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Feathers UI for OpenFL and Haxe Change Log

1.0.0-beta.8 (2021-01-06)

  • TreeGridView: New component that displays a tree of hierarchical data with multiple columns, like a mix between TreeView and GridView.
  • HierarchicalItemRenderer: New subclass of ItemRenderer that is used by both TreeView and TreeGridView. Includes a toggle button to open and close branches, and an optional branch or leaf icon, in addition to the text, secondary text, icon and accessory provided by ItemRenderer. This component replaces TreeViewItemRenderer, which is now deprecated and will be removed in a future update.
  • FlowRowsLayout: New layout that displays items in multiple rows. Starts by positioning items from left to right. When the combined width of items in a row reaches the width of the container, a new row will be created below. Similar to TiledRowsLayout, but the items may be different sizes.
  • BitmapDataCache: New utility class for sharing references to BitmapData that was loaded from a URL.
  • FormItem: Added required and requiredSkin properties, to optionally indicate if the form item is required.
  • FormItem: Added submitOnEnterEnabled property to allow form submission to be disabled when pressing the Enter/Return key for that specific item. Useful for components like TextArea, which needs to use Enter/Return to insert a line break in its text.
  • HScrollBar/VScrollBar: Minor tweak to the sizing behavior of the thumb to more accurately match the behavior of native scroll bars.
  • IHierarchicalCollection: The removeAll() method now accepts an optional ?location:Array<Int> argument that may be used to remove all children from a specific branch.

1.0.0-beta.7 (2021-11-02)

  • DatePicker: New component for selecting a date from a calendar view.
  • FeathersControl: Added disabledAlpha property to change the alpha value of the component when disabled.
  • FeathersControl: Added setFocusPadding() convenience method.
  • LayoutGroup: Prevents mouse/touch from reaching children when disabled.
  • PopUpDatePicker: New component that displays a date as an input field, with a pop-up DatePicker.
  • RouterNavigator: Support for "hash" routing instead of URL routing. Will fall back to hash routing when loaded with the file: protocol. Can also set preferHashRouting to use hash routing as default.
  • RouterNavigator: Added optional saveData and restoreData methods to Route to allow a view's state to be saved when navigating away and restored when returning.
  • StackNavigator: Added optional saveData and restoreData methods to StackItem to allow a view's state to be saved when navigating away and restored when returning.
  • TextArea, TextInput: Added selectable property, which can be set to false to disable selection when editable is also false.
  • TextArea: Added setTextPadding() convenience method.
  • stack-navigator-save-and-restore: New sample that demonstrates how to use the saveData and restoreData methods on StackItem.
  • router-navigator-save-and-restore: New sample that demonstrates how to use the saveData and restoreData methods on Route.

1.0.0-beta.6 (2021-10-04)

  • ArrayCollection, ArrayHierarchicalCollection: These collections now implement the IExternalizable interface.
  • BaseNavigator: Uses the new TransitionEvent instead of FeathersEvent for transition start, complete, and cancel events. This allows references to the views involved in the transition to be included as properties of the event. The old transition constants on FeathersEvent are now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • BaseNavigator: Now dispatches Event.CHANGE after a transition is completed, instead of at the start of the transition.
  • BaseScrollContainer: Added new scrollMode property that controls how scrolling is implemented on the OpenFL display list. This property may be set to either SCROLL_RECT or MASK. It defaults to SCROLL_RECT, which was the existing behavior.
  • Transition Builders: An improved way to create transitions for navigators. The following transitions are implemented: Color Fade, Cover, Fade, Iris, Reveal, Slide, and Wipe.
  • TreeView: Added toggleChildrenOf() method to open or close all children of a branch.
  • TreeView: Left and right keyboard arrow keys will open and close a branch.
  • Various bug fixes.

1.0.0-beta.5 (2021-08-20)

  • ArrayCollection: Added toArray() method to return a new array of the items in the collection (respecting filter and sort).
  • DefaultFocusManager: Handle focus changes with keyboard arrow keys, if they originate from KeyLocation.D_PAD.
  • HorizontalLayout, HorizontalListLayout, VerticalLayout, VerticalListLayout: The gap property may be set to Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY to position items as far from each other as possible while staying within the container's view port bounds. Use minGap to set the minimum spacing.
  • ItemRenderer: Added showSecondaryText property to optionally hide the secondary text, even if not null, similar to how showText works.
  • LayoutGroup, ScrollContainer: Added maskSkin to optionally mask the content of the container. The maskSkin is resized automatically when the container resizes. Useful for masking with rounded corners or other non-rectangular shapes.
  • ScrollContainer: Added viewPortMaskSkin to optionally mask only the view port. Works similarly to maskSkin.
  • TiledRowsLayout, TiledRowsListLayout: New layout for containers that positions items as tiles (all items have equal dimensions) in one or more rows.
  • PagedTiledRowsListLayout: A variation of TiledRowsListLayout that separates tiles across multiple pages instead of scrolling continuously.
  • Scroller: Added snapPositionsX and snapPositionsY properties that accept an array of snap positions, which is populated by subclasses of BaseScrollContainer, when a layout supports snapping.
  • A ton of stability and bug fixes!

