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372 lines (268 loc) · 18.6 KB

File metadata and controls

372 lines (268 loc) · 18.6 KB

This pipeline was extensively hacked to perform alignment with STAR in lieu of Bowtie.

Project YAML file.

An inDrops project is composed of a series of sequencing runs, each including one (or several) indrops libraries within it. A sequencing run can further be split into several parts (effectively arbitrary chunks) to parallelize the analysis. Give example of a chunk

The project yaml file contains the details of all sequencing runs and libraries within a project.

The same project can contain runs from different versions of the inDrops platform.

A project will be aligned against the same reference genome with the same alignment parameters.

Supported library versions

  • v1 : original design where R2 is the biological read and R1 is the metadata read.
  • v2 : inversion of v1 where R1 is the biological read and R2 is the metadata read.
  • v3 : summer 2016 redesign requiring manual demultiplexing. R1 is the biological read. R2 carries the first half of the gel barcode, R3 carries the library index and R4 the second half of the gel barcode, the UMI and a fraction of the polyA tail.


The package requires

  • Python 2.7 (with the packages numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pysam>0.9.0, pyyaml, pyfasta). [See Appendix 2]
  • RSEM (1.2.19+)
  • Bowtie (1.1.1+)
  • samtools (1.3.1+) [See Appendix 3] *This specific version is needed to account for a BAM-format oddity in RSEM output.
  • Java The path to the directories containing these executables should be set in the project YAML. If these executables can be found in the PATH variables, this project YAML paths can be left empty, or not specified.

March 7th Notice -- PySAM version.

Previous installation instructions install PySAM version 0.6.0. To install the correct PySAM version, use the following commands:

conda remove pysam conda install pip pip install pysam==0.9.1

Project YAML file

An example YAML file is provided in test/test_project.yaml. It should contain the following information:

project_name : "project_name"
project_dir : "/path/to/project/dir"  #This dir should be user-owned and writable, all output will go into this dir.
paths : 
  bowtie_index : "/path/to/index" #This index will be built automatically
  # The paths below can be omitted if the relevant directories are already on $PATH
  bowtie_dir : "/path/to/bowtie/dir/"
  python_dir : "/path/to/env/bins/"
  java_dir: "/path/to/java/dir/"
  rsem_dir: "/path/to/rsem/dir/"
  samtools_dir: "/path/to/samtools-1.3.1/bin/" #This needs to be version 1.3.1, 1.3 is not good enough!

sequencing_runs : 
  # A list of sequencing runs which form the project. 
  # Each run should have:
  - name : "MyRun" # The name of the run will be used as a prefix in filenames, so keep it sane.
    version : "vN" # Can be 'v1', 'v2' or 'v3'

  # For a run with a single 'part', and a single library
    dir : "/path/to/run_files/"
    fastq_path : "{read}.fastq.gz" # Read with be replaced by R1, R2, R3, R4 as appropriate.
    library_name : "my_library"

    # This will expect to find the files:
    #    /path/to/run_files/R1.fastq.gz (and R2...)

   # For a run with several parts, but a single library
    dir : "/path/to/run_files/"
    fastq_path : "{split_affix}_{read}.fastq.gz" # Read with be replaced by R1, R2, R3, R4 as appropriate.
    split_affixes : ["L001", "L002"]
    library_name : "my_library"

    # This will expect to find the files:
    #    /path/to/run_files/L001_R1.fastq.gz (and R2...)
    #    /path/to/run_files/L002_R1.fastq.gz (and R2...)

   # For a run with several parts, several libraries, that have already been demultiplexed
    dir : "/path/to/run_files/"
    fastq_path : "{library_prefix}_{split_affix}_{read}.fastq.gz" # Read with be replaced by R1, R2, R3, R4 as appropriate.
    split_affixes : ["L001", "L002"]
    libraries : 
      - {library_name: "test_lib1", library_prefix: "lib1"}
      - {library_name: "test_lib2", library_prefix: "lib2"}

    # This will expect to find the files:
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib1_L001_R1.fastq.gz (and R2...)
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib1_L002_R1.fastq.gz (and R2...)
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib2_L001_R1.fastq.gz (and R2...)
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib2_L002_R1.fastq.gz (and R2...)

