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Blocitoff Seed Application

This application is meant to be a pre-packaged backend for the Blocitoff Frontend Project.

It uses:

  • Grunt for task management
  • Express for backend
  • Angular and ui-router for its frontend
  • Sass/CSS (whichever is preferred) for styling
  • Plain ol' HTML for markup
  • Mongodb for storing data

Note: While everything here should work fine with your computer, there may be some setup required for MongoDB. Try running the app without doing any separate installation, but if it doesn't work, try the following: If you're running Mac OSX, then you can follow these instructions for getting Mongo setup. If you're running a Linux server (like Vagrant or Nitrous), you can make a run at these instructions, though you're probably best served doing this with your mentors help.

Cloning and Installation

To get started working with the application, clone the repo into a new directory.

$ git clone blocitoff

Once you've cloned it, make sure to install all the necessary packages. If you're on Windows using Vagrant, don't forget to use the --no-bin-links param with npm install.

For Mac/Linux/

$ pwd # make sure you're in the blocitoff root directory
$ npm install
$ bower install

For Windows/Vagrant

$ npm install --no-bin-links
$ bower install

Directory Structure

   |   |__home/
   |   |__main/
   |   |__app.js & app.scss
   |   |__images/

The app is structured differently from Bloc Jams. There are two main directories in the app: client and server. We recommend staying away from changing anything about the server directory unless you have a mentor willing to give you some insight into what's going on with it. It provides the backend logic for our application and could break the app if tampered with.

We'll be keeping all of our development in client. Within client there are several subdirectories that are important for doing the Frontend of the app.

Component Organization

The app is organized by feature, not by component type. This means that instead of having a folder for controllers, models, styles, etc., everything that has to do with a single feature or part of the app is grouped into one directory, regardless of language or function of the component.

For example, in the home directory we have everything related to the homepage (even though very little of it is populated). Styling, controller logic and markup is all in the same folder.

The assets folder should only be used for static assets like images and fonts. Scripts and styling will be put into component folders in this app structure.

Global Logic

Put anything that is relevant to the entirety of your Angular app in the app.js and app.scss files. This includes module importation and state definitions. Open the files and get a sense for what kind of stuff might be included.

Running the App

The app uses Grunt for running tasks, including running the server in development mode. To get started running the app locally, just run:

$ grunt serve -d

Pay attention to the output in the terminal while the app is running. Some of it may be useful, as detailed error messages, benchmarks, and tests run with Grunt's watch task. The app should auto-reload everytime you change and save anything in the client directory (no need to refresh the page).

The app runs on localhost:9000. It should open the page automatically in Google Chrome on start, but if it doesn't, you can navigate to the site manually.

Interacting with the Backend to Make Data Persist

The backend is configured with one model for saving data - Task. Tasks have two properties, name and description. If you create an ngSubmit-driven save for tasks, you can pass an object with those two properties and have them save permanently to your mongodb backend.

Routes/API Endpoints

The base route for making HTTP request is /api/tasks. The app supports the standard simple HTTP actions for handling data:

  • POST to /api/things to create a task
  • GET to /api/things to query a list of all tasks
  • GET to /api/things/:id for querying a single task
  • PUT to /api/things to update a specific task
  • DELETE to /api/things/:id to delete a task

Recommended Angular Services and Directives

Use a service like $http to make HTTP requests to the api, and something like ngSubmit to create task data. An ngRepeat might be good for listing all of your tasks.

Questions or Repeated Errors?

Email me


Clone-able backend for Blocitoff Project






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