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Scripts for training a recurrent neural network to respond to messages based on my previous discord messages

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Discord Neural Network

This project uses downloaded discord chats to train a neural network to respond to messages.



App Usage

Script Usage

Project/Personal Goals




Discord is a messaging application that utilizes two main forms of communications, direct and server based messaging.


I have used Discord for well over four years, so I thought that my messages over that time would make an interesting dataset to train a neural network on.

App Usage


After downloading the .zip file from Releases, extract the file.


To start the app, click on app_interface.exe.

Note: the .exe and the model files must stay in the same directory, if you would like to move the app to a more accessible place, please make a shortcut!

The app may take a moment to start up, but once it does it will display a disclaimer and that the model is loaded.


Most tensorflow errors, such as the AutoGraph is not available in this enviorment warning shown above can be ignored and do not affect output or performance (it is an issue with PyInstaller hidden imports).

Now the terminal is accepting input at the > character. Type either an text prompt or a command.



.help - will show the follow message of short description of each command.


.verbose - since the model does not know every english word, and typos can happen, words that the model does not know are filtered out and not passed to the neural network. Running .verbose will have the terminal spit out the filtered version of what is being passed to the model. Running the command toggles verbose mode, so run it again to disable.


.temp <num> - sets the temperature of the model sampling to parameter <num>. If temperature is set to 0.0, the model becomes completely deterministic, while if it is set to a value like 1.0, there will be considerably more variation in output. Default temperature value is 0.7. See References for a comprehensive article about sampling.


.stop - Stops the model and kills the process.

Script Usage


Project Goals

  • Download and parse Discord chat logs.
    • Formed dataset into csv's in a few different ways bringing about differing results.
  • Use a word embedding model to encode the messages to feed to the neural network for training.
  • Train a neural network to give a semi-comprehensible output response message.

Personal Goals

  • To learn about and implement a word embedding model.
  • To learn and experiment with how different deep learning models handle textual input and generation.
  • To document my method and findings throughly through this write-up.


The first problem to tackle was categorical encoding, more specifically, generating word embeddings.

Word Embeds

I decided to use word vectorization to perserve the meaning and context of words. See References for a comprehensive guide for understanding word vectorization.

After downloading direct message logs and server channels from Discord using an external program (see References), they came in the following csv format.

             AuthorID         Author                Date                                            Content Attachments Reactions
0  806534603145871401   baileyD#0000  Feb-03-21 09:44 AM  wanted to get a diff account for myo friends a...         NaN       NaN
1  293462127799173121  KibblesK#0000  Feb-03-21 09:44 AM                                            Lmao ok         NaN       NaN
2  806534603145871401   baileyD#0000  Feb-03-21 09:44 AM         so i dont need to keep switchging accounts         NaN       NaN
3  293462127799173121  KibblesK#0000  Feb-03-21 09:44 AM                                             Gotcha         NaN       NaN
4  806534603145871401   baileyD#0000  Feb-10-21 09:57 AM            i completely locked myself out of my...         NaN       NaN

Of course most of this data will not be needed for the word embedding model, so I wrote to extract just the message content. See Usage for instructions on using the scripts in this repositiory.

The output of running the script:

Done with 369906 of lines checked and 116283 of lines output!

This means we will have 116,283 messages to train our w2v model on.

Now we can feed that training data to a Word2Vec model. I decided to create a seperate model for word embedding instead of just adding an embedding layer into the neural network so I could explore them both independently of one another. See discord_rnn_word_embeddings.ipynb for implementation. After tokenizing the training data, I passed it to the model with the insructions to only use words that are in the dataset atleast twice, to generate a vector of 100 dimensions for each word in the vocabulary, and to have a context window of 5. My hope is that raising min_count could help filter out typos.

# Train Word2Vec model, may take a bit
model = w2v(msg_array, size=100, min_count=2, window=5, iter=100)
    > Word2Vec(vocab=18935, size=100, alpha=0.025)

We can see that the model generated vectors for a vocabulary of ~19000. The whole point of using a Word2Vec model is to preserve word context in N dimensional space, which we can see using Cosing Similarity.

