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jmkerns00 edited this page Feb 22, 2014 · 23 revisions

Welcome to BetaNYC's Tools for NY City Council and Community Boards tools Wiki!

These pages are for BetaNYC's campaign to build tools for City Council, their staff, and Community Boards. Over the course of eight weeks, BetaNYC members were challenged to take NYC's Open Data and make tools. The culmination of this eight week campaign Code Across NYC, 22/23 Feb.

Currently, BetaNYC is focusing on the following realms of data: Crime and Public Safety data, Schools and Transportation, Land Use, and NYC 311.

Notes for CodeAcrossNYC participants:

Desired Outcomes for Code Across NYC 2014:

  • Create tools that help city council members and community boards understand the City’s open data.
  • Prototype tools, dashboards, and curriculum for NY City Council, their staff, and NYC Community Boards.

Prizes will be awarded to the best prototypes:

  • Best Overall Civic App
  • Most Creative Use of Open Data
  • Best Visualization of NYC Open Data
  • Best User Experience
  • Best City Council/Community Board App
  • Best Citizen Engagement App

Resources and Challenges from BetaNYC

Notes from community meetings

Highlighted Tools / Maps

Challenges, highlighted datasets, tools, and notes from the hacknights.