1.0.0-beta.4 (2021-07-09)

  • AssetLoader: Added new originalSourceWidth and originalSourceHeight properties that return the original dimensions of the content, after loading completes.
  • BaseScrollContainer: Added new restrictedScrollX and restrictedScrollY that may be used instead of scrollX and scrollY if it is necessary to clamp to the minimum and maximum bounds.
  • Button, ToggleButton: Added new showText style to allow the text to be hidden so that it does not affect the layout (such as for a button that contains only an icon).
  • ButtonBar, TabBar: Added support for multiple button/tab renderers.
  • ButtonBar, TabBar: Added a new indexToButton()/indexToTab() method to access one of the current renderers based on its position in the data provider.
  • Callout: New closeOnPointerOutside property that can be set to false to prevent the callout from automatically closing when clicking or tapping outside of its bounds.
  • CalloutPopUpAdapter: New implementation of IPopUpAdapter that adds the content to a Callout positioned near the origin.
  • ComboBox: Now allows the user to type a custom value. Will be returned by selectedItem, but selectedIndex will be -1. Set the new allowCustomUserValue property to false to restrict the value to only items from the data provider.
  • ComboBox: Added new textToItem() method that allows custom text to be converted into the same format as items in the data provider.
  • ComboBox, PopUpListView: Added a new prompt property to display some text when no item is currently selected.
  • DisplayObjectFactory: New class that's similar to DisplayObjectRecycler, but has only create and destroy functions. No update or reset functions.
  • DropDownPopUpAdapter: Can now open above origin, if there is not enough space below the origin.
  • FocusManager: The addRoot() method has been restricted to the Stage type only. To create a focus manager with a root other than the stage, use the DefaultFocusManager constructor instead.
  • GridView: Added new sortableColumns, sortedColumn, and sortOrder properties that enable the user to sort the data provider by clicking a column header, or to sort the columns programatically.
  • GridView: Added new CHILD_VARIANT_CELL_RENDERER static constant to allow targeting of GridView cell renderers in a theme.
  • GridView: Renamed CHILD_VARIANT_HEADER to CHILD_VARIANT_HEADER_RENDERER for consistency with CHILD_VARIANT_CELL_RENDERER. CHILD_VARIANT_HEADER is now deprecated and will be removed in a future update.
  • GridView: Added new columnDividerFactory and headerDividerFactory for displaying dividers between columns and column headers.
  • GridViewColumn: Added new constructor parameter to optionally set the width of the column.
  • HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout: Added new justifyResetEnabled property that will optionally reset the size of all items before measuring them.
  • HorizontalLayoutData, VerticalLayoutData: Added new fillHorizontal(), fillVertical(), and fill() static helper functions to quickly create an object with percentWidth, percentHeight (or both) set to 100.0 in a single function call.
  • HorizontalLineSkin, VerticalLineSkin: New skin classes that draw a simple line in the center.
  • HorizontalListLayout, VerticalListLayout: Added new heightResetEnabled and widthResetEnabled (respectively) to reset the size of all items before measuring them.
  • IPopUpManager: Added new hasModalPopUps(), topLevelPopUpCount, and getPopUpAt() APIs.
  • IScaleManager: New interface for custom application scaling behavior. Includes ScreenDensityScaleManager, LetterboxScaleManager, and CustomScaleManager implementations.
  • ItemRenderer: Addded new accessoryView property to optionally display a UI component on the right side of the item renderer.
  • ListView: Added new VARIANT_POP_UP static constant for list views that are added as pop-ups, for components like PopUpListView and ComboBox.
  • NumericStepper: New UI component that displays a numeric value in a TextInput, with two buttons to increment or decrement the value.
  • PageIndicator: Added a new indexToToggleButton() method to access one of the current toggle butons based on its selection index.
  • PopUpUtil: Added new isTopLevelPopUpOrIsContainedByTopLevelPopUp() utility method.
  • TextArea, TextInput: All text is automatically selected when showFocus(true) is called.
  • TextArea, TextInput: Added new errorString property to optionally display validation errors in a TextCallout when focused.
  • TextArea: Added new displayAsPassword property to mask the rendered text, similar to the same property that TextInput already had.
  • TextCallout: Added new VARIANT_DANGER static constant to optionally display the callout in a style that indicates something potentially dangerous or destructive.
  • TextInput: Added new measureText property, which can specify custom text to use when measuring the text input's ideal size. Similar to autoSizeWidth, but uses a different value than the current value of the text property.
  • ValidationQueue: Uses Event.RENDER and stage.invalidate() instead of Event.ENTER_FRAME because it gives more stable results and doesn't run code every frame if no components need validation.

