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Text Display

derammo edited this page Mar 28, 2020 · 6 revisions

The Text Display control is similar to the Panel Decorations: Label but adds some additional features:

  • Text Padding, which functions like text padding in HTML/CSS
  • a simple Parser that can map values


If you want to display some text that is different from the raw text you receive from the simulator, you can either script the Bindings in Lua or use the parser functionality in the Text Display.

To map values, you construct a list of values that you receive from the simulator (DCS, BMS, etc.) and what value you want to display when that value is received. For example:

Raw Display
123 what the fork
456 unknown
anotherinput anotheroutput

Then you format these pairs into a list of values like so:

123=what the fork;456=unknown;anotherinput=anothervalue

Finally, you install this list into the Text Edit's "Parser Info" property and turn on Use Parser:

Note that you have to click on another control (not the "Parser Info" box) before you save the profile, because changes to the Parser Info are not written back until you select another control ("change focus.")