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Python implementation of motor imagery real-time BCI paradigm for 3D control of UR5 manipulator and ROBOTIQ gripper, with unique control session paradigm.


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Python implementation of robotic system consisting of motor imagery noninvasive BCI control and 6 DOF UR5 manipulator modules which allows paralyzed subjects to perform reach-grasp-release actions in 3D space. The sequential axis control methodology is used in the project to resolve low Information Transfer Rate (ITR) problem, where participant have to provide several low level commands to the robot, such as position on x, y and z axes and close/release gripper actions. With the advantage of the motor imagery paradigm the system is asynchronous and timing is controlled by the operator, so commands are not prompted by the system and operator decides the durations of motions and pauses.

The signal is preprocessed, translated to frequency domain and band-pass filtered. Preprocessed data is trained and classified by soft voting ensemble model, which includes state-of-art EEG classification models as well as boosting and decision tree based algorithms. Such ensemble classification approach was not previously exploited in BCI control architectures, and usually consisted of only one linear model such as Support-Vector Machines or Linear Regression models. Scenario experiments were provided in order to prove reliability of proposed system on 7 healthy subject. The experimental results shown that the proposed architecture is a potential paradigm to be used in a real world situations by disabled people and could be a state-of-art design to be improved in future. Also, experiments shown that several control sessions leads to further supervision improvement leading to smooth and relaxed execution of tasks, due to experience gain by subjects. Please take a look on robot control session captured video.

The demo video


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Package prerequisites: numpy <1.14.3>, scikit-learn <0.19.1>, scipy <1.1.0>, pygame <1.9.3>

Higher versions of packages should be okay.


First of all g.tec BCI kit is needed, which consists of g.USBamp signal amplifier, g.GAMMAbox electrode system for 16 channel acquisition with g.tec head cap. BufferBCI is used for data acquisition together with Simulink based g.tec system launcher. Also, Universal Robot UR5 and ROBOTIQ 3-finger gripper are needed in as a controlled device. Moreover, the code can be modified for other robotic tools, such as robotic wheelchair or mouse cursor depending on your ideas. The code is ready to use and its better to use it several times training and controlling the robot, before getting into the implementation details. Please read the "Usage" section carefully to understand the whole pipeline.

Training session

To train a new model for new subject, run file. The data collection process will start automatically if BufferBCI is already gathering data. The data for one subject should be collected for about 30-40 minutes depending on subject's fatigue. The interactive train interface was implemented using PyGame Python module having 3 indicators for left/right arms and legs, pause button to be used to allow subject to rest and finish button is used to finalize data acquisition process and train the model.

In general the script of file is not hard to understand. I created custom class named PygameButton which simply draws pygame rectangle with text on current frame. The advantage of this class is is_pushed(self) function, which checks mouse click event position and compares with position of the pygame::rectangle itself. Another useful custom class is ClassUpdater which is basically used as a random iterator which determines the labels of the time windows. Returns next window label as a number from 0 to num_of_classes parameter value. The key point is that between each consecutive nonzero labels, the ClassUpdater return zero class which denotes "rest" class, to put 1 second delay between motor imagery prompts. Also, the labels are given in a random but balanced manner. The final label vector surely will be balanced, except for 0 class which will be 3 times more than imagery classes.

Subject is guided to imagine left/right arms and leg motions by flashing indicators, using windowing approach, where one window consists of 1 second duration data of all channels. Window duration may be changed in file. Each window is considered as observation or epoch and is 2D matrix of shape freq X nChan, where freq is a sampling frequency of acquisition system and nChan is a number of channels used in analysis. The whole data is 3D tensor of shape freq X nChan X nEpoch, where nEpoch is a number of observations or labels. There is a 1 sec empty window between each motion class considered as rest class and labeled as 0. Imagery labels are flashed using smart random sequence approach, to improve abruptness of prompts, since sequential approach had bad effects on model accuracy, due to adaptation of subjects to a specific order of flashes forming common pattern signals generated by them. Random sequence module ensures that formed data is always balanced. Moreover, due to human response lag a slight delay was introduced in acquisition session, to maximize useful samples per epoch. This is tunable parameter of BCI class module and by default is set to 50 samples delay per epoch. This default parameter was chosen empirically by comparison of several models trained on various delay attributes. When Finish button is pressed, it will take about 1 minute to optimize classifier so just wait until train GUI will disappear. The script will create a folder with current date-time name in %b_%d_%Y_%H%M format. The folder contains gathered data and trained model to be used later in controlling the robot in .pickle extension format.

Control session

To control the device run script. It will initialize everything up and control session begins if BCI buffer is already gathering data. In the figure (A) below control interface can be seen. Each row of this 4x2 grid is control variant such that first row is x-axis control, second row is y-axis control, third row is z-axis control and fourth row is gripper control. Left column (-) of the grid corresponds to left arm motor imagery and right column (+) of the grid corresponds to right arm motor imagery. Left arm motor imagery (-) moves the end-effector in negative direction of current controlled axis and right arm (+) motor imagery moves in positive direction of controlled axis. Legs motor imagery is used for changing control variants sequentially such like: x -> y -> z -> g -> z -> y -> x -> y ... by ControlUpdater class. In case of subsequent "Legs class" prediction, the class blocks changing control variant for 2 seconds, to prevent accidential update.

