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FINN enables your IoT devices to perform seamless autonomous payments on your behalf. For more information, visit us at

Supported Features

Sl. No SDK Feature Status Remarks
1 Pairing through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 👍 Supported with Android Mobile Application
2 Pairing through QR Code 👍 Supported only in Webserver mode using end point /qrcode to get generated QRCode for device to be paired for both iOS and Android Mobile Applications
3 Secured HTTP with BoT Service 👍 Supported for all interactions with backend server
4 Logging 👍 Console Logging is implemented
5 Offline Actions 👎 Helps to persist the autonomous payments on the device when there is no internet connectivity available. The saved offline actions get completed when the next action trigger happens and internet connectivity is available. This feature is in plan for implementation.

Getting Started

Visit our official documentation for a complete overview. The main steps are:


Clone the repository on your device and enter the folder:

git clone
cd BoT-Python-SDK


Make sure you have python installed on your device. The SDK is tested on Python 2.7+. Inside the venv we need python 3.

Install using a virtual environment

First we install virtualenv && create an environment venv with:

# For Raspberry Pi
make environment-raspberry

# For Mac OS X
make environment-osx

# For Windows
make environment-windows

Then we run our newly created environment like this:

source venv/bin/activate

To exit the virtual environment, type the following command. If you execute this, you need to rerun the previous one.


From now on, every command you run should be inside the virtual environment, unless specified differently.

Installing dependencies

To install dependencies run (inside the venv):

make install

Running tests

Now that our environment is up & running, we can try to see if it works. To see if the tests are working, simply run:

make test


Sign in to the Maker Portal and get the makerID from your account. On your first run, replace YOUR_ID with the productID or the makerID from your Maker portal, and run:

make server makerID=YOUR_ID

Webserver supports endpoint /qrcode to retrieve the generated Qrcode for the device to pair with the Finn Mobile Application. Make a note of webserver's base url displayed in the above command's output and append /qrcode. The Webserver can be accessed remotely from any system connected to same network as that of the device.

Note: You can also use a productID from your product page in the Maker portal, like this: makerID=PRODUCT_ID

Running the server

To run the server normally after you've configured it, simply run in your venv:

make server

The Webserver supports below end points to be consumed by remote clients:

  • /qrcode : To retrieve qrcode for device pairing with the Finn Mobile Application
  • /actions : To retrieve and post autonomous payments to the BoT Service
  • /pairing : To pair the device if it's not get paired within the max interval of pairing time
  • /activate : To enable the devicve for autonomous payments post pairing the device

Pairing and activating action(s)

Pair your device and activate an action using the companion app either using the BLE Service (Supported only for Android Application) or using the QR code that was generated for the device by accessing the webserver's end point /qrcode.

The device QRCode can also be viewed locally on the device by running the script as shown below:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8


You can stop your server (e.g. with CTRL + C) or open a separate tab to open BoT-Python-SDK/storage/qr.png. Then, to open the QR code:

sudo apt-get install feh
feh storage/qr.png

Now you scan it with the Finn Companion App.

After this you can restart the server again with:

make server


If you've paired your device with the QR code that was generated in the root (qr.png), it might not have been paired and/or activated. There are a couple of solutions to fix this.

  • Hit the Webserver endpoint /pairing to pair and activate the device for autonomous payments
  • You can stop and start your server. Simply CTRL C to stop and make server to start again.
  • You can manually call either make configuration, make pair or make activate in your venv to start the specific process.

This will start polling the API 10 times every 10 seconds to pair or activate the device.

It will only work if you've successfully paired your device with your phone, using the /pairing endpoint, or the generated QR code qr.png.

Reset Configuration

To reset the device configuration, run the command make reset from the BoT-Python-SDK directory. This makes device as new device.

Using the SDK

The following commands can be run outside of your virtual environment.

Pairing and Activating the device

To get the device information you need to pair the device (usually done with the BoT Companion App)

  • From the terminal of the local device: Run curl localhost:3001/pairing
  • From the remote system connected to same network as that of the device:
    • Use one of the ReST Client programs OR browsers to hit the /pairing end point using the IP Address of the device.
      • Suppose the IP address of device reported while starting the server is, we can use the URL as

Retrieving actions

  • From the terminal of the local device: Run curl localhost:3001/actions
  • From the remote system connected to same network as that of the device:
    • Use one of the ReST Client programs OR browsers to hit the /actions end point using the IP Address of the device.
      • Suppose the IP address of device reported while starting the server is, we can use the URL as

Triggering actions

To create actions you need to go to the Maker Portal. Follow the steps on the screen to create the action. You will get an actionID at the end.

  • To trigger an action (e.g. send a push notification) from terminal of local device:
curl -d '{"actionID":"YOUR_ACTION_ID"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3001/actions
  • To trigger an action (e.g. send a push notification) from terminal of remote system connected to same network as that of the device:
    • Suppose the IP address of device reported while starting the server is, we can use the URL as
curl -d '{"actionID":"YOUR_ACTION_ID"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

Activating the device

If you get an error in which your device is not paired or activated, we need to activate the device for autonomous payments using the end point /activate:

  • From the terminal of the local device: Run curl localhost:3001/activate
  • From the remote system connected to same network as that of the device:
    • Use one of the ReST Client programs OR browsers to hit the /activate end point using the IP Address of the device.
      • Suppose the IP address of device reported while starting the server is, we can use the URL as


Any improvement to the FINN SDK are very much welcome! Our software is open-source and we believe your input can help create a lively community and the best version of FINN. We’ve already implemented much of the feedback given to us by community members and will continue to do so. Join them by contributing to the SDK or by contributing to the documentation.

Automated testing

At the moment we do not have high test-coverage. You're free to make a PR to add tests! To run the tests:

make test



Slack is our main feedback channel for the SDK and documentation. Join our Slack channel and be part of the FINN community.


We also organize meetups, e.g. demo or hands-on workshops. Keep an eye on our meetup group for any events coming up soon. Here you will be able to see the FINN software in action and meet the team.

About FINN

After winning the ING Innovation Bootcamp in 2017, FINN is now part of the ING Accelerator Program. Our aim is to become the new Internet of Things (IoT) payment standard that enables service-led business models. FINN offers safe, autonomous transactions for smart devices. We believe our software offers tremendous business opportunities. However, at heart, we are enthusiasts. Every member of our team has a passion for innovation. That’s why we love working on FINN.