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Bluelearn Design System

Table of contents

Getting Started

First you have to install all the dependencies that are available in the root folder using

yarn setup

Install all the dependencies that are available inside components, schema and theme using

yarn setup

Build all the three packages(i.e component,schema,theme) using

yarn build

Start the storybook using

yarn storybook-start

Now storybook will run in local server at http://localhost:6006/ and all the components will render inside that and one can change the props to customize components and test it out.

If you want to deploy the storybook to then run the following command

yarn storybook-deploy

Steps for adding a new component

  1. Create a new folder for that component in packages/component/src then add parent file component.tsx and base file component.base.tsx for that component as per requirement and add stories file component.stories.tsx and mock file component.mock.tsx inside that folder to render that component in storybook.
  2. Create Schema for that component inside packages/schema/src and define schema for base as well as parent component as per requirement.
  3. Create theme for that component inside packages/theme/src/light-mobile.First define attributes for light theme and then change the color and as per requirement for dark theme in packages/theme/src/dark-mobile

Steps for adding a new SVG Icon

  1. Copy an icon from the figma file
  2. Convert it into React Native SVG using
  3. Create a new file with the same name as the component in the packages/component/src/icon/icon-list
  4. Change the width, height and color/fill attributes with width={props.size} height={props.size} fill={props.color}
  5. Add the name of the icon in packages/schema/src/icon/index.ts
  6. Add the name and icon component in packages/theme/src/icons/index.ts (Make sure you don't forget to import the icon from components repo)