A) Control interface displaying active axes B) 3D model of the UR5 robot with gripper indicating axis directions

In (B) part of the above figure, UR5 robot manipulator with indicated on gripper position the control axises where green, red and blue related to the X, Y and Z axises of the movement. Also, changing control dimension state is supported by audio indicator saying which axis is controlled now. Such assistance allows subject to be independent from screen while controlling the robot.

Explanation report

Signal Processing

Each channel signal samples are filtered in time and frequency fomains before applying model training/testing even in real time. Filtering techniques are explained order by order.

Signal Detrending

The raw dataset is linearly detrended at the beginning stage using scipy.signal::detrend function channel-wise. Linear detrending is crucial since decreasing impedance between scalp and electrode and gel drying cause linear trend in data. However, the information is contained in change tendencies in the sampled data and its behavior. The data points are considered as sum of signal and linear trend.

where yt is acquired data point, f(t) is a linear trend component and st is useful signal. To determine f(t) slope â and shift should be determined by least-squares fit.

by minimization of the equation above.

Spatial Filtering

Source mixing and volume conduction effects increases noise in EEG data. To minimize such effects a Common-Average Reference (CAR) filtering is applied, which is subtraction of the mean of all channels from each sample. The filter maps the data to a new space of less correlated channels with unit power.

Where n is a number of channels. For performance reasons each epoch/observation matrix is multiplied by CAR matrix instead of computing channel means per each sample per each epoch in order to translate data to common averaged space. The shape of CAR is 16X16 in particular case, in general n_channels X n_channels.

Bad channel removal

Probably some channels have bad connection having excessive noise coming from improper connection of electrode or poor contact with scalp. Excessive powered channels are detected by computing global average and standard deviation across all channels.

Channels having power of more than three standard deviations from global average are considered as bad channels and translated to CAR space.

Bad trial removal

Epoch artifacts were removed as well using similar as bad channel removal process, but across all observations. Excessive powered trials are detected by computing global average and standard deviation across all epochs.

Global observation mean and standard deviations were computed and trials with more than three standard deviations are removed from the dataset as well as from training label array.

Band-pass filtering

Welch's method is based on exploiting periodogram expected spectrum, in order to map the time series signal from time domain to frequency domain. The method is improved version of Bartlett's method which was previously used for signal noise reduction by reducing resolution of frequency. Time series of each channel is divided to windows of equal length and forming periodogram for each window block, averaging at the end.

The mth windowed, zero-padded frame from the signal x is denoted by:

where R denotes the window hop size and K denotes the number of available frames. So, periodogram of the mth window block is given by:

and the Welch expected value estimate of the power spectral density is given by:

E.g the equation above defines the average of periodograms across time. Finally, desired frequency band can be simply sliced from the Welch power spectrum estimation array.

Signal Classification

The purpose of the learning algorithm is to resolve 4 class problem, where 1, 2 and 3 labels determines left arm, right arm and leg imagery classes and 0 label determines rest class. At training session, 0 class occurs between any 2 consecutive imagery flashes, where subject have to rest and try to think about nothing. However, \textit{thinking of nothing} may generate different signals case by case. In order to clarify that, standard deviations and mean values of all 0 class observations were calculated feature-wise of preprocessed data acquired from a particular subject.

Figure: Mean and standard deviation feature space analysis of 0 class

It is clear that standard deviation of numerous features is certainly high with respect to mean value, so in general having large relative error. Therefore, including 0 class at algorithm training session may degenerate the classification accuracy of the system. To resolve the given problem, classifier is trained without 0 class data, basically fitting 3 class problem. This classifier is called "Imagery Classifier" and basically is a soft voting classifier containing 6 different learning algorithms: Support-Vector Classifier, Logistic Regression, AdaBoost Classifier, Gradient Boosting Classifier, Random Forest Classifier and Extra Trees Classifier.

Figure: Imagery Classifier

All observations of 0 label in preprocessed data are removed and applied to Voting algorithm, which trains all 6 component classifiers on the same given data. Regularization terms of Support-Vector Classifier and Logistic Regression algorithms are tuned on the fly, however other algorithms parameters are set to fixed values empirically. Class probabilities returned by component classifiers are averaged and class with highest averaged confidence score is returned in hard predictions.

Figure: Prediction pipeline, where T is zeroThreshold parameter value

In order to restore 0 class in prediction of new observation, several new custom parameters were introduced: zeroThreshold and zeroTolerance. Soft predictions with highest confidence score less than zeroThreshold are considered as 0 class. The default value for zeroThreshold is 0.1, which is obviously not enough. The tuning algorithm performs soft predictions on training data (containing 0 class) again using current zeroThreshold argument. The algorithm compares number of predicted and actual 0 labels, and in case the absolute difference between these values is less than zeroTolerance argument, the algorithm stops iteration and stores zeroThreshold to the model. Also, zeroThreshold determines the sensitivity of the full model.


Python implementation of motor imagery real-time BCI paradigm for 3D control of UR5 manipulator and ROBOTIQ gripper, with unique control session paradigm.







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