1.0.0-beta.3 (2021-04-12)

  • Alert: New component to display a pop-up dialog with a message, a title, and an optional icon.
  • AnchorLayoutData: New fillHorizontal() and fillVertical() static methods.
  • Application: Added topLevelApplication static property to easily access the root Application globally.
  • ArrayHierarchicalCollection: New collection type for hierarchical data containers, like GroupListView and TreeView.
  • AssetLoader: Added missing ProgressEvent.PROGRESS dispatch when asset is loaded asynchronously.
  • BaseScrollContainer: New getViewPortVisibleBounds() utility method.
  • BaseScrollContainer: New scrollPixelSnapping property to allow snapping the scroll position to the nearest pixel.
  • BaseScrollContainer: New scrollerFactory property to customize the Scroller behavior.
  • BaseScrollContainer: New showScrollBarMinimumDuration style to ensure that scroll bars don't flicker when revealed by the mouse wheel.
  • ButtonBar: New component to display a set of buttons based on an IFlatCollection data provider.
  • Callout: Now automatically closes itself when its origin is removed from the stage.
  • ComboBox: New customButtonVariant, customListViewVariant and customTextInputVariant styles to allow sub-component customization in themes.
  • ComboBox: New openListViewOnFocus property allows the pop-up list view to automatically open when the ComboBox receives focus.
  • ComboBox: Exposes ListViewEvent.ITEM_TRIGGER from the pop-up list view.
  • Drawer: New clickOverlayToClose, swipeOpenEnabled and swipeCloseEnabled properties.
  • DropDownPopUpAdapter: Forces the width of the pop-up to be at least as wide as the origin.
  • Form: New component for displaying a group of fields to be submitted.
  • FormItem: New component designed for use with Form to display a label next to each item.
  • General: Added new setPadding() convenience functions to allow setting paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, and paddingLeft to the same value in a single call.
  • GridView/GroupListView/ListView/TreeView: Methods like scrollToIndex() and scrollToLocation() now accept an optional animation duration.
  • GridView: Added support for horizontal scrolling if the total width of the columns is larger than the width of the GridView.
  • GroupListView: New customHeaderRendererVariant property to allow sub-component customization in themes.
  • GroupListView/TreeView: New locationToItemRenderer() utilty method, similar to itemToItemRenderer().
  • Header: New component that displays a title in the center, plus optional views on the left and right sides.
  • HScrollBar/VScrollBar: During touch interaction, if dragged out of range, the thumb will shrink like native scroll bars.
  • HScrollBar/VScrollBar: New hideThumbWhenDisabled style that affects the thumb visiblility when enabled is false.
  • IHierarchicalCollection: Added filterFunction and sortCompareFunction, similar to IFlatCollection.
  • IStageFocusDelegate: New interface that allows a component to specify one of its children to receive focus directly, when focus is passed by the FocusManager.
  • ITextControl: New baseline property, which may be used for alignment of multiple ITextControl instances together.
  • LeftAndRightBorderSkin: New skin class that is similar to RectangleSkin, but renders its border on the left and right sides only.
  • ListView: New indexToItemRenderer() utilty method, similar to itemToItemRenderer().
  • OverlineAndUnderlineSkin: Deprecated. Replaced by TopAndBottomBorderSkin.
  • PageNavigator: New pageIndicatorFactory and customPageIndicatorVariant, and gap properties.
  • PopUpListView: New customButtonVariant and customListViewVariant styles to allow sub-component customization in themes.
  • Radio: Selection may now be changed with keyboard arrow keys when a radio in the group has focus.
  • ScrollContainer: New autoSizeMode property, similar to the same property on LayoutGroup.
  • TabBar: Dispatches TabBarEvent.ITEM_TRIGGER when a tab is triggered.
  • TabNavigator: New tabBarFactory and customTabBarVariant styles to to allow sub-component customization.
  • TabNavigator: New gap style to add spacing between the active view and the TabBar sub-component.
  • TabNavigator: Exposes TabBarEvent.ITEM_TRIGGER from the tab bar.
  • TextArea: If the prompt is too long to fit horizontally, it will now wrap to multiple lines.
  • TextArea/TextInput: New maxChars property to limit the number of allowed characters entered by the user.
  • TopAndBottomBorderSkin: New skin class that is similar to RectangleSkin, but renders its border on the top and bottom sides only.
  • TreeViewItemRenderer: New branchIcon, branchOpenIcon, branchClosedIcon, and leafIcon styles.

