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WebRTC Relay Point - The WRP (WebRTC Relay Point) module is a comprehensive Node.js package designed to facilitate WebRTC connections between clients. It provides a robust set of functionalities to manage peer connections, handle data channels, and ensure secure and reliable media streaming.


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WRP (WebRTC Relay Point)

The WRP (WebRTC Relay Point) module is a comprehensive Node.js package designed to facilitate WebRTC connections between clients. It provides a robust set of functionalities to manage peer connections, handle data channels, and ensure secure and reliable media streaming. This module abstracts the complexities of WebRTC and provides a simplified interface for developers to build WebRTC-based applications.

Key Features

  1. Peer Connection Management: Simplified creation and management of RTCPeerConnections.
  2. Data Channels: Easy-to-use data channels for sending and receiving arbitrary data.
  3. ICE Candidate Handling: Efficient handling of ICE candidates with IP filtering.
  4. Media Device Access: Access to user media devices for audio and video streams.
  5. Encryption and Decryption: Secure SDP encryption and decryption using AES-256-CBC.
  6. Preferred Codec Setting: Ability to set preferred codecs in SDP.
  7. Event Handling: Comprehensive event handling for various WebRTC events.
  8. Nonstandard WebRTC Interfaces: Additional functionalities like video and audio sinks and sources.

Security Measures

  • HTTPS Requirement: WebRTC requires a secure context, which means the application must be served over HTTPS. This module ensures all interactions occur over a secure connection, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • SDP Encryption: By default, SDP is encrypted using a predefined key (badnintendo). This can be customized as needed, ensuring the signaling data remains confidential.
  • ICE Candidate Filtering: Sanitization of ICE candidates to prevent IP leakage and enhance privacy.
  • STUN/TURN Servers: Proper configuration of STUN/TURN servers to handle NAT traversal, ensuring reliable connectivity even in restrictive network environments.

Usage Guide

WRP (WebRTC Relay Point) - Comprehensive WebRTC Module


WRP (WebRTC Relay Point) is a Node.js package designed to facilitate WebRTC connections between clients. It simplifies the management of peer connections, data channels, and media streams, providing a secure and efficient solution for WebRTC-based applications.

Key Features

  • Peer Connection Management
  • Data Channels
  • ICE Candidate Handling
  • Media Device Access
  • SDP Encryption and Decryption
  • Preferred Codec Setting
  • Comprehensive Event Handling
  • Nonstandard WebRTC Interfaces


npm install


Importing the Module

const {
} = require('wrp');

Creating a Peer Connection

const wrp = new RTCPeerConnection({
  iceServers: [
    { urls: '' },
    { urls: '' },
    { urls: '' }
  iceCandidatePoolSize: 12

wrp.on('icecandidate', ({ candidate }) => {
  if (candidate) {
    console.log('New ICE candidate:', candidate);
  } else {
    console.log('All ICE candidates have been sent');

wrp.on('track', (event) => {
  // Handle track event

Creating an Offer

async function createOffer() {
  const offer = await wrp.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: true, offerToReceiveVideo: true });
  await wrp.setLocalDescription(offer);
  console.log('Local description set:', wrp.localDescription);

Setting Remote Description

async function setRemoteDesc(remoteDesc) {
  await wrp.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(remoteDesc));

Adding ICE Candidate

async function addIceCandidate(candidate) {
  await wrp.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(candidate));

Creating a Data Channel

const dataChannel = wrp.createDataChannel('chat');

dataChannel.on('open', () => {
  console.log('Data channel is open');

dataChannel.on('message', (event) => {
  console.log('Message received:',;

dataChannel.send('Hello, World!');

Encrypting and Decrypting SDP

const sdp = 'example sdp';
const encryptedSDP = encryptSDP(sdp);
const decryptedSDP = decryptSDP(encryptedSDP);
console.log('Encrypted SDP:', encryptedSDP);
console.log('Decrypted SDP:', decryptedSDP);

Media Device Access

async function getUserMedia() {
  const stream = await mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true });
  stream.getTracks().forEach(track => wrp.addTrack(track, stream));

async function getUserMediaAudioOnly() {
  const stream = await mediaDevices.getUserMediaAudioOnly();
  stream.getTracks().forEach(track => wrp.addTrack(track, stream));

async function getUserMediaVideoOnly() {
  const stream = await mediaDevices.getUserMediaVideoOnly();
  stream.getTracks().forEach(track => wrp.addTrack(track, stream));

Security Considerations

  • HTTPS: WebRTC requires secure connections. Ensure your application is served over HTTPS.
  • SDP Encryption: The SDP is encrypted using AES-256-CBC to protect signaling data.
  • ICE Candidate Filtering: Sanitization of ICE candidates to prevent IP leakage.
  • STUN/TURN Servers: Properly configured STUN/TURN servers ensure reliable connectivity.

Nonstandard Interfaces

  • RTCAudioSink: Handle audio data.
  • RTCAudioSource: Provide audio data.
  • RTCVideoSink: Handle video data.
  • RTCVideoSource: Provide video data.
  • i420ToRgba / rgbaToI420: Convert between video formats.


WRP (WebRTC Relay Point) provides a robust and secure solution for managing WebRTC connections in Node.js applications. By simplifying the complexities of WebRTC, it allows developers to focus on building rich, real-time communication features.


WebRTC Relay Point - The WRP (WebRTC Relay Point) module is a comprehensive Node.js package designed to facilitate WebRTC connections between clients. It provides a robust set of functionalities to manage peer connections, handle data channels, and ensure secure and reliable media streaming.







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