   # For a V3 run with several parts, with several libraries that are not already demultiplexed
    dir : "/path/to/run_files/"
    fastq_path : "{library_prefix}_{split_affix}_{read}.fastq.gz" # Read with be replaced by R1, R2, R3, R4 as appropriate.
    split_affixes : ["L001", "L002", "L003", "L004"]
    libraries :  # The library index is what the expected index read sequence (on a NextSeq, this is the reverse complement of the index sequence)
      - {library_name: "test_lib3", library_index: "ATAGAG"}
      - {library_name: "test_lib4", library_index: "AGAGGA"}

    # This will expect to find the files:
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib1_L001_R1.fastq.gz (and R2, R3, R4...)
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib1_L002_R1.fastq.gz (and R2, R3, R4...)
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib1_L003_R1.fastq.gz (and R2, R3, R4...)
    #    /path/to/run_files/lib1_L004_R1.fastq.gz (and R2, R3, R4...)

Note about v3 runs.

The raw BCL files are needed for manual demultiplexing. Move the raw BCL files to a run directory, then use the following command to extract the R1,R2,R3 and R4 files.

cd /run/dir/
bcl2fastq --use-bases-mask y*,y*,y*,y* --mask-short-adapter-reads 0 --minimum-trimmed-read-length 0
# The 'dir' used in the project YAML file should then be:
#   /run/dir/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/

Analysis steps

0. Building a transcriptome bowtie index.

The index comprises a bowtie transcriptome index. It is built using RSEM so we can use rsem-tbam2gbam to convert between transcriptome and genome coordinates. The index also has an annotation of which locations are soft-masked (denoting low-complexity regions) to allow filtering of alignments primarily found in soft-masked regions.

The index used by a project is give by paths:bowtie_index in the project YAML file. Several projects can share the same index. Example: paths : bowtie_index : "/path/to/index_dir/indrops_ensembl_GRCh38_rel85/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.annotated" ...more paths

If no index exists, it needs to be built

Example creation of a human index, using ENSEMBL release 85

mkdir -pv DOWNLOAD_DIR

# Download the soft-masked, primary assembly Genome Fasta file

# Download the corresponding GTF file.

# This command will go through all the steps for creating the index
python project.yaml build_index \
    --genome-fasta-gz DOWNLOAD_DIR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa.gz \
    --ensembl-gtf-gz DOWNLOAD_DIR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.85.gtf.gz

Example creation of a mouse index, using ENSEMBL release 85

mkdir -pv DOWNLOAD_DIR

# Download the soft-masked, primary assembly Genome Fasta file

# Download the corresponding GTF file.

# This command will go through all the steps for creating the index
python project.yaml build_index \
    --genome-fasta-gz DOWNLOAD_DIR/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa.gz \
    --ensembl-gtf-gz DOWNLOAD_DIR/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.85.gtf.gz

1. Filter

This iterates over sequencing run parts, optionally filtered by a list of sequencing parts, and a list of libraries of interest.

python project.yaml filter [--total-workers 1] [--worker-index 0]
      [-r --runs RUNS ] [-l --libraries LIBRARIES ]

# --runs comma-separated list of runs :               If specified, step will be restricted to run parts coming #                                                     from runs in the list
# --libraries comma-separated list of libraries :      If specified, step will be restricted to run parts that 
#                                                     contain reads from a library in the list
# Resulting workload (a list of run parts), will be split among N --total-workers,
# where worker with --worker-index i will do steps (i, N+i, 2N+i, ...)

