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An all in one replacement for jquery with DI and modules, very lightweight yet very powerful

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All in one replacement for jQuery with DI and modules, very lightweight yet very powerful


$  bower install Minimum

Why and when to use Minimum?

  • Because we did not want to "copy and paste" code each time we wanted to use code from: YOU MIGHT NOT NEED JQUERY. Also we have copied some little code from _lodash.
  • We needed a small footprint. 8k minified - 3k gziped
  • We needed it to work on IE8 and newer versions
  • We needed a small DI framework module pattern for our Javascript vanilla projects
  • We needed a similar functionality to jQuery.Callbacks() to easily and explicitly manage events.

How to use Minimum?

Minimum is really easy to use. The Minimum shortcut is just mm

Some examples:

Http request example:

function getData(url, callback){
	if (!mm.isFunction(callback)) {
	    throw 'callback should be a function';
	mm.getJSON(url, function (data) {
	        function onError(err) {
	            throw 'Failed request to get the data. Error: ' + err;

Check the main mm functions such as ajax, foreach, inArray, getScript, extend, getQueryStringValues, etc:

DOM Examples:

var timeLineElem = mm.byId('timeline');
mm.addClass(timeLineElem , 'superClass');
mm.removeClass(timeLineElem , 'uglyClass');
mm.text(timeLineElem , 'some cooltext');
var text = mm.text(timeLineElem);

//do cool stuff wen the dom is loaded

When manipulating DOM elements the element is always the first parameter. See all the DOM functions:

Dependency Injection, modules and application

Minimum modules are really similar to AngularJS ones.

mm.module('firstModule', function(){
	return { description: 'mm is cool'};

mm.module('complexModule', ['firstModule'], function(firstModule){
	return { print : function(){
						mm.console.log('Print description: ' + moduleName.description);
});['complexModule'], function('complexModule'){

mm.module(moduleName, [dependencyArray], func)

  • moduleName | string: name of the module
  • dependencyArray | array of strings | optional : is the array of dependencies that are required by the module to execute
  • func | function: the function to be executed, only once. This function will get the dependencies by parameters, in the same order as the dependencyArray.[dependencyArray], func) app will be only executed once when the Dom is loaded. It only supports one "app" module.

  • dependencyArray | array of strings | optional : is the array of dependencies that are required by the module to execute
  • func | function: the function to be executed, only once. This function will get the dependencies by parameters, in the same order as the dependencyArray.


Minimum Callbacks is almost equals to jQuery.Callbacks() . So basically is a object to manage callbacks lists. The idea is to mange the list of callbacks in an explicit way:


var businessObject = {};
businessObject._businessEvent = mm.callbacks();
businessObject.doSomething = function(){;
businessObject.onBusinessEvent = businessObject._businessEvent.add;

	console.log('Hello Callbacks');
	console.log('Bye Callbacks');

///--> print 'Hello Callbacks'
///--> print 'Bye Callbacks'

mm.callbacks has some other features like:

  • suspend and resume the execution of the events callbacks, it is a good solution for binding and unbinding UI controls.
  • setAutoFireOnNewAdds: is used to autofire events for new listeners that were attached after the callback was fired.
  • mm.callbacks(false): enforces that any error that could be thrown by a listener function, is not bubbled up. So the execution of your app is not stopped. note: the trapped errors will always be shown on the console.

Check callbacks code and tests:


If you wanna add any code from YOU MIGHT NOT NEED JQUERY, just send the PR.


An all in one replacement for jquery with DI and modules, very lightweight yet very powerful






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