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The SQRT library

The Scrypto Quick Rtm Testing library is a tool that enables its users to easily generate and use Radix Transaction Manifests to test a Scrypto package. The Transaction Manifests are exported in a rtm subdirectory located in the package directory.


To be able to use this library for your tests, add the following line to your [dev-dependencies]:

sqrt = { git = "" }


This tool was originally built for personal use and therefore its updates might break previous code.


Some simple examples are available in the test directory. For bigger projects, a broader example can be found here.

To use the library, you have to implement two traits that will explain it how to instantiate your component and call your methods. We explain in the following subsections how to do so.

Test Environments

A TestEnvironment deals with all the technicalities of testing your Scrypto package (Components, Resources, Packages, Accounts, etc...). It enables to reference accounts, components, resources and components by names instead of addresses. It is important to note that the names are not case-sensitive.

Blueprint Trait

The first trait to implement is the Blueprint trait. It tells SQRT how to instantiate a new component of a blueprint:

pub trait Blueprint {
    /// Returns the name of the function to instantiate the blueprint
    fn instantiation_name(&self) -> &str;

    /// Returns the name of the blueprint
    fn name(&self) -> &str;

    /// Returns the type of admin badge used by the blueprint
    fn has_admin_badge(&self) -> AdminBadge;

For every blueprint, create an empty struct in your test file and implement the Blueprint trait for it. For example:

pub struct TestBp {}

impl Blueprint for TestBp { /* Implementation */ }

Method trait

The other trait to implement is the Method trait. It explains SQRT how to call methods for your blueprint:

pub trait Method {
    /// Returns the name of the method
    fn name(&self) -> &str;

    /// Returns the arguments of the method
    fn args(&self) -> Option<Vec<Arg>>;

    /// Returns whether the function needs an admin badge to get called
    fn needs_admin_badge(&self) -> bool;

    /// Returns whether to use a custom manifest name
    fn custom_manifest_name(&self) -> Option<&str>;

The standard way of implementing the trait is to create an Enum with one variant for every method of the blueprint. The arguments of the variant will be used to call the method with specific arguments.
It is up to the user to decide the name and the arguments of the variants, the implementation of the Method trait will then explain SQRT how to properly transform the variants into proper calls.
For example:

pub enum TestMethods {
    SecondMethod(String, String, u8),
    /* ... */

impl Method for TestMethods { /* Trait implementation */ }


To call a custom or a generated Manifest, SQRT uses a ManifestCall. It gives the user the ability to give more details about how to call the method/manifest. Calling a method is done in the following way:

let mut test_env = TestEnvironment::new();

Calling a custom Manifest is bit more difficult, the user has to supply a list of environment argument and their value. It is done in the following way:

let mut test_env = TestEnvironment::new();
let mut env_args = vec![];
test_env.call_custom_manifest("first_method", env_args).run();

If the user wants to get the actual manifest that is going to be run, they can add the instruction output_manifest to the ManifestCall in the following way:

let mut test_env = TestEnvironment::new();
let output: String = test_env.call_method(TestMethods::FirstMethod(dec!(0)))

If a ManifestCall is supposed to fail, the user can add the should_panic instruction and supply the expected error to ManifestCall in the following way:

let mut test_env = TestEnvironment::new();
    .should_panic(assert_error("You should send a positive amount of tokens"))


There are two types of errors:

pub enum Error {
    /// States that no error is expected
    /// States that an assertion is expected to fail with a given message
    /// States that another error should happen

Errors should be constructed by the following functions:

pub fn assert_fail(error_message: &str) -> Error {}
pub fn other_error(error: &str) -> Error {}


The way SQRT deals with methods and functions argument is by the Arg enum. The Arg enum has the following variants:

Variant Scrypto Type Arguments Example
Unit () N/A Arg::Unit
Bool(bool) bool bool: a boolean Arg::Bool(true)
I8(i8) i8 i8: an 8-bit integer Arg::I8(-3)
I16(i16) i16 i16: a 16-bit integer Arg::I16(-3)
I32(i32) i32 i32: a 32-bit integer Arg::I32(-3)
I64(i64) i64 i64: a 64-bit integer Arg::I64(-3)
I128(i128) i128 i128: a 128-bit integer Arg::I128(-3)
U8(u8) u8 u8: an 8-bit unsigned integer Arg::U8(-3)
U16(u16) u16 u16: a 16-bit unsigned integer Arg::U16(-3)
U32(u32) u32 u32: a 32-bit unsigned integer Arg::U32(-3)
U64(u64) u64 u64: a 64-bit unsigned integer Arg::U64(-3)
U128(u128) u128 u128: a 128-bit unsigned integer Arg::U128(-3)
StringArg(String) String String: a String Arg::StringArg(String::from("test"))
EnumArg(String, Vec<Arg>) Enum String: a String with the name of the variant
Vec<Arg>: arguments of the variant
For the enum pub enum Test { Test1(String), Test2(Decimal) }:
Arg::EnumArg("Test1".to_string(), vec![Arg::StringArg("ok".to_string()])
TupleArg(Vec<Arg>) Tuple Vec<Arg>: content of the Tuple as other Args Arg::TupleArg(vec![Arg::I8(-1), Arg::I8(-3)])
VecArg(Vec<Arg>) Vec Vec<Arg>: content of the Vec as other Args Arg::VecArg(vec![Arg::I8(-1), Arg::I8(-3)])
HashMapArg(HashMap<Arg, Arg>) HashMap HashMap<Arg>: content of the Hashmap as other Args Arg::HasMapArg(map) where map is an HashMap<Arg>
PackageAddressArg(String) PackageAddress String: name associated to the package in the TestEnvironment Arg::PackageAddressArg("test_pkg".to_string()")
ComponentAddressArg(String) ComponentAddress String: name associated to the component in the TestEnvironment Arg::ComponentAddressArg("test_component".to_string()")
AccountAddressArg(String) ComponentAddress String: name associated to the account in the TestEnvironment Arg::AccountAddressArg("default".to_string()")
ResourceAddressArg(String) ResourceAddress String: name associated to the resource in the TestEnvironment Arg::ResourceAddressArg("radix".to_string()")
SystemAddressArg(String) SystemAddress String: address of the system Arg::SystemAddressArg("system_3473a".to_string()")
FungibleBucketArg(String, Decimal) Bucket containing fungible resources String: name associated to the fungible resource in TestEnvironment
Decimal: amount to put in the Bucket
Arg::FungibleBucketArg("radix".to_string(), dec!(10))
NonFungibleBucketArg(String, Vec<String>) Bucket containing non fungible resources String: name associated to the non fungible resource in TestEnvironment
Vec<String>: ids of the NFR to put in the Bucket
Arg::NonFungibleBucketArg("test_nfr".to_string(), vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]
FungibleProofArg(String, Decimal) Proof of an amount of fungible resource owned String: name associated to the fungible resource in TestEnvironment
Decimal: amount to make the proof of
Arg::FungibleProofArg("radix".to_string(), dec!(10))
NonFungibleProofArg(String, Vec<String>) Proof of ids of non fungible resource owned String: name associated to the non fungible resource in TestEnvironment
Vec<String>: ids of the NFR to make the proof of
Arg::NonProofBucketArg("test_nfr".to_string(), vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]
Expression(String) Expression String: Manifest expression Arg::Expression("ENTIRE_WORKTOP".to_string())
Blob(String) Blob String: blob content Arg::Blob(String::from("<sha256_hash_of_the_blob_contents>"))
NonFungibleAddressArg(String, Box<Arg>) NonFungibleAddress String: name associated to the non fungible resource in TestEnvironment
Box<Arg>: id of the NFR
Arg::NonFungibleAddressArg("test_nfr", Box::new(Arg::U32(1)))
HashArg(String) Hash String: hash Arg::HashArg("2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824".to_string())
EcdsaSecp256k1PublicKeyArg(String) EcdsaSecp256k1PublicKey String: key in hexadecimal Arg::EcdsaSecp256k1PublicKeyArg("<hex>".to_string())
EcdsaSecp256k1SignatureArg(String) EcdsaSecp256k1Signature String: key in hexadecimal Arg::EcdsaSecp256k1SignatureArg("<hex>".to_string())
EddsaEd25519PublicKeyArg(String) EddsaEd25519PublicKey String: key in hexadecimal Arg::EddsaEd25519PublicKeyArg("<hex>".to_string())
EddsaEd25519SignatureArg(String) EddsaEd25519Signature String: key in hexadecimal Arg::EddsaEd25519SignatureArg("<hex>".to_string())
DecimalArg(Decimal) Decimal Decimal: a Decimal Arg::DecimalArg(dec!(1))
PreciseDecimalArg(PreciseDecimal) PreciseDecimal PreciseDecimal: a PreciseDecimal Arg::PrecisedDecimalArg(pdec!(2))
NonFungibleIdArg(Box<Arg>) NonFungibleId Box<Arg>: a Box to an Arg representing a NpnFungibleId Arg::NonFungibleIdArg(Box::new(Arg::U128(1234567890u128)))

Launch tests

Once the tests are written, use the following command to launch them:

cargo test -- --test-threads=1

TODO for version 1.0

  • Deal with return of blueprint methods
  • Allow multiple arguments return when instantiating a function
  • Allow multiple possible instantiation
  • Deal with states of a blueprint
  • Deal with values of NFRs
  • Deal with returns and automatically check how things should have evolved
  • Automatic implementation of method trait


Scrypto Quick Rtm Testing







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