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Provee un lista amplia y muy completa de operaciones entre vectores, escalares y matrices, en relacion con el tema de números complejos

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Proyecto del curso CNYT que aborda los temas fundamentales de la programación cuántica y como es el salto de lo clásico a lo cuántico, basado en sistemas y modelos físico-matemáticos.


  • Lenguaje De Programación preferido, por ejemplo, PYTHON o JAVA.
  • Se debe tener conocimientos de programacion ya que el proyecto debe desarrollrse Con ayuda de este.
  • GITHUB: Servicio que permite alojar elementos (Para este caso un programa) versionados y realizar contribuciones y/o progresiones, en donde guardaremos nuestro proyecto.
  • Libro guía: "Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists" de Noson S. Yanofsky & Mirco A. Mannucci.


Para Esta segunda entrega se tiene una calculadora de vectores y matrices complejas que permite realizar distintas operaciones entre ellos para poder operar de manera adecuada.


La librería debe incluir las siguientes operaciones:

    1. Adición de vectores complejos.
    1. Inverso (aditivo) de un vector complejo.
    1. Multiplicación de un escalar por un vector complejo.
    1. Adición de matrices complejas.
    1. Inversa (aditiva) de una matriz compleja.
    1. Multiplicación de un escalar por una matriz compleja.
    1. Transpuesta de una matriz/vector.
    1. Conjugada de una matriz/vector.
    1. Adjunta (daga) de una matriz/vector.
    1. Producto de dos matrices (de tamaños compatibles).
    1. Función para calcular la "acción" de una matriz sobre un vector.
    1. Producto interno de dos vectores.
    1. Norma de un vector.
    1. Distancia entre dos vectores.
    1. Revisar si una matriz es unitaria.
    1. Revisar si una matriz es Hermitiana.
    1. Producto tensor de dos matrices/vectores.



from ComplexCalculator.Complx_Calculator import Cartesian
import math

## CLASE VECTOR: De numeros complejos ##
class Vector(list, object):

    def __init__(self, array):
        self.long = len(array)
        self.numbers = array.copy()

    def __str__(self, result = ""):
        if self.long == 1:
            result += "["+str(self.numbers[0])+"]"
            for i in range(self.long):
                if (0 < i < self.long-1):
                    result += str(self.numbers[i])+", "
                elif i == 0:
                    result += "["+str(self.numbers[i])+", "
                    result += str(self.numbers[i])+"]"
        return result

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if (self.long == other.long):
            for i in range(self.long):
                if not(self.numbers[i] == other.numbers[i]): return False
            return True
        else: return False

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Vector([self.numbers[i]+other.numbers[i] for i in range(self.long)])

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Vector([self.numbers[i]-other.numbers[i] for i in range(self.long)])

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return Vector([self.numbers[i]*other.numbers[i] for i in range(self.long)])

    def conjugate(self):
        return Vector([number.conj() for number in self.numbers])

    def inverse(self):
        return Vector([number.inv() for number in self.numbers])

    def scal_prod(self, escalar):
        return Vector([escalar*number for number in self.numbers])

    def summation(self, total = Cartesian((0, 0))):
        for number in self.numbers:
            total += number
        return total

    def dot_prod(self, other):
        return (self*other).summation()

    def inner_prod(self, other):
        return (self.conjugate()*other).summation()
    def norm(self):
        return math.sqrt((self.inner_prod(self)).mod())

    def distance(self, other):
        return math.sqrt(((self-other).inner_prod(self-other)).mod())
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from ComplexCalculator.Complx_Calculator import Cartesian
from Vector import Vector
import math

## CLASE MATRX: De Vectores Complejos ##
class Matrx(Vector, object):
    def __init__(self, array):
        self.longRow = len(array)
        self.longColumn = array[0].long
        self.rows = array.copy()
        self.columns = []
        for j in range(self.longColumn):
            temp =[]
            for i in range(len(array)):

    def __str__(self):
        result = ""
        for i in range(self.longRow):
            if i < self.longRow-1:
                result += str(self.rows[i])+"\n"
                result += str(self.rows[i])
        return result
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if (self.longRow == other.longRow) and (self.longColumn == other.longColumn):
            for i in range(self.longRow):
                if not(self.rows[i] == other.rows[i]):
                    return False
            return True
        else: return False

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Matrx([self.rows[i]+other.rows[i] for i in range(self.longRow)])

