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School Admin Vue and Node

A full school administration project with four types of logins (school admin, school teacher, students, parents) using the MEVN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, Node.js) is a comprehensive task, but I can provide you with a high-level outline to get you started. Keep in mind that this is a simplified version, and you can expand and customize it based on your specific requirements.

1. Setting up the Project

Install Node.js and npm if you haven't already. Set up a MongoDB database to store the necessary information (users, courses, etc.).

2. Backend (Node.js and Express.js)

Set up the backend server using Express.js and Node.js. Implement user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to handle logins securely. Create API endpoints to handle CRUD operations for users, courses, grades, etc. Define different roles (school admin, school teacher, students, parents) and their permissions.

3. Frontend (Vue.js)

Set up the frontend using Vue.js. Create separate pages for each user type and a login page. Implement authentication and authorization to restrict access to certain pages based on user roles. Use Vue Router for navigation between pages.

4. Database Models (MongoDB)

Design the MongoDB schema for users, courses, grades, etc. Implement database models and schema validation using Mongoose.

5. User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX)

Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for each user type. Implement forms for user login, course registration, grade submission, etc. Add features like search, sorting, and filtering for easy data access.

6. Authentication and Authorization

Implement JWT-based authentication on the backend and frontend. Manage user sessions and handle token expiration. Authorize specific actions based on user roles.

7. User Actions

Allow school admins to manage teachers, students, and parents. Enable school teachers to manage their courses and grades. Provide students and parents access to view grades, attendance, and other relevant information.

8. Testing and Debugging

Perform unit testing to ensure the functionality of various components. Debug and fix issues that may arise during development.

9. Deployment

Deploy the backend on a server (e.g., using Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean). Deploy the frontend to a static web hosting service (e.g., Netlify).