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All day, every day we unconsciously segment the world into tidy pieces. From distinguishing and identifying elements of the physical space around us to breaking down abstract ideas into something more familiar-- decomposition on all planes of conception is fundamental to our brains.

In mathematical signal processing we use a wide variety of approaches to replicating this automatic decomposition in computer programs. There are techniques that simply compute the axes of highest variation amongst data (like Principal Component Analysis), and there are techniques that seek to parameterize human knowledge in order to pull out interpretable components (like Morphological Component Analysis). There are more explicit approaches like mathematically beamforming data streams to isolate different source signals, and there are more implicit ones like training self-supervised neural networks to encode latent axes of interest as they see fit.

Welcome to my personal PyTorch library for exploring some of these concepts (and to host unit-tested code for reproducing results from my PhD thesis).

Some tools herein:

  • dictionary learning
  • differentiable convex optimization algorithms (AKA "unrolled" learnable encoders, e.g. LISTA, LSALSA)
  • Variational Autoencoder
  • some Python wrappers for SQL

Tools I'm working on:

  • morphological component analysis tools
  • Beyond Backprop style layer-parallelized training

Some preliminary visualizations

Formal Sparse Coding Background

It is often useful to represent a signal or image in terms of its basic building blocks. For example, a smiley-face can be efficiently described as "a circle, two dots, and a curve". At least, that is more efficient than "pixel 1: value 0.1. Pixel 2: value 1" and so on for thousands of pixels. This is a rudimentary example of "sparse representation"-- i.e., if we have a dictionary of shapes and curves, we can often describe an image as a weighted-sum of those dictionary elements. The fewer the number of dictionary atoms used, the more efficient/sparse the representation is. We refer to the list of weights to use as a code, and it is sparse when most of its weights are zero.

Sparse coding is the problem of generating a dictionary from which sparse codes can be computed for every sample of a given dataset. This repository provides some tools and classes for various sparse coding experiments. As of now, the focus is on learning a linear dictionary (e.g. for vectors, including vectorized image patches) from data. The training process yields a dictionary-- i.e. a matrix, whose rows are the dictionary elements-- which can be used along with a sparse code to represent a signal.

CIFAR10 asirra16 F-mnist10

CIFAR, ASIRRA-, and Fashion-MNIST-based atoms, with patch-sizes 10x10, 16x16, and 10x10, respectively.

This procedure is originally described in "Emergence of simple-cell receptive field properties by learning a sparse code for natural images", by Olshausen and Field Nature, 381:607–609, 1996. It is famously used in "Learning Fast Approximations of Sparse Coding" (Gregor and Lecun) and recently in "LSALSA: efficient sparse coding in single and multiple dictionary settings" (Cowen, Saridena, Choromanska).

We train by minimizing with respect to the matrix/dictionary/decoder :

where is a scalar parameter that balances sparsity with reconstruction error, is the dictionary, is the p-th training data sample, and is its corresponding optimal sparse code.

What do we mean by optimal sparse code? And why would we optimize an L1 term that does not include (hence giving a zero subgradient)? The procedure is as follows.

  1. Select a batch of image patches (or whatever training data):
  2. Compute optimal codes for each . How? Fix . With fixed , is convex with respect to ! So, we compute the argument-minimimum with respect to , to obtain an optimal code. We call the optimal code of , given the current dictionary. In this repo we compute optimal codes using an algorithm called FISTA. Note: depends on , but it does NOT depend on the algorithm used to encode , since it is a convex problem with a unique solution)
  3. Next, we un-fix , compute the gradient of with respect to and perform backpropagation using the batch.
  4. Re-normalize the columns of .
  5. Go back to Step 1 and pull out a fresh batch, unless has converged.

In summary, we do not couple the problems of sparse coding (producing codes) and training a decoder (a.k.a. dictionary). Rather, we iterate between them.

After successful optimization, the following should hold:

for .

In other words, the sparse vector multiplied with the (learned) dictionary provides an efficient approximation to the signal .


  • save dictionary objects
  • put lua version on (maybe...)
  • color version
  • training script for encoders
  • re-formulate "learned FISTA"
  • look into SSNAL (see past team emails)
  • C++ Tensorflow framework....! )


L1-based dictionary learning for sparse coding







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