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Matrx([self.rows[i]-other.rows[i] for i in range(self.longRow)])

    def __mul__(self, other):
        result = []
        for i in range(self.longRow):
            vectTemp = []
            for j in range(other.longColumn):
        return Matrx(result)

    def conjugate(self):
        return Matrx([row.conjugate() for row in self.rows])

    def addInverse(self):
        return Matrx([row.inverse() for row in self.rows])

    def scalarProd(self, scalar):
        return Matrx([row.scal_prod(scalar) for row in self.rows])

    def transposed(self):
        temp = []
        for j in range(self.longColumn):
        self = Matrx(temp)
        return self

    def dagger(self):
        return (self.transposed()).conjugate()

    def tensorProduct(self, other):
        result = []; vectTemp = []
        for k in range(self.longRow):
            for i in range(other.longRow):
                vectTemp = []
                for j in range(self.longColumn):
                    vectTemp += (other.rows[i].scal_prod(self.rows[k].numbers[j])).numbers
        return Matrx(result)

    def actOnVect(self, vector):
        return (self*Matrx([vector]).transposed()).columns[0]

    def identity(self):
        result =[]
        for i in range(self.longRow):
            temp = []
            for j in range(self.longRow):
                if i == j:temp.append(Cartesian((1, 0)))
                else: temp.append(Cartesian((0, 0)))
        return Matrx(result)

    def delta(self, value):
        return (self-(self.identity()).scalarProd(value))

    def isHermitian(self):
        if self == self.dagger():
            return True
        return False

    def isUnitary(self):
        if (self*self.dagger() == self.dagger()*self == self.identity()):
            return True
        return False



import unittest
from Vector import *

class Test_Vector(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_add(self):
        v1 = Vector([Cartesian((8, 3)), Cartesian((-1, -4)), Cartesian((0, -9))])
        v2 = Vector([Cartesian((8, -3)), Cartesian((2, 5)), Cartesian((3, 0))])
        self.assertEqual(str(v1+v2), "[(16, 0), (1, 1), (3, -9)]")

    def test_inverse(self):
        v = Vector([Cartesian((-5, 2)), Cartesian((3, 0)), Cartesian((0, -1))])
        self.assertEqual(str(v.inverse()), "[(5, -2), (-3, 0), (0, 1)]")

    def test_scal_prod(self):
        c = Cartesian((-1, 1))
        v = Vector([Cartesian((-2, 5)), Cartesian((-1, -1)), Cartesian((2, -9))])
        self.assertEqual(str(v.scal_prod(c)), "[(-3, -7), (2, 0), (7, 11)]")

    def test_inner_prod(self):
        v1 = Vector([Cartesian((2, -1)), Cartesian((-8, -5)), Cartesian((-2, -6))])
        v2 = Vector([Cartesian((6, -3)), Cartesian((5, -1)), Cartesian((-6, -2))])
        self.assertEqual(str(v1.inner_prod(v2)), "(4, 1)")

    def test_norm(self):
        v = Vector([Cartesian((4, 5)), Cartesian((3, 1)), Cartesian((0, -7))])
        self.assertEqual(v.norm(), 10)

    def test_distance(self):
        v1 = Vector([Cartesian((2, 7)), Cartesian((4, -1)), Cartesian((2, -4))])
        v2 = Vector([Cartesian((7, 8)), Cartesian((2, -8)), Cartesian((1, 4))])
        self.assertEqual(v1.distance(v2), 12)
        v3 = Vector([Cartesian((9, -7)), Cartesian((-1, -6))])
        v4 = Vector([Cartesian((7, -8)), Cartesian((5, -9))])
        self.assertEqual(v3.distance(v4), 7.0710678118654755)

if __name__ == "__main__":


import unittest
from Matrx import *
import math

class Test_Matrx(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_add(self):
        m1 = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-8, -3)), Cartesian((-6, -4)), Cartesian((0, -4))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((-1, 8)), Cartesian((6, -10)), Cartesian((8, -5))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((4, 0)), Cartesian((8, 5)), Cartesian((-7, -9))])])
        m2 = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-7, -2)), Cartesian((-4, -2)), Cartesian((7, 7))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((5, 9)), Cartesian((0, 3)), Cartesian((6, -5))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((1, 5)), Cartesian((-6, -6)), Cartesian((5, 8))])])
        m3 = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-15, -5)), Cartesian((-10, -6)), Cartesian((7, 3))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((4, 17)), Cartesian((6, -7)), Cartesian((14, -10))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((5, 5)), Cartesian((2, -1)), Cartesian((-2, -1))])])

        self.assertEqual(m1 + m2, m3)

    def test_addInverse(self):
        m = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((7, 3)), Cartesian((-1, 7))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-9, -4)), Cartesian((-7, -9))])])
        mAI = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-7, -3)), Cartesian((1, -7))]),
                     Vector([Cartesian((9, 4)), Cartesian((7, 9))])])
        self.assertEqual(m.addInverse(), mAI)

    def test_scalarProd(self):
        c = Cartesian((-2, 3))
        m = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((3, -2)), Cartesian((8, -4))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((4, -10)), Cartesian((-2, -8))])])
        cm = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((0, 13)), Cartesian((-4, 32))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((22, 32)), Cartesian((28, 10))])])
        self.assertEqual(m.scalarProd(c), cm)