    > [
        ('stomach', 0.6018036603927612),
        ('neighborhood', 0.566454291343689),
        ('wardrobe', 0.5427192449569702),
        ('ear', 0.5401051044464111),
        ('bankai', 0.5262097716331482),
        ('uncle', 0.513681173324585),
        ('pockets', 0.5117610692977905),
        ('lap', 0.5110880136489868),
        ('leg', 0.5026416778564453),
        ('blanket', 0.5007407665252686)

Of course, this model is flawed, but we can see that a few other similar body parts to knee have been listed, such as stomach, ear, lap and leg. There is still work to be done, but we can begin to see glimpses of intelligence. Lets save our word embedding model and move onto the generation neural network.

And here is a PCA reduced representation of the word vectors, colored by their number of uses, see w2v_plot.html for interactive version:

Here is a top-level diagram of the process I have described thus far: image

Dense Neural Network Approach

Disclaimer, this method went about as well as you could expect, horribly horrible in just about every way. I was curious what would happen if I tried using a DNN on a task so obviously suited for a RNN. The output I got was incoherent and in the next section I will be implementing it correctly. I learned so much from this though and still find the results quite interesting, but if you have no interest in what not to do, go ahead and skip to Recurrent Neural Network Approach

Preparing Training Data

With this approach, I was trying to make this a classification task, despite it very clearly not being one. I decided to take each message I sent from the downloaded data, and extract the last three messages before for context to pass into the model. The model would (theoretically) use the input messages to classify a type of response. Once again, I know this will not work well, but I was curious nonetheless.

The output from the data preperation script Notice: script will no longer output this as it has been changed for the format of RNN input, so if for some reason you want to replicate this, look back in commit history.

Tmsg0,  Tmsg1,            Tmsg2,             Umsg
Ahh,    or  notif,        no its only ping,  allo
Okay,   But ... anymore,  I have ... mins,   Are ... tournements

The last column, Umsg is the user sent message, in this case what I sent. The other 3 columns, Tmsg0, Tmsg1, Tmsg2 are input messages 1-3. Before messages can be passed to the model, they need to be padded to a uniform length, tokenized, and made into word vectors, which is all handled in the Data Preprocessing section of discord_dnn_model.inpynb.

After preprocessing we know the input and output shape of our model.


In this case, we have 100 dimensional word vectors, padded our messages to 20 words, and passed in 3 messages for training. Our shapes are.

IN: (100, 20, 3)
OUT: (100, 20)

Now to the architecture of the model. After seeing the output of the DNN, I knew there was no saving it, that it was a fundementally flawed approach, so I did not spend much time experimenting with the model architecture. Here is the version defined in discord_dnn_model.ipynb:

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, activation='relu', input_shape=(3, WORD_COUNT, VECTOR_DIM)))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1024, activation='relu'))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(2000, activation='relu'))

model.add(tf.keras.layers.Reshape((WORD_COUNT, VECTOR_DIM)))

Not much interesting going on here, just 2 dense layers followed by a flatten and another dense layer, before being reshaped to the format of an output message.

I decided to train the model for 150 epochs, even though accuracy flattens out around 15. I did this for no good reason, was just curious what effects training that long would have on a model using a relatively small dataset.

Here are performance graphs trained on 15 epochs:

And here are the same graphs trained on 150 epochs:

For fun here are some of the output I got:

input_msgs = [['okay so first iteration of neural network is just mid stroke'],
              ['woah thats really sick'],
              ['huh it came out']]

> ['but', 'sourmatt', '๐Ÿค”', 'exam', 'has', 'a', 'like', 'lime', 'vanguard', 'to', 'excited', 'sync', 'grounded',
 'consist', 'dias', 'channels', 'busy', 'and', 'because', 'more']

Here I got my first somewhat relevant response, as the first 3 words of the output are a geniune response to the input messages.

input_msgs = [['Also this is news to me but snoop dogg has the record now for most solo kills in warzone'],
              ['1 game'],
              ['how many']]
> ['obv', 'enemies', 'inactive', 'done', 'argument', 'vocabulary', 'โ€œthe', 'prescribed', 'because', 'nearby',
 'and', 'rough', 'nebula', 'current', 'advantage', 'ingrained', 'that', 'hassle', 'because', 'unrelated']

