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Brabb3l edited this page May 19, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the UtilityMod wiki!


To execute a command, type it into the in-game chat.

CC: Compatible as client in multiplayer
SC: Semi-compatible as client in multiplayer
NC: Not compatible as client in multiplayer
HC: Host must activate it
TT: Toggleable command

/help (CC)

It shows a list of commands.

/fly <speed/mode/damping> (CC)

It will give you the ability to fly.

/fly (CC TT)

Toggles the fly mode

/fly speed <speed> (CC)

Sets the fly speed.
The default speed is 1.

/fly mode <normal/smooth> (CC)

Sets the fly mode.
normal: no movement modifications
smooth: lerps movement vector
The default mode is normal.

/fly damping <damping> (CC)

Sets the damping amount. (Only for the smooth fly mode)
The higher the value the faster the player is slowed down.
The default amount is 6.0.

/god (NC TT)

You will take no more damage.

/creative (HC TT)

You can build what you want without having to collect resources.
Including unlimited item/equipment crafting.

/creativepower (HC TT)

Every machine will have power.

/unlockall (NC)

It unlocks all schematics.
You cannot undo it!

/togglebuildrestriction (HC TT)

It toggles the build restriction.
For example: cost, terrain collision, building collision, valid shape

/noclip (CC TT)

Player collision checks are ignored.

/setdismantledelay <delay> (CC)

It sets the dismantle delay.
The default delay is 0.75.

/time [set/add] [day/night/minutes] (SC)

It changes/displays time.

/time (CC)

It sends the current time in chat with the hh:mm format.

/time set <day/night/minutes> (NC)

It sets the time to the specified parameter.
Day is 0 o'clock a.m. and night is 0 o'clock p.m.

/time add <minutes> (NC)

Adds minutes to the current time.

/locktime (NC TT)

Locks the current time. (only the sky)

/heal (NC)

It heals you to maximum health.

/resizeinv <size> (NC)

It resizes your inventory.

/clearinv (CC)

It empties your inventory.


/give <itemname> <amount> (NC)

Adds the specified item to your inventory. Note: append _C to the itemname e.g. IronRod_C



Key bindings for the fly mode


BaseSpeed: Base speed for the fly mode (100 = ~1m/sec)
Smooth: Whether the default mode should be smooth
SpeedModeMultiplier: Speed multiplier for the speed mode
UseDeltaTime: Whether the movement should be dependent on the fps. (deltatime = 1/fps)
VelocityDamping: Default value for /fly damping


FixedFrameRate: Used for fps dependent features