This step reads the raw FastQ files as input and filters them:

  • For every raw read, it determines if the read has the expected structure (depending on library version).
  • For reads with correct structure, it runs Trimmomatic.
  • For reads surviving Trimmomatic, it finds and trims the polyA tail a maximum length of 4, and checks if the reads are still above MIN_LEN.
  • For surviving reads, it determines which fraction of the read is composed of runs of the same base (only considering runs of 5 or more). It rejects reads whose fraction is greater than low_complexity_filter_arguments:max_low_complexity_fraction.

As output, for every input run part, this produces a filtered FastQ file for every library contained in that run. These files are referred to as 'parts of libraries'.

A log is created detailing what happened to every input read. An index is created that lists the number of reads found for every barcode.

2. Identify abundant barcodes

This iterates over libraries, optionally filtered by a list.

python project.yaml identify_abundant_barcodes [--total-workers 1] [--worker-index 0]
      [-l --libraries LIBRARIES]

# --libraries comma-separated list of librares : If specified, step will be restricted to libraries in this list.
# Resulting workload (a list of libraries), will be split among N --total-workers,
# where worker with --worker-index i will do steps (i, N+i, 2N+i, ...)
#    *Note* This step is fast, it does not need to be dispatched to several workers.

For each library, this collates the results of filtering all the sequencing run parts that have reads related to this library. It then outputs,

  • Histogram of the distribution barcode abundances
  • Summary table of filtering for that library
  • An index to be used by sort.

3. Sort reads according to their barcode of origin.

This iterates over parts of libraries, optionally filtered by a list.

python project.yaml sort [--total-workers 1] [--worker-index 0]
      [-l --libraries LIBRARIES]

# --libraries comma-separated list of libraries :    If specified, step will be restricted to library-run-parts
#                                                   that contain reads from a library in the list
# Resulting workload (a list of library-run-parts), will be split among N --total-workers,
# where worker with --worker-index i will do steps (i, N+i, 2N+i, ...)
#    *Note* this step is currently memory intensive, as it loads the entire 'library-run-part' in memory. 

This sorts the reads according to the name of their barcode of origin. Barcodes with less than 250 total reads (across all library-run-parts) are ignored, and placed at the end of the file.

As output, this creates a gzipped FastQ file and an index of the byte offsets for every barcode with more than 250 reads.

4. Quantify expression

This iterates over a list of barcodes, from a list of optionally filtered libraries.

python project.yaml quantify [--total-workers 1] [--worker-index 0]
        [-l --libraries LIBRARIES] [-r --runs RUNS ]
        [--min-reads 750] [--min-counts 0]
        [--analysis prefix '']

# --min-reads INT :                                 Ignore barcodes with less than specified number of reads.
# --min-counts INT :                                Ignore output for barcodes with less than the specified number
#                                                   of UMIFM counts. This significantly speeds up
#                                                   downstream processing.
# --analysis-prefix STR :                           Prefix output data files with the specified prefix.
#                                                   (filename --> prefix.filename)
# --no-bam :                                        If specified, do not output and process BAM files. 
# --libraries comma-separated list of libraries      If specified, step will be restricted to libraries
#                                                   in this list.
# --runs comma-separated list of runs               If specified, only align reads coming from these runs
#                                                   [This is an uncommon use case.]
# The resulting list of barcodes will be split among --total-workers, with worker identified by --worker-index.
#    *Note* This step requires ~2Gb of memory. 

The reads from every barcode are aligned using Bowtie, and quantified to UMIFM counts. The counts and quantification metrics are written to a single file per worker.

The alignment themselves are modified to include relevant metadata and written to a BAM file. This BAM file is converted from transcriptomic to genomic-coordinates using rsem-tbam2gbam, sorted and indexed using samtools. At the end of this process, the BAMs for all the barcodes that were processed by a worker are merged and indexed (using samtools).