1.0.0-beta.2 (2020-12-08)

  • Restored support for OpenFL version 8.9.
  • Application: Enables the new ToolTipManager by default. May use disable_tool_tip_manager haxedef to disable.
  • Application: Sets stage scaleMode and align for "flash" target so that using the compiled .swc in ActionScript behaves the same as compiling with Haxe.
  • AssetLoader: Added @:styleContext metadata.
  • FeathersControl: Added toolTip property.
  • FillStyle: Gradient matrix may now be specified as a Float for radians, a Matrix instance, or a function that accepts the same arguments as createGradientBox() and returns a Matrix.
  • FillStyle: Added None to enum.
  • GridView: May optionally define a different cellRendererRecycler for each column.
  • GridView: Added layout style.
  • GridView: Added extendedScrollBarY style to allow the vertical scroll bar to extend up into the headers.
  • HorizontalListLayout: Added requestedMinColumnCount and requestedMaxColumnCount properties.
  • HorizontalListLayout: The requestedColumnCount property now defaults to null, instead of 5.0.
  • LineStyle: Gradient matrix may now be specified as a Float for radians, a Matrix instance, or a function that accepts the same arguments as createGradientBox() and returns a Matrix.
  • LineStyle: Added Bitmap() to enum.
  • LineStyle: Added None to enum.
  • ListView: May optionally define multiple item renderer recyclers with setItemRendererRecycler() and itemRendererRecyclerIDFunction.
  • ToolTipManager: listens for stage mouse events and displays tool tips for UI components with a toolTip property.
  • TreeView: May optionally define multiple item renderer recyclers with setItemRendererRecycler() and itemRendererRecyclerIDFunction.
  • VerticalListFixedRowLayout: Added requestedMinRowCount and requestedMaxRowCount properties.
  • VerticalListFixedRowLayout: The requestedRowCount property now defaults to null, instead of 5.0.
  • VerticalListLayout: Added requestedMinRowCount and requestedMaxRowCount properties.
  • VerticalListLayout: The requestedRowCount property now defaults to null, instead of 5.0.

1.0.0-beta.1 (2020-11-12)

  • animated-tween-skin: new sample project that demonstrates how to create a skin with animations.
  • Button: added textOffsetX, textOffsetY, iconOffsetX, and iconOffsetY properties.
  • BaseScrollContainer: allow multiple nested containers, where the deepest container gets precedence for touch gestures.
  • Callout: added support for "arrow" skins.
  • CellRenderer: removed because it is no longer needed. Use ItemRenderer for GridView cell renderers instead.
  • custom-programmatic-skin: new sample project that demonstrates how to create a custom skin with programmatically drawn graphics.
  • custom-programmatic-skin-with-states: new sample project that demonstrates how to create a custom skin that handles state changes from a UI component, like a button.
  • Drawer: new component that supports opening a drawer modally above other content.
  • EdgePuller: new utility used for "pullable" component edges, used by Drawer and navigators.
  • FeathersControl: dispatches FeathersEvent.ENABLED and DISABLED when the enabled property changes.
  • FocusManager: optionally supports multiple root containers.
  • FocusManager: disables focus management under the overlay when the PopUpManager has a modal popup.
  • FocusManager: added findNextFocus() method.
  • FocusManager: can pass focus to web browser when reaching beginning or end of all focusable objects.
  • LayoutGroupItemRenderer: new component to use as base type for custom item renderers.
  • ListView: added allowMultipleSelection, selectedIndices, and selectedItems properties.
  • General: Added @:event metadata to all UI components, so that a list of events is available to macros.
  • GridView: added resizableColumns and columnResizeSkin properties.
  • GridView: added GridViewEvent.CELL_TRIGGER and HEADER_TRIGGER events.
  • GridView: added allowMultipleSelection, selectedIndices, and selectedItems properties.
  • GroupListView: added GroupListView.ITEM_TRIGGER event.
  • HDividedBox and VDividedBox: new containers that add resizing dividers between children.
  • HScrollBar/VScrollBar: added snapInterval and changed step to apply to increment/decrement buttons only.
  • HSlider/VSlider: added snapInterval and changed step to apply to keyboard events only.
  • HSlider/VSlider: step defaults to 0.01 because it is needed for keyboard events.
  • MultiSkin: a skin for UI components that switches between different display objects when the UI component's state changes. Useful for ensuring that MouseEvent.CLICK and TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP are correctly dispatched when the target below the pointer change.
  • PageNavigator: added a touch swipe gesture to go back and forward.
  • PageNavigator: added previousTransition and nextTransition properties.
  • PillSkin: a skin for UI components shaped like a "pill".
  • ProgrammaticSkin: new base class for custom programmatic skins.
  • RectangleSkin: fixed issue where cornerRadius was incorrectly drawn at half size. Developers may need to update code to use smaller values than before.
  • ResponsiveGridLayout: new layout
  • StackNavigator: added popSwipeEnabled and popSwipeActiveEdgeSize properties to enable a touch swipe to go back gesture.
  • TabNavigator: added swipeEnabled property to enable a touch swipe gesture to go back and forward.
  • TabNavigator: added previousTransition and nextTransition properties.
  • TabSkin: a skin for UI components shaped like a rectangle with two rounded corners on one side.
  • TextInput: added leftView and rightView properties to display icons or other UI components inside the input.
  • TextInput: added VARIANT_SEARCH for use in themes.
  • TextInput: added autoSizeWidth property to resize based on the entered text.
  • TreeView: instead of dispatching Event.OPEN and CLOSE, dispatches TreeViewEvent.BRANCH_OPEN and BRANCH_CLOSE.
  • TriangleSkin: a skin for UI components shaped like a triangle.

