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How to

To configure everything use the script. Make sure to make it executable with:

chmod +x ~/dotFiles/

To use this script you will need GNU Stow, which can be installed with your package manager of choice. With Mac OS X I prefer to use homebrew.

brew install stow


I like to use zsh as my shell, and Antigen to configure plugins and my prompt of choice, powerlevel10k. If you want to explore more of the features of zsh, my framework of choice is Prezto. I agree with most of the defaults and on my machine it performs better than Oh My Zsh.


For my nvim setup I use the vim-plug package manager which can be setup using:

sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'

Favorite terminal programs

Here is a list of the terminal applications I use the most often:

tmux                # Terminal multiplexer
fzf                 # Fuzzy finder, for files, etc.
ddgr                # DuckDuckGo from the terminal
nnn                 # A light terminal file browser
ripgrep             # Very fast regex file search
mpd mpc ncmpcpp mpv # For playing music, videos
ffmpeg              # Video and audio tools
neofetch            # For displaying sys info
git vim python      # Mac versions are old....
coreutils           # GNU versions of less, etc.
bat                 # `cat` w/ syntax highlighting
htop                # A better version of `top`
ncdu                # `du` w/ a TUI and more features
tldr                # When `man` is too long
jq                  # A commandline JSON processor


For the most part I prefer to use base16 colors, so the terminal colors you use in iTerm, or your terminal of choice, will largely determine the appearance of the packages installed. I have recently been using the popular nord theme. To load these colors into iTerm, you will need follow this guide.


I use the Meslo Nerd Font patched for powerlevel10k, which can be installed by following this guide.


Configuring zsh, vim and tmux!







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