([nockawa](
- Scene.onPointerObservable property added to enable a unique Observable event for user input (see ArcRotateCamera inputs for examples) ([nockawa](
- Oimo.js updated to the latest version ([RaananW](
- Added PhysicsImpostor and PhysicsJoint classes ([RaananW](
- LensFlareSystem now has both ID and name ([RaananW](
- TargetCamera has now a rotationQuaternion variable to can be used to set the camera's rotation ([RaananW](
- SSAORenderingPipeline now uses bilateral blur post-processes instead of standard blur post-process, in order to remove more efficiently the "textile effect"
- `Engine.updateDynamicVertexBuffer` now has optional count as well as offset to allow partial updates ([benaadams](
- vertex attributes are only disabled if they aren't going to be reeabled by the next draw, to reduce gpu state changes ([benaadams](

- **Exporters**
- Unity3D exporter: Added support for lightmaps ([davrous](, [deltakosh](
- Unity3D exporter: Added support for export and run (local webserver) ([davrous](, [deltakosh](
- Unity exporter now support skeletons ([sebavan](
- Support for 3dsmax 2017 ([deltakosh](
- Added support for up to 8 bones influences per vertex for 3dsmax exporter ([deltakosh](
- Added console logging for .babylon file loading & depreciated SceneLoader.Load() in favor of Append() ([jcpalmer](

- **API doc**
- class `SolidParticleSystem` documented ([jerome](
- class `MeshBuilder` documented ([jerome](
- class `Mesh` documented ([jerome](

- **Bug fixes**
- Fixed bug with billboards and parenting ([deltakosh](
- Fixed bug with ArcRotateCamera.setTarget ([deltakosh](
- Fixed bug with OBJ Loader - All meshes were concatenated with the previous one ([Temechon](
- Fixed the device orientation cameras (both VR and non-VR cameras) ([RaananW](
- Fixed the WebVR implementation ([RaananW](
- `DynamicTexture.clone()` now preserves height in addition to width ([dahlbyk](
- Fixed missing some parameter default values in `MeshBuilder.CreateGroundFromHeightMap()` and `MeshBuilder.CreateTiledGround()` ([jerome](
- Fixed model shape initial red vertex color set to zero not formerly being taken in account in the `SolidParticleSystem` ([jerome](

- **Breaking changes**
- `VertexData.CreateLines()` removed as `MeshBuilder.CreateLines()` now calls `MeshBuilder.CreateLineSystem()`
- `scene.onNewXXXAdded` and `scene.onXXXRemoved` callbacks were removed and replaced by `scene.onNewXXXAddedObservable` and `scene.onXXXRemovedObservable`
- `Material.dispose` does not dispose textures by default. You have to call `material.dispose(false, true)` to get the previous behavior.
- `SSAORenderingPipeline.getBlurHPostProcess` and `SSAORenderingPipeline.getBlurVPostProcess`. The SSAO rendering pipeline doesn't use standard blur post-process anymore. A bilateral blur post-process is used instead.
- `Engine.bindBuffers` is now `Engine.bindBuffersDirectly` ([benaadams](
- `Engine.bindMultiBuffers` is now `Engine.bindBuffers` and strongly typed `{ [key: string]: VertexBuffer; }` of buffers ([benaadams](
- `Engine.createDynamicVertexBuffer` takes vertices rather than capacity, creating and initalizing in one gpu instruction ([benaadams](
- Internally new `Engine.bindBuffer` is used rather than `gl.bindBuffer` which only binds when the bound buffer is changing ([benaadams](
- `DynamicTexture` no longer forces height/width to exponents of 2 if MIP maps are disabled ([dahlbyk](

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