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Boran edited this page Nov 5, 2012 · 7 revisions

Q. Compatibility of switches: Will Netwgear, 3com etc.. work with freenac?

A. Only cisco switches understand VMPS. Our reference installations are cisco only. Some parts of freenac like SNMP polling and 802.1x authentication may work on other switches.

Q. Can I buy freenac, or is there commercial supprt?

A. No.

Q. is Freenac used in production?

A. Yes, the core devs had it live on several productive networks, but that has reduced to only one since 2011. However there are at least 40-50 installations worldwide, but without a cohesive community :-(.

Q. Is the freenac project dead, is it being developed further?

A. The project has been in "maintenance mode" since 2010, meaning the core developer fixes issues for his own installation, but don't have time/resources/community for new features. Co-maintainers are needed. If you wish to contribute or have questions, ask or fork on github, Freenac is Opensource.

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