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PU-GACNet: Graph Attention Convolution Network for Point Cloud Upsampling

This is the official implementation for paper PU-GACNet: Graph Attention Convolution Network for Point Cloud Upsampling

Previous methods including PU-Net, MPU (3PU), PU-GAN, Dis-PU, PU-GCN and the repositories of PU-GCN support training our PU-GACNet. Please kindly cite all of the methods.


This repository is based on Tensorflow (1.13.1) and the TF operators from PointNet++. Therefore, you need to install tensorflow and compile the TF operators.

You can check the for details how to install the environment. In the second step, for compiling TF operators, please check and in tf_ops folder, one has to manually change the path!!.


  1. Clone the repository:
    cd PU-GAC
  2. Install the environment:

    Once you have modified the path in and under tf_ops, you can simply install pugac environment by:

    conda activate pugac
  3. Download the dataset:

    You can download PU1K dataset from Google Drive and place it into PU-GAC/data/PU1K.

    The directory tree of the data file is as follows:


    Since PU1K benchmark data is used, no data preprocessing operations are required. If you want to use your own datasets, you can refer to data_preprocessing/prep_data for data processing.

  4. Train the models:

    • PU-GACNet
    python --phase train --model pugac --upsampler edge-aware_nodeshuffle --k 20
    • PU-GCN
    python --phase train --model pugcn --upsampler nodeshuffle --k 20
    • PU-Net
    python --phase train --model punet --upsampler multi_cnn
    • MPU
    python --phase train --model mpu --upsampler duplicate
    • PU-GAN
    python --phase train --model pugan --more_up 2
  5. Evaluate the models:

    Before testing, please copy the corresponding model to the pretrain folder. Then you can run the scripts

    source # please look this file and `` for details
  6. Test on the real-scanned dataset:

    Before testing, please copy the corresponding model to the pretrain folder. Then you can run the scripts

     source # please look this file and `` for details
  7. Visualization:

    You can use meshlab or cloudcompare software for visualization. Furthermore, mayavi is also a good choice.


If PU-GACNet and the repo are useful for your research, please consider citing:

  author  = "Lequan Yu and Xianzhi Li and Chi-Wing Fu and Daniel Cohen-Or and Pheng-Ann Heng.",
  year    = 2018,
  title   = "{Pu-net: Point cloud upsampling network}",
  booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition {(CVPR-18)}", 
  pages   = "2790-2799",

  author  = "Yifan Wang and Shihao Wu and Hui Huang and Daniel Cohen-Or and Olga Sorkine-Hornung.",
  year    = 2019,
  title   = "{Patch-based progressive 3d point set upsampling}",
  booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition {(CVPR-19)}", 
  pages   = "5958-5967",

  author  = "Ruihui Li and Xianzhi Li and Chi-Wing Fu and Daniel Cohen-Or and Pheng-Ann Heng.",
  year    = 2019,
  title   = "{Pu-gan: A point cloud upsampling adversarial network}",
  booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision {(ICCV-19)}", 
  pages   = "7203-7212",

  author  = "Ruihui Li and Xianzhi Li and PhengAnn Heng and ChiWing Fu.",
  year    = 2021,
  title   = "{Point cloud upsampling via disentangled refinement}",
  booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition {(CVPR-21)}", 
  pages   = "344-353",

  author  = "Guocheng Qian and Abdulellah Abualshour and Guohao Li and Ali Thabet and Bernard Ghanem.",
  year    = 2021,
  title   = "{Pu-gcn: Point cloud upsampling using graph convolutional networks}",
  booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition {(CVPR-21)}", 
  pages   = "11683-11692",
