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People dies, which sucks. Sometimes disaster comes so unexpectedly, so fast, that people has no prepare for it. Lots of things will be hidden after death. The secrets, the messages never sent, the truths waited to be told, will be buried with the body, not to say if the disaster destroyed the body. Young people won't prepare any wills, for they are too young for that. How to let others know who you really are, what you really are thinking, what secrets you want others to know after death? Here we are. TuoGuBao, a software helps you keep all your secrets when you are alive, and send all secrets to people who are supposed to get those when things happen. TuoGuBao, one thing you can trust, with your life.


  • Store your secrets, and people who are supposed to receive that. NOT IN PLAINTEXT.
  • Update the contacts' contact.
  • Send the messages only after an authorized proof of death.


  • Active: People who want to save the messages.
  • Passive: People who receive the messages.

Work Flow

  • User sign up / sign in
  • Save contacts' information
  • Save messages for them
  • When authorized proof of death arrives, the messages automatically sent to them
  • Recipient recive a code and use it to login
  • Recipient see the message

Use Cases

User 1: Alice (Active user):

  • Register and login
  • Save Bob as her recipient
  • Save a message:
    There's a box in my closet behind my suitcase, in the case there is a diary book with a lock.
  • Save Carl as her recipient
  • Save a message:
    There's a key under my car's backseat, pick it up and wait until further notice.
  • Save Diane as her recipient
  • Save a message:
    Please call Carl. Tell him to send the thing to Bob.

User 2: Bob (Passive User):

  • Login with the code from the system, generated by the system
  • See the message. Get the notebook

User 4: Diane (Passive User):

  • Login with the code from the system, generated by the system
  • See the message. Call Carl.

User 3: Carl (Passive User):

  • Login with the code from the system, generated by the system
  • See the message. Get the key. Give it to Bob.

Functional Requirements

  • Authentication
  • Data entry for contacts
  • Data entry for messages
  • Create ids for recipients
  • Receive / Retrieve authorized death proof from government, periodically or manually
  • Send messages to designated people
  • Show only messages for users with special ids


Main Page

When Alive

The user is the user

  • Very warm welcome
  • Novel ways to confidentially save message
  • Kinds of messages appropriate to save
  • Entry to contacts
  • Entry to messages

After Death

Then, unfortunately, the user is any people get this password

  • All messages and contacts are gone
  • Display a message to all
  • Display some images, links or any information the user wanted to show others

Contact & Message Page

  • 2-column layout, contacts on the left and messages on the right
  • Every first entry, see all of the two lists
  • Click a contact, highlight the contact, list all messages related to the contact
  • Click a message, highlight the message, list all contacts related to the message

Contact's Page

When People login with their contactIDs

  • Sorry for your lost
  • Display the message to the contact

Admin Page