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clEVEr - EVE Online portal and Discord bot

Based on PHP ^7.1 (Symfony 4.3.*) and MySQL.


Join the Discord channel.

What is it for?

With this web-portal you can make your corp. or alliance members authenticate.

  • Discord roles can be added by the members themselves (via auth command)
  • Discord roles are automatically removed if members leave (alli/corp)
  • Have a corporation bulletin that members can read
  • Authorize certain members to edit the corporation bulletin

Future expansions:

  • Inspection tool and HR module; Certain members can inspect others (for recruitment)
  • As member, an overview of your killboard, industry jobs, mail, mining ledger, PI jobs, skill queue and wallet
  • Feeds and notification in Discord of what is going on with your members/corp.


Overview of landing page after login

Discord authentication request

Authenticating in Discord

Automatic role removal if applicable

Editing the corporation bulletin

How to install

1. Setup your EVE Online application

To have your users login to the clEVEr portal you need to create an EVE application here. Log in with you EVE account, and click on 'applications' → 'create new application'.

Field Value
Name fill for example: clEVEr portal
Description E.g. A web portal for my corporation
Connection Type Choose Authentication & API Access
Permissions Choose the permissions in the list blow
Callback URL Must be: https://your-url-for-this.portal/**callback**


  • publicData
  • esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1
  • esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1
  • esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1
  • esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1
  • esi-planets.manage_planets.v1
  • esi-mail.organize_mail.v1
  • esi-mail.read_mail.v1
  • esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1
  • esi-industry.read_character_mining.v1
  • esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1
  • esi-characters.read_corporation_roles.v1
  • esi-killmails.read_corporation_killmails.v1
  • esi-corporations.read_contacts.v1
  • esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1
  • esi-corporations.read_starbases.v1
  • esi-corporations.read_structures.v1
  • esi-corporations.read_facilities.v1
  • esi-characters.read_fw_stats.v1
  • esi-corporations.read_fw_stats.v1

You'll need the 'Client ID' and the 'Secret Key' to be configured in the clEVEr application.

2. Setup your Discord bot

To have your Discord working together with the clEVEr portal, create a Discord application here. Log in and click 'New Application'. Give the bot the name clEVEr or any other name you want. Click 'Create'.

  • Choose an icon. This will be the icon of your Discord application.

Go to 'Bot' (in the left-side menu).

  • Choose an icon. This will be the icon/avatar of your bot in your Discord channel(s).
  • Choose a username. This will be the name other members of your Discord will see.

Go to 'OAuth2' (in the left-side menu).

  • For 'scopes' click bot.
  • For permissions click:
    • Manage Roles
    • Kick Members
    • Change Nickname
    • Manage Nicknames
    • View Channels
    • Send Messages
    • Send TTS Messages
    • Manage Messages
    • Read Message History
    • Mention Everyone

Now click the 'copy' button in the middle of the page. Open the link in your browser (addressbar) to invite the bot in your Discord.

3. Install clEVEr on a server

If you need help, contact me on Discord (see above).

  • You can git clone this repository
git clone --branch RELEASE_NAME
git clone --branch 1.0.0
  • Make a vhost on your machine that points to the /public directory of the installation.

  • When cloned, copy the dummy configuration files:

cp configuration.dist.json configuration.local.json
cp .env .env.local

Important! Edit the configuration values! See below. After that, install with:

composer install --no-dev

Note: By default this Symfony installation is set to production mode, if you want to contribute, make sure your APP_ENV in .env.local is set to dev.

! important. If you make changes to the configuration files, you have to run composer install --no-dev again.

How to use, server side

There are 'commands' available to run the Discord bot subscribers.


Command to have a long-running-process to listen to commands from the Discord channels the bot has read-rights for. You can start this manually (with an always-open terminal screen or tmux) or with manage it with supervisord.

bin/console clever:discord:consumer

Role validator

Command to have a process that validates the roles Discord users have agains the configuration (and removes/adds them if applicable). You can put this in a cronjob.

bin/console clever:discord:police

Configuration reference

If you make changes to the configuration files, you have to run composer install --no-dev again.


Environment variables.

Key Description Example
APP_ENV Environment setting Can be prod or dev
APP_SECRET String used for user authentication anything 'secret'
DATABASE_URL Database connection string mysql://user:pass@
EVE_APP_CALLBACK_URL The callback url you chose in the EVE application https://your.url/**callback**
EVE_APP_CLIENT_ID Your EVE application ID ca2482w8508b431839c228bcs04ds4e4
EVE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET Your EVE application secret 0r8vT89cYk9zofBBQfU87LtrxHiw
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN The token for you Discord bot (found in your Discord application under 'General Information') NTkxMDs8


Application configuration.

  • Get EVE char/alli/corp IDs here search, click, then look for the ID behind the 'Last Updated' text (small letters at the bottom).
  • How-to get Discord IDs

If the name is null, the 'Powered by block will not be displayed'.

Key Description
alliance_id An alliance id (optional, default null)
corporation_id A corporation id (optional, default null), not used if the alliance_id is filled
name Can be alli/corp name

An array of corporations that have a bulletin, and the EVE character IDs that can edit the bulletin.

 "corporation_bulletins": {
  "CORPORATION ID 1": [		<== this corporation has a bulletin
    "CHARACTER ID 1",		<== these EVE character IDs can edit the bulletin

An array of roles that need authorization. List all the roles here that you use in alliance_roles or corporation_roles. Example:

"authorized_roles": [
alliance_roles and corporation_roles

Per alliance or corporation, indicate which roles must be added to the Discord members.


The Discord channel ID the bot will output some logging to (e.g. the 'police' log).

-- Again. If you need help, contact me on Discord (see above).


Roles are not being set?

  • Make sure that the Discord bot has the rights mentioned in paragraph 2 (kick and re-invite the bot)
  • Make sure the Discord bot role is as high as possible (play with bot role permissions)
  • Make sure the Discord role ID you want to add to a user is correct
  • Make sure the Discord role is wrapped in quotes in the configuration: "29348489234712382"
  • Make sure the Discord bot has access to the channels where the !auth command can be entered
  • If there is an error, it should display in the console/supervisor-log where you started the bot.

The 'police' command does not log in the bot-log-channel

  • See previous question ;)
  • If there was an error, it should be mentioned in the log channel


Please! Make forks, pull requests etc. And let me know on Discord :)