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A django project built to fetch and retweet tweets using tweepy api's

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About the project

The goal of this project is to make a web application that makes it easier to navigate the collection of a user's timeline on twitter.

We will be making a scheduled job to sync all pushlished tweets from a twitter user timeline to our own database and display the tweets on our UI.

Also we will be integrating a search feature to allow user's search for keywords in all the tweets available

And lastly we will be adding a functionality to allow authenticated user's through the help of twitter social auth to retweet tweets the find interesting.

Technnologies used

This project was developed using python, django, tweepy, celery, social-auth-app-django, bootstrap4, redis

How to setup this project

Please Note that both the Django templating and API integration was developed on this project

To view the application in Django templating mode, navigate to the url below:

To view the API links created for this applications, navigate to the url below

Please ensure you can run celery and bash on your computer and follow the following instruction

Navigate to, setup an application(if twitter has giving you develper access), set the permission to Read, Write and Direct Messages and generate your CONSUMER KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACESS_TOKEN_SECRET

Clone the project and add a .env file in the parent directory. Add the following inside the .env file

        CONSUMER_KEY = "Your own consumer key"
        CONSUMER_SECRET = "Your own consumer_secret"
        ACCESS_TOKEN = "Your own access token"
        ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = "Your own access token secret"  

then run the following command:

        python makemigrations
        python migrate
        python createsuperuser
        python runserver

While your server is running, open two more terminals and run the following code inside each of them


the first bash command will start your celery task while the second bash command will start your celery beat which is where we are scheduling our jobs to run within a specific time

you can change the duration at which you want the job to run by going to dilytips/celery, and editing the crontab() to the duration you want. currently the job has been set to run every 6hours

        'schedule': crontab(minute='0' , hour='6')

For testing purposes you make configure the job to run every minute

        'schedule': crontab()

Note This application has been configured to fetch only 300 tweets by job, incase you want to increase or reduce it, navigate to the and update this line of code

        NUMBER_OF_TWEETS = "300"

Note you can also change the twitter user's timeline you are fetching by updating the code snippet below in your

        TWITTER_USER = "python_tip"

To read more about scheduling period task using celery, visit

For example of of how to use it, feel free to read my short article here

In order for your API twitter social login to work, you need to go to your admin interface

        Click on the Site Table and add a new site with Domain name and Display name(eg, Domain name:, Display name: DailyTips)

        click on "social application" table

        Add a new social application -> you will be required to select a provider(in this case Twitter), add a name for the application, add your twiiter generated CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET.

        Add your to choosen sites and save 

For further more detailed information, you can checkout this documentation

Next step

Integrate docker into the project

Write test cases


This application was built by Anozie Baron Chibuikem


A django project built to fetch and retweet tweets using tweepy api's






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