This step is resumable. If the same --analysis-prefix/--total-workers/--worker-index was previously running, another run will only quantify barcodes that were not previously quantified (or whose data was lost). To force requantification, delete files in /project_dir/library_dir/quant_dir/[prefix.]worker*_[total_workers]*

5. Aggregate quantification results

This iterates over a list of libraries

python project.yaml aggregate --total-workers 1
        [-l --libraries LIBRARIES]
        [--analysis prefix '']

# --total-workers INT :                             Total number of workers used in quantification step.
# --analysis-prefix STR :                           Look for quantification data files with specified prefix.
#                                                   (prefix.filename)
# --libraries comma-separated list of libraries      If specified, step will be restricted to libraries
#                                                   in this list.
# The resulting list of libraries will be split among --total-workers, with worker identified by --worker-index.

The UMIFM counts and quantification metrics from all workers are concatenated to single files. These files are gzipped. If existing, the BAMs from every worker are merged and indexed (using samtools)

Appendix 1: Parallelizing the analysis steps

Analyzing only parts of the project.

Most parts of the analysis can be filtered by specifying a list of sequencing runs, a list of sequencing libraries, or both. When a filter is provided, the analysis will only be carried out on data matching the filter.

Every part of the analysis can be filtered based on both libraries and sequencing runs.

# Will filter all parts from runs Run5 and Run6:
python test_project.yaml filter --runs Run5,Run6

# Will sort all parts from all runs of libraries test_lib3 and test_lib4:
python test_project.yaml sort --libraries test_lib3,test_lib4

Dividing the analysis between jobs

Most parts of the analysis can easily be divided for concurrent processing in different jobs, by specifying the total number of jobs (--total-workers) and the index of the current worker (--worker-index).

# Submitting the 20 commands below would filter all run parts within the project in 20 different parts.
python test_project.yaml filter --total-workers 20 --worker-index [0-19]

Appendix 2: Using a custom Python environment on the Orchestra Cluster

How to use an existing environment

Option 1 (simpler, but uglier):

Using the example installed with the instructions below, in "/groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops”:

source /groups/klein/adrian/miniconda/bin/activate /groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops

(To make this line shorter, prepend “ /groups/klein/adrian/miniconda/bin/“ to PATH.)

The terminal should now be prepended with (/groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops): (/groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops)av79@loge:~$ (This is the ugly part)

Check that the correct python executable is being used:

which python



Test that all packages can be imported:

python -c """import yaml; import pysam; import pyfasta; import numpy; import matplotlib; print('Nice work. All packages loaded correctly.')"""
# Should print :
# "Nice work. All packages loaded correctly.""

Option 2 (slightly harder, but shorter prefix):

Using the example above, installed in "/groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops”. This assumes you prepended “ /groups/klein/adrian/miniconda/bin/“ to PATH.

Add “/groups/klein/adrian” as a place to search for python environments, with

conda config --add envs_dirs '/groups/klein/adrian/'

Then, you only need

source activate pyndrops

Run the same tests are above.

Now, "python" should refer to this specific python installation!

How to install conda and create a new environment

Download Miniconda (the anaconda package manager, without all the packages)

mkdir -pv /user_owned/path
cd  /user_owned/path

Install Miniconda

# Agree to license with “yes”, and choose to install in a directory that is user owned.
# I installed it in: /groups/klein/adrian/miniconda

Create a new Python environment (in this example, in /groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops) install Python2.7, Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Matplotlib, PyYaml, PySAM

conda create -p /groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops python numpy scipy pandas pyyaml matplotlib pip
source activate /groups/klein/adrian/pyndrops
pip install pyfasta pysam==0.9.1

Appendix 3: Installing Samtools 1.3.1

mkdir -pv SAMTOOLS_DIR
tar xvfj samtools-1.3.1.tar.bz2
cd samtools-1.3.1
make prefix=. install

Now add SAMTOOLS_DIR/samtools-1.3.1/bin/ as the samtools_dir in your project YAML file.