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Open-source modding API for Minecraft

🤔 Why?

  • Faster update (since it uses mojang mapping, no need to make our mapping)
    • it does not mean "fast update", because sometimes i don't have enough time to work on this project :(
  • Deobfuscated code (classes, fields, methods, and sometimes local variables)
  • Simple steps to get started making mods

⚠️ Important Warning

Blueberry is a very small project. Whilst I try not to break API compatibility, but things could change at anytime!

✨ Key features

  • Live Compiler (compiles the mod from .java files when loading a mod)
    • Recompile button on the mod list menu to recompile and reload the mod (see issues for known issues)
    • See the documentation for more details and how to use it properly
  • Mixin support
  • File selection screen within the client (FileDialogScreen)
  • Bundled Kotlin (v1.7.0)

✏️ Translations

All translation PRs are welcome!

To start the translation of the project, please follow these steps:

  • Fork the project
  • Clone the project with VSCode or anything you can browse files and edit them
  • Go to Blueberry-API/src/main/resources/assets/blueberry/lang, create or modify the translation file! (Do not edit en_us.json unless they are misspelled)
  • Create a PR with your changes.

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