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Technical Details

Amos Chua edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 8 revisions

Technical Details

Target Minimum Target Maximum
Python 3.6.12 3.9.0

To be tested:

  • Python 3.6.12
    • Tested by: KOOKIIE on 11th Nov 2020 (e6bb67d)
  • Python 3.8.6
    • Tested by: KOOKIIE on 11th Nov 2020 (e6bb67d)
  • Python 3.9.0
    • Tested by: KOOKIIE on 11th Nov 2020 (e6bb67d)
  • Python 3.10.0
    • Awaiting stable release

How to test:

Generate the virtual environment

  • In the root of the repository, create a virtual environment using Python -m venv venv
    • Substitute "Python" with whichever command you have assigned to Python 3.6 - 3.8
  • Activate the virtual environment using call venv\scripts\activate.bat in Command Prompt
    • The command is venv/scripts/activate in Power Shell
    • Note: PowerShell can take both backslash and forward slashes, but CMD only accepts backslashes
    • Note: You can deactivate the venv by using the command deactivate
  • Use the command venv/scripts/pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required modules
    • Use venv\scripts\pip install wheel, if the above commands throw errors

Import the module

  • In the root of the repository,activate the virtual environment (see above)
  • Start the Python REPL: venv/scripts/python
  • Import the module: from swordie_db.database import SwordieDB
  • Proceed with testing. (See examples)

Automated Unit Testing

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