1.0.0-alpha.3 (2020-08-20)

  • GroupListView: new component
  • ArrayCollection: added some functional methods, including find(), findIndex(), some(), forEach(), and map().
  • BaseScrollContainer: added showScrollBars property, which can be set to false to hide scroll bars completely.
  • CLI: new projects compile to OpenFL's default bin folder, instead of the custom build folder.
  • CLI: fixed issue where certain folder names could cause the main class name to contain invalid characters.
  • Default Theme: some refinements to colors and sizing, especially on desktop.
  • GridView: added CHILD_VARIANT_HEADER to customize styles of headers.
  • IHTMLTextControl: added a new interface for components with htmlText property, similar to the existing ITextControl.
  • IProgrammaticSkin: added a new interface for programmatic skins (plus a ProgrammaticSkin base class).
  • IStyleObject: added themeEnabled property, which can be set to false to make a component and all of its children ignore the current theme.
  • InvalidationFlag: this type is now an enum, and custom flags may be defined like InvalidationFlag.CUSTOM("my-custom-flag").
  • ItemRenderer: added optional alternateBackgroundSkin property to switch between backgrounds in data components like ListView.
  • ValidatingSprite: added advanced runWithoutInvalidation() function for changing properties without an extra validation cycle.
  • ListView: ListViewItemState includes new owner and enabled properties (similar for TreeView, GridView and other data rendering components).
  • ListView: now handles UPDATE_AT and UPDATE_ALL events from the data provider collection.
  • ListView: added itemToItemRenderer() and itemRendererToItem() methods (similar for TreeView, GridView and other data rendering components).
  • RouterNavigator: added new location property to access the current location on all targets.
  • Scroller: added new mouseWheelYScrollX property to optionally make vertical mouse wheel scroll horizontally.
  • TabSkin: a new skin class with a tab-like shape (rounded corners on one side only), similar to the rectangle/circle/ellipse skins from previous versions.
  • TextArea, TextInput: added new selection APIs, including selectionAnchorIndex, selectionActiveIndex, selectRange(), and selectAll().
  • TreeView: added toggleBranch() and isBranchOpen() methods.
  • And many more bug fixes…

1.0.0-alpha.2 (2020-06-22)

  • CLI: create-project command
  • GridView: new component
  • PageIndicator: new component
  • PageNavigator: new component
  • TabNavigator: new component
  • TextArea: new component
  • TreeView: new component
  • AnchorLayoutData: anchors may optionally be relative to other children in the container
  • HorizontalListLayout: new layout optimized for lists
  • VerticalListLayout: new layout optimized for lists
  • HorizontalDistributedLayout: new layout
  • VerticalDistributedLayout: new layout
  • ItemRenderer: added secondaryText property
  • Label: added htmlText property
  • TextInput: added prompt property
  • Scale9Bitmap: new custom display object for rendering BitmapData with scale9Grid
  • Basic keyboard focus management
  • Improved support for Neko and HashLink
  • login-form: new sample
  • router-navigator-pass-data-between-views: new sample

1.0.0-alpha.1 (2020-02-03)

  • Initial preview build