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Repository files navigation


An example PERSON RESTful API built on Spring Boot.


  • RESTful API.
  • Models with proper relationships.
  • Controllers/Models etc with proper separation.
  • oauth Authentication, used inMemoryAuthentication.
  • Hibernate used for ORM.
  • AngularJS v1.3, Bootstrap v3.3.7 used for Front end.
  • For testing, H2 database used.
  • Proper Integration Test.

Redis Cache

Redis cache is used for cache management feature offered by Redis. Redis is normally used as a cache to store repeatedly accessed data in memory so that to increase our application performance.


We apply this annotation at the main class (starter class) of our application in order to tell Spring Container that we need Caching feature in our application.


@Cacheable is used to fetch data from the DB to application and store in Redis Cache.


We use @CachePut in order to update data in the redis cache while there is any update of data in DB.


We use @CachePut in order to remove data from Redis Cache while there is any removal of data in DB.

Redis Dependencies

The below dependency add caching support and bring in all the required dependencies.


Redis Quick Start

Follow the link :

start and stop Redis server on Mac

Getting started with Redis is quite easy and straightforward. Using Homebrew, you can get it up and running within a couple of commands:

To install Redis on Mac: brew install redis

Start Redis server: brew services start redis

Stop Redis server: brew services stop redis

Restart Redis server: brew services restart redis

Run command redis-cli ping. If response to this command is PONG, your redis server is running ok.

To Access API UI

ULR: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/home

Home Page

Add Person Details

Update Person Details

API Access

POST /oauth/token get oauth token to access the API
GET /api/v1/persons/?access_token={token_value} get all person list
GET /api/v1/persons/{person_id}?access_token={token_value} get person details by ID list
POST /api/v1/persons/?access_token={token_value} save person details
PUT /api/v1/persons/?access_token={token_value} update person
DELETE /api/v1/persons/{person_id}?access_token={token_value} delete person


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