Intelligence fades just as quickly as it appears, seems as though that last one was a fluke.

input_msgs = [['valorant is my fav game known to man'],
              ['bro aint no way you like valorant more than minecraft you monkey'],
              ['i have the game taste of an infant child']]
> ['i', 'yea', 'recoil', 'tryouts', 'issues', 'reacting', 'that', 'recording', 'past', 'yea', 'since', 'that',
 'experience', 'some', 'rough', 'shown', 'obv', 'a', 'because', 'since']

The outputs are just as I expected, comically bad. As I stated before, I tried to treat this as a classification problem when it clearly wasn't and the effects of that can be seen in the horrendous accuracy and loss graphs shown above.

Recurrent Neural Network Approach

Of course I knew that the Dense Neural Network was going to crash and burn, it was never made for this type of task. This is where Recurrent Neural Networks come in. Instead of trying to look at a whole series of input at once, it goes one input at a time, adding onto its understanding.

I will be using an LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) model. LSTMs are RNNs that store meaningful inputs into a long term memory. This helps with understanding longer inputs by alleviating the effects of RNN's "vanishing gradient problem". See References for an article that goes more in-depth with RNN and LSTM models.

Training the model

The training data was one concatenated text corpus of all the messages strung together. I tried using a terminating symbol to hopefully have the model end its messages, I will talk about how that went wrong later.

Since I decided to generate on a word basis instead of a character one, the text was embedded and one-hot encoded before being passed to the model, which outputs a probability distribution of what word comes next. See References for Tensorflow's example of a simple RNN generator on a character basis.

Sadly due to Colab's random runtime disconnections and my lack of forethought in implementing a training logger, I cannot show training data.

I trained this simple model for ~700 epochs with a batch size of 128 until the accuracy flattened out around 0.65.

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()

# Embedding layer for w2v model
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size, output_dim=embedding_size, weights=[pretrained_weights]))


model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

I also tried a more complex model, but the accuracy flattened out much eariler so I ditched it.

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size, output_dim=embedding_size, weights=[pretrained_weights]))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=embedding_size, return_sequences=True))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=embedding_size, return_sequences=True))

model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
Generating Text

Now that probability distribution needs to be translated to word indices to be one-hot decoded back to text. This is called sampling. See References for an article that does more in-depth to explain sampling techniques

def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):
  if temperature <= 0:
    return np.argmax(preds)

  preds = np.asarray(preds).astype('float64')
  preds = np.log(preds) / temperature
  exp_preds = np.exp(preds)
  preds = exp_preds / np.sum(exp_preds)
  probas = np.random.multinomial(1, preds, 1)
  return np.argmax(probas)

sample takes the predicted probability distribution and a desired temperature and returns word indices.

temperature is the amount of variation in the output. A value of 0 means the output will be completely deterministic, while 1.0 will ensure much more variation. I used a value of 0.7.


Eariler I mentioned that I tried using a terminating symbol to have the model predict the end to its own messages, and that it failed miserably. I had the csv parsing script add <end> to the end of each message in the text corpus. This resulted in incoherent output from the model with <end> scattered every other word or so.

I also tried another approach in having the model end it's own messages. I theorized that in the probability distribution there would be a significant drop in maximum confidence, and that is where it would end the message. To test this thought I graphed exactly that, but the results don't support my theory.

confidence_over_word confidence_over_word_2

There is not much of a correlation between the coherence of the sentence and the confidence of each word, so this will not work.

Perhaps with more data and training time this idea could work itself out, but it does not seem feasible in this domain.

The output messages are far more comprehensible than the DNN approach, and I am overall quite happy with the results. Here are a few output message examples (from discord_rnn_model.ipynb):

generate_next("william is")
> william is cool lol happend u hard a lot that irl ๐Ÿ’
generate_next("where is")
> where is reinstall it now though choice anymore anymore anymore logo help
generate_next("how to")
> how to join chat immediately wanted flowers in there request to raid



Scripts for training a recurrent neural network to respond to messages based on my previous discord messages






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