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asJam, a jam of ActionScript

asJam converts ActionScript 3 source code into Spaceport-compatible JavaScript source code.

asJam is copyright (c) 2011-2012, Inc.; see LICENSE for details.

Setting up

Binary dependencies:

  • Node.JS 0.4.x, 0.6.x

To install:

npm install

To test:

npm test
# or
make test


The converter does not completely convert source code. Some manual work will be required to complete a port of an ActionScript 3 game to Spaceport. The conversion tool is designed to relieve developers of performing the many mundane tasks involved in porting a project to a different language, including:

  • Converting AS3 packages into Spaceport modules.
  • Converting AS3 classes into Spaceport classes.
  • Removing type annotations.
  • Inserting this. in front of member variable and property references.
  • Inserting sp. in front of Spaceport classes.

Again, do not expect automatically-converted code to work without modification. Developers will need to test, debug, and modify converted code manually.

Supported features

  • Classes

    • Static properties and constants

    • Static methods

    • Member properties and constants
      Note: If you call super in a constructor explicitly, properties of superclasses will not be assigned until super is called.

    • Member functions

      • Implicit this. (via a self alias)
      • super
    • Constructors

      • super
      • Implicit super
    • Getter and setter functions

      • super
    • Dynamic classes

    • Visibility (private, protected, public)

    • Internal package classes

  • Functions

    • Optional arguments
    • Rest ( arguments
    • arguments array
  • Packages

    • import
    • import com.*
    • Implicit imports from same package and global package
    • Importing a flash package
    • Partial support for fully-qualified names
  • Binary operators

    • +, -, *, /, %
    • =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
    • <<, >>, >>>, &, |, ^
    • <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, |=, ^=
    • ==, !=, ===, !==
    • >, <, >=, <=
    • &&, ||
    • &&=, ||=
    • in, instanceof, is, as
    • Array access
    • Comma operator
    • Dot access
    • Type operator (:)
  • Unary operators

    • +, -
    • ++, --
    • ~, !
    • new, delete
    • typeof, void
  • Ternary operators

    • ?:
  • Flow control

    • if, for, while, do-while
    • for-in, for-each
    • with
    • try-catch-finally
    • function
  • Literals

    • Number literals (0.9992, 1.42e20, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity)
    • String literals ("a\nb")
    • Array literals ([ a, b ])
    • Object literals ({ a: b })
    • Boolean literals (true, false)
    • RegExp literals (/regexp/gi)
    • null
  • Global types

    • * type
    • Number, String, Array, Object, Boolean
    • Date, RegExp
  • Other features

    • Vector.<>
    • Comments (// and /* */)
    • trace
    • Casting
  • Specific conversions

    • Use of flash.system.Security is removed (with a warning).
    • com.adobe.serialization.JSON and friends are replaced with classes using the native JavaScript (and Flash 11+) JSON class.

Unsupported features

Using the following features may result in non-working code or may not allow a project to be converted at all. In other words, the conversion may be unsuccessful.

The following features will cause a crash and will not convert at all:

  • XML classes and syntax

    • ::, {}, [], +, +=, @, .., ., <>
  • Proxy classes (flash.utils.Proxy)

  • Internal package classes

  • Package function exports

  • Static constructors

The following features may produce improperly-functioning code and will likely require manual modifications:

  • Namespaces
  • flash.utils.Dictionary
  • Interfaces
  • int, uint; all numbers are treated as floating-point numbers except upon declaration
  • Class class
  • Metadata tags (e.g. [Embed])
  • flash.utils, unless otherwise specified
  • Naming conflicts requiring fully-qualified names


A jam of ActionScript







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