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Data dictionary

Jolyon Joseph Miles-Wilson edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 2 revisions
variable class description
index integer The position of the local authority in the coordinate list used for extraction. Mainly used for debugging to check what index the code got to before it broke.
la_name character The name of the Local Authority District where the stop occurred
la_code character The code of the Local Authority District where the stop occurred
county character The county where the stop occurred
region character The region where the stop occurred
country character The country where the stop occurred
force character The name of the Police Force that serves the area where the stop occurred
date Date The date of the stop
time character The time of the stop.  Note that some forces only provide dates for their stop and searches, so you might see a disproportionate number of incidents occuring at midnight.
age_range character The age range of the person stopped at the time the stop occurred
gender character The gender of the person stopped
self_defined_ethnicity character The ethnicity of the person stopped, as reported by the person stopped
officer_defined_ethnicity character The ethnicity of the person stopped, as reported by the officer
object_of_search character What was searched for
legislation character The power used to carry out the stop and search
outcome character The outcome of the stop. false if nothing was found, an empty string if no outcome was provided.
location.longitude character Approximate longitude of where the stop was made. This is an anonymised - see
location.latitude character Approximate latitude of where the stop was made. This is an anonymised - see character Unique identifier for the location. This is an anonymised - see character Name of the location. This is an anonymised - see
involved_person character Whether a person was searched in this incident (derived from type; true if anything but 'Vehicle search')
outcome_linked_to_object_of_search character Whether the outcome was related to the reason the stop and search was carried out, as a boolean value (or null if not provided)
removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing character Whether the person searched had more than their outer clothing removed, as a boolean value (or null if not provided)
type character Whether this was a 'Person search', a 'Vehicle search', or a 'Person and Vehicle search'
coord_set integer The coordinate subset of the LAD for this stop. Some LADs are comprised of multiple polygons (e.g., areas with islands), which are searched independently.
operation character Whether this stop and search was part of a policing operation
number_months_acquired numeric The number of months of stop records acquired for this LAD. Some months for some areas may not have recorded data. This variable tracks how many months have been acquired for this LAD.
proportion_months_acquired numeric The number of months of stop records acquired for this LAD as a proportion of the total number of months requested. Some months for some areas may not have recorded data. This variable tracks what proportion of the requested months have been acquired for this LAD.
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