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Dominique0804 edited this page Aug 20, 2019 · 72 revisions

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  1. Plone Installation
  1. Install Baobab LIMS
  2. Test your installation

Plone Installation

Here we describe how to install Plone on Ubuntu Linux system. For an installation in a different operating system check the Plone online documentation, here. The installation process requires user to have root privileges and a basic knowledge with Linux command lines using a Terminal. If you are not familiar with UNIX operating system read this tutorial Linux shell tutorial. Please note that a single line must be complete at a time.

Plone dependencies

Plone framework requires the installation of additional system packages. Without those packages available in your system Plone will not compile.

sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc python-dev git-core libffi-dev
sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev autoconf libtool pkg-config
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libxslt1.1 libssl1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install gnuplot libcairo2 libpango1.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

Download Plone 4.3 Unified Installer

The product Baobab LIMS is implemented and tested with Plone 4.3.11, a version released in 2016-09-12. You can download Plone 4.3.x by visiting the Plone site. Select and click on the Unified installer of your choice or use wget command line in your terminal with the path to the Plone version to install. Only Plone 4.3.11 can be used. Version 5 is available but will not work.

 wget --no-check-certificate

Depending in the option used for the download, the installer would be in the ~/Downloads directory if the download has been done from the Plone site. If the second option rather used i.e, the wget command line, the installer should be downloaded into the current directory.

Install Plone

To continue the installation, in your terminal change directory into the folder containing the downloaded file then run the following command line to unpack the archive file.

tar -xf Plone-4.3.11-r1-UnifiedInstaller.tgz

Change to the extracted folder cd Plone-4.3.11-r1-UnifiedInstaller in your terminal, and run this next command to install Plone

./ --target=/usr/local/Plone --build-python zeo

where --target is the parameter used to specify the path to the installation folder, --build-python to add and build Python package in your system, this is optional if Python already exist and finally zeo is the option to install Plone as a Client-Server application. Plone requires Python2.7 to work. Run ./ --help to get the full list of the available parameters and their meaning.

Note: Some package issues with Python from the UnifiedInstaller may occur. It is advisable to use your system Python 2.7.x. In this case, run the installation command as follows;

./ --target=/usr/local/Plone --with-python=$(which python2.7) zeo

Note: In production mode, prepend the the previous command line with sudo then run.

Install Baobab LIMS

In the new folder created /usr/local/Plone exists another folder named zeocluster. This folder contains buildout.cfg configuration file. Find in the configuration file, the section starting with eggs=, and add baobab.lims and bika.lims to the existing entries. Bika LIMS is a dependency that Baobab LIMS needs to function. Some of modules in Baobab LIMS reference modules in Bika LIMS.

eggs =

Add to the section develop = the path to your version of Baobab LIMS and BIKA LIMS that should be already downloaded into your local machine. By convention it is preferable to put the source code in zeocluster/src of your Plone installation folder.

develop =

Add the following line to the buildout file. add it in the buildout section: index = because of the below warning.


If you encounter the packages not found issue, add the following line, issue related to this:

In the [buildout] section add the below line.

index =

It will also be useful to add the following lines to the bottom of the buildout.cfg file:

Products.AdvancedQuery = 3.0.4
cairocffi = 0.9.0

Save the file

Check out the bika, baobab and graphite code bases from GitHub

Use git clone or fork this project to have your own copy in your local machine. For developers, any change in your source code that you judge interesting and useful for the community please create a Pull request to us and let us know if you want to become a collaborator in the Baobab LIMS project.

Change directory into zeocluster/src and run the git clone command from there.

cd src
git clone
git clone
git clone

Links below

Note: Please ensure that you have the correct permissions for the installation folder. Running this command will provide full permissions for the installation

sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/Plone

Exit out of the src directory and back into the zeocluster directory and run the bin/buildout command. Buildout will download and install all the declared dependencies.

cd ..

If you installed Plone as a root user i.e., using sudo, you should run the buildout command line with the user plone_buildout, this user is automatically created during the Plone installation:

sudo -u plone_buildout bin/buildout

Warning If you experience issues with the xlsxwriter additional packages will need to be installed. This can be done using the following commands;

cd /usr/local/Plone/Python2.7
sudo wget
sudo bin/python
sudo bin/python -m pip install xlsxwriter

Test your installation

First, you will need to start the zeoserver (this is the database process).

bin/zeoserver start

To start a Plone client in debug mode, run this command:

bin/client1 fg

If you installed Plone as a root user, you will need to use the following commands instead:

sudo -u plone_daemon bin/zeoserver start
sudo -u plone_daemon bin/client1 fg

Note any error messages, and take corrective action if required. If no errors are encountered, you can press Control+C to exit.

In your preferred browser, firefox or google chrome, run http://localhost:8080/ and start working with Baobab LIMS. Enjoy it!

In production mode, other important tools need to be installed and configured, like Supervisorctl and nginx. The following article details the process to follow to add those tools cited before.