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Simple truffle box template for a front-end dapp

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Bitski Dapp Quickstart

This is a quick starting point for a web dapp built using Truffle and the Bitski SDK. The front-end is powered by plain javascript using webpack, and can easily be swapped out. This project is also configured to be easily deployed to Heroku.



The easiest way to get started is to use our truffle box:

mkdir ProjectName
cd ProjectName
truffle unbox BitskiCo/quickstart

Alternatively, you can just clone this repo and run:

npm install

Project structure

Path Description
app/ example javascript front-end app that demonstrates Bitski sign in, web3 usage, and importing contracts.
build/ the compiled json metadata for your contracts (generated from truffle migrate).
contracts/ Solidity contracts for your dapp.
migrations/ Truffle migrations for your dapp. See 2_deploy_contracts.js for an example of deploying a contract.
public/ static files to be served from your app's root.
test/ truffle tests
package.json metadata about this project. customize with your details.
bitski.config.js bitski configuration. update with your app's client id, and app wallet info.

Creating your Client ID

You'll need a Bitski client id to run this app. Your client id provides some basic information to users about your application, and links various permissions granted by the user to your app.

Visit Bitski's Developer Portal, create an account if you haven't already, and create a new app. You can find your client ID under the "OAuth" section on your app details page.

Create App

Then you'll also want to add a redirect URL for localhost, where we'll be running the app locally: http://localhost:3000/public/callback.html

Redirect URL

Developing locally

This example uses webpack to combine some simple static files and plain javascript. Locally we'll use webpack-dev-server to serve the app.

Step 1: Edit your config

First, open bitski.config.js and paste your client id (from the developer portal):

// bitski.config.js

app: {

Step 2: Start the development blockchain

Then, start Truffle's development blockchain:

truffle develop

From the truffle console you can just type migrate:

truffle> migrate

Or outside the console, just run:

truffle migrate

Step 3: Start the web server

Then, in a new terminal window, run the development web server:

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 to run the app. If everything is set up correctly, you should be able to log in to the dapp and see your wallet address. While in development mode, changes you make to the app will automatically trigger a reload of the page.

Customizing the Dapp

Getting the example code working is just the beginning. Now it's up to your imagination to bring this dapp to life.

Start by designing your contract using Solidity. You'll put any contracts you write or reference in the /contracts folder. We've created a placeholder contract MyContract.sol that you can modify, or simply create a new .sol file.

Then, you'll want to write some simple tests to make sure your contract logic works as expected. Those go under the /tests folder. You can test them by running truffle test.

Once your contract is looking good, you'll want to get it built and deployed. You'll need to write migrations to deploy each of your contracts to the blockchain. See migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js for a very simple example. These migration files are run when you call truffle migrate.

Now that your contract is deployed, you should have a json file representing the contract you wrote in /build/contracts. You can use that file to call methods on your contract. See app/app.js and app/contract.js for example usage.

Deploying to a public server using Heroku

This template is designed to be easy to deploy on Heroku for live demos. The server is powered by server.js, a simple Express app that routes the files created by webpack.

Step 1: Deploy your contract with Truffle & Bitski App Wallet

First, since this will be a publicly accessible app you'll need to deploy your contract to a public blockchain.

In order to deploy your contract using Bitski, you'll need to have set up an app wallet. If you haven't already set one up, visit the Developer Portal, navigate to your app, visit the Credentials tab, and select 'New Credential'. Paste your credential id and secret under appWallet in bitski.config.js. Then, navigate to the App Wallet tab, and select 'New Account'. This will create a new ethereum account dedicated for your app.

To get your app wallet's address, run npm run get-address.

Next, decide if you're going to use a test network (kovan or rinkeby) where ETH can be acquired for free, or live network where you'll have to pay with real ETH.

Make sure you add some ETH to your wallet to pay the transaction fees to deploy your contract. How much you need depends on how complex your contract is, but a good place to start is 0.1 or 0.2 ETH.

If you're deploying on a test net, you can get ETH from a faucet, otherwise buy some ETH from Coinbase and send it to your App Wallet's address.

Finally, run the migrate command with the desired network value (live, kovan, or rinkeby):

truffle migrate --network live

Step 2: Deploy your front-end app on Heroku

Make sure you have a Heroku account, and have installed heroku-cli. Then, create your heroku app using heroku-cli:

heroku apps:create my-app-name

Heroku will create a new project with the name you specified and will output your new URL in the console.

Now that you have a dedicated URL for your app, update your redirect url in the developer portal to include your callback route on the new domain (

Redirect URL

Then, make sure your bitski.config.js production environment is configured correctly:

  • Add your new url to environments.production.redirectURL (making sure to include /callback.html)
  • Make sure matches where your contract was deployed

Commit your changes:

git add .
git commit -m "Made some changes"

Then, push to Heroku:

git push heroku master

Finally, check out your live site!

heroku open

Updating your app

Whenever you want to update the front-end application, simply commit your changes and push to heroku again.

git push heroku master


Simple truffle box template for a front-end dapp






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