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Warning: My english is on low level and language too


This project is try to graphic represent "Orbital Curves" and it can be getting as visualisation of "Fourier Transformation" (in extra-minimal-bad sense).

Base of this try is script.js in which madness is hiding on every corner, and where recursive fucntions have blocked access.

  • It's simple JavaSript with p5.js library for rendering Canvas

I won't give any Advices like "How to use" that script, because those which are curious about "how it works?" will find it out fast in any case, and these those not will be drive away faster too...


is different thing (obviously). This portfolio is supposed to collect Parameters of these curves, which "gained visitor's attention for its Beauty or Speciality"

  • Running on Node.JS with Express module.

To add some Parameters to this portfolio is necessarily to click (/model route) on EXPORT PARAMETERS button and Enter NAME of the curve. Then parameters will be sent to server and saved into JSON file.

Yes, yes, any database...

In /portfolio afterwards you will able to click on the CARD with these parameters and REDIRECT to /model to see what is growing from such parameters...

How to run

  1. download
  2. install Node.JS
  3. in console npm install
  4. node index.js
  5. Now is Service running on /localhost:3000


  • p5.js v1.9.4
  • Node.JS --express --etc.

Running Web-App on RENDER => ( on Koyeb => (

Delay can be up to 50s... It is my first (unpaid) try...