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Mechanics: speechBubble

muhahahahe edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 6 revisions

Use this mechanic to create a speechbubble like text above the caster.


Attribute Aliases Description Default
id with this you can give the speechbubble a unique identification, this is usefull for changing or removing caster UUID
offset o offsets the height at where the display will be shown 2.1
sideoffset so offsets the side at where the display will be shown 0
forwardoffset fo offsets the distance at where the display will be shown 0
linelength ll the length of 1 line till it automaticly makes a new line 20
counter c time in ticks till display hides 200
animation anim | a if there should be an animation when the display appears true
usecounter uc if the display should use the counter true
display free text, supports colorcodes, variables, and <nl> creates a new line


- speechbubble{d="Hello, &5<>&f! My name is &3<>&f Nice to meet you.";ll=20;c=300} @trigger ~onInteract
This creates a display above the caster, with the provided text and will disappear after 15 seconds.
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