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=== Tribes ===
Contributors: bensibley
Tags: one-column, custom-logo, custom-menu, featured-images, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, education, news
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 5.3
Stable tag: 1.16

Tribes is a theme for publishers with powerful messages.

== Description ==

Tribes is a theme for publishers with powerful messages. This content-focused theme presents your posts beautifully across phones, tablets, and laptops thanks to its responsive design. Improve your readership and highlight your images with a distraction-free minimalist design. Tribes’ simple layout makes it great for blogging. Use it to write about business, food, music, or your personal travels. You can even publish a resume, podcast, or use it to showcase your photography.

**Live Demo**

View a fully-setup live demo of Tribes here: [Live demo](


Tribes comes with the following features:

* Custom logo
* Over 50+ social media icons
* Show full posts or excerpts
* Excerpt length control
* Custom 'read more' button text
* Hide/show post byline elements

**Tribes Pro**

Tribes also has an upgrade called [Tribes Pro]( that comes with the following features:

* Custom colors
* Featured sliders
* Featured videos
* Additional layouts
* Flexible header image
* Google fonts
* More widget areas
* Display controls
* Custom footer text