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Hacknight Data and tools template

Noel Hidalgo edited this page Jan 13, 2014 · 1 revision

This page is broken down into four areas.


For the month of Jan and Feb, BetaNYC is double down its advocacy investment in open data and focusing on building tools for City Council Members, their staff, and Community Boards. For eight weeks, we are looking at four data realms and building apps on top of that data: Crime and Public Safety, Schools and Transportation, Land Use, and NYC 311 data. These nights will feed into a two day hackathon (22/23 Feb), Code Across NYC.

On our first night, we explored what tools might be helpful for City Council Members, their staff, and Community Boards. You can find more of these ideas on BetaNYC's Project Idea board or read the notes from our first night:

TBD - insert meeting notes here...

Tools and Maps

This is a collection of transit and school data tools:

Hacknight Projects

This is a listing of projects people are working on at the hacknight. You might find some ideas from our kick off night (see the About or from BetaNYC's ideascale. If you are going to be working on a project, edit this page and add it below.

  • Example - "Project name. Project description. Project Lead. Contact info."
  • Fill out
  • Fill out
  • Fill out

Data Sets you can use

In general, you can find data on or NYC's APIs at The following list is a collection of relevant Gov and Non-Gov NYC datasets.

Organization Name

  • [Data Set](URL to data)