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Special xHV Tags

Scott Reeves edited this page Feb 23, 2021 · 6 revisions

Components, and by extension, views can contain special xml tags that Controllers will use as landmarks when Interpolating the template into a proper view. This table describes those tags and their functions. These are not to be confused with xHV View Attributes.

Both xHV Tags and xHV Attributes are defined in xhvHtmlTempaltingSyntax.bas

xHV Tags

Tag Definition
{name}-component root node of the name component
xhv-routerport Defines 'xhv-routerport' as the routerport Element (Child components mount here and receive navigation)
xhv-component Defines 'xhv-component' as the tag to identify a HandleView component
xhv-eventhandler Defines 'xhv-eventhandler' as the tag used to identify the event handler to call
component Defines 'component' tag as a wrapper tag for a given child component
xhv-script Defines 'xhv-script' as a named function that can be called
xhv-css Defines 'xhv-css' as a CSS tag that HandleView can manage

xHV Attributes

Attribute Definition
xhv-eventlistener Defines 'xhv-eventlistener' as the start of an event handler in html
xhv-event Defines 'xhv-event' as the tag to identify which event to subscribe to
xhv-eventhandler Defines 'xhv-eventhandler' as the tag to identify which method to call when the event is raised
xhv-params Defines 'xhv-params' as the tag to hold Parameters passed to the handling script
xhvtype Holds component Type data: @See xhvType.bas


This attribute is special. The value of this attribute will be passed into the event handler as ParamArray() such that the event handler will be able to modify it's behavior or the state of the app based on these values.

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