    def test_transposed(self):
        m = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((5, 9)), Cartesian((-7, -5)), Cartesian((-1, -4))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((8, 2)), Cartesian((-3, -7)), Cartesian((7, -8))])])
        mT = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((5, 9)), Cartesian((8, 2))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((-7, -5)), Cartesian((-3, -7))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((-1, -4)), Cartesian((7, -8))])])
        self.assertEqual(m.transposed(), mT)

    def test_conjugate(self):
        m = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-6, 1)), Cartesian((3, 8))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((2, -6)), Cartesian((3, 0))])])
        mC = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-6, -1)), Cartesian((3, -8))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((2, 6)), Cartesian((3, 0))])])

        self.assertEqual(m.conjugate(), mC)

    def test_dagger(self):
        m = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((7, 7)), Cartesian((3, 8)), Cartesian((8, 4))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((5, 0)), Cartesian((8, -6)), Cartesian((-10, -1))])])
        mD = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((7, -7)), Cartesian((5, 0))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((3, -8)), Cartesian((8, 6))]),
                    Vector([Cartesian((8, -4)), Cartesian((-10, 1))])])

        self.assertEqual(m.dagger(), mD)

    def test_mul(self):
        a = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-6, 2)), Cartesian((0, 6)), Cartesian((7, 2))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((6, 9)), Cartesian((7, 7)), Cartesian((-6, -6))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((5, 8)), Cartesian((-6, 8)), Cartesian((6, 9))])])
        b = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((9, -6)), Cartesian((-3, -4)), Cartesian((5, -2))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((3, 6)), Cartesian((-1, -5)), Cartesian((0, -5))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((9, 9)), Cartesian((8, -4)), Cartesian((-8, -4))])])
        c = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-33, 153)), Cartesian((120, 0)), Cartesian((-44, -22))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((87, 0)), Cartesian((-26, -117)), Cartesian((107, 70))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((0, 165)), Cartesian((147, 26)), Cartesian((69, -36))])])

        self.assertEqual(a*b, c)

    def test_actOnVect(self):
        m = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-1, 5)), Cartesian((1, -7)), Cartesian((-6, 3))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-3, -9)), Cartesian((2, -5)), Cartesian((1, -10))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-6, 5)), Cartesian((6, -5)), Cartesian((3, -2))])])
        v = Vector([Cartesian((1, -3)), Cartesian((4, 3)), Cartesian((-3, 1))])
        mv = Vector([Cartesian((54, -32)), Cartesian((0, 17)), Cartesian((41, 30))])

        self.assertEqual(m.actOnVect(v), mv)

    def test_isUnitary(self):
        a = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((1/math.sqrt(2), 0)), Cartesian((0, 1/math.sqrt(2)))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((0, 1/math.sqrt(2))), Cartesian((1/math.sqrt(2), 0))])])
        b = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((0, 1)), Cartesian((1, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 1)), Cartesian((1, 0))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((1, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 1))])])

        self.assertEqual(a.isUnitary(), True)
        self.assertEqual(b.isUnitary(), False)

    def test_isHermitian(self):
        a = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((3, 0)), Cartesian((2, -1)), Cartesian((0, -3))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((2, 1)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((1, -1))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((0, 3)), Cartesian((1, 1)), Cartesian((0, 0))])])
        b = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((1, 0)), Cartesian((3, -1))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((3, 1)), Cartesian((0, 1))])])
        self.assertEqual(a.isHermitian(), True)
        self.assertEqual(b.isHermitian(), False)

    def test_tensorProduct(self):
        a = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((1, 1)), Cartesian((0, 0))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((1, 0)), Cartesian((0, 1))])])
        b = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-1, 2)), Cartesian((-2, -2)), Cartesian((0, 2))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((2, 3)), Cartesian((3, 1)), Cartesian((2, 2))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-2, 1)), Cartesian((1, -1)), Cartesian((2, 1))])])
        c = Matrx([Vector([Cartesian((-3, 1)), Cartesian((0, -4)), Cartesian((-2, 2)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-1, 5)), Cartesian((2, 4)), Cartesian((0, 4)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-3, -1)), Cartesian((2, 0)), Cartesian((1, 3)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0)), Cartesian((0, 0))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-1, 2)), Cartesian((-2, -2)), Cartesian((0, 2)), Cartesian((-2, -1)), Cartesian((2, -2)), Cartesian((-2, 0))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((2, 3)), Cartesian((3, 1)), Cartesian((2, 2)), Cartesian((-3, 2)), Cartesian((-1, 3)), Cartesian((-2, 2))]),
                   Vector([Cartesian((-2, 1)), Cartesian((1, -1)), Cartesian((2, 1)), Cartesian((-1, -2)), Cartesian((1, 1)), Cartesian((-1, 2))])])

        self.assertEqual(a.tensorProduct(b), c)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Provee un lista amplia y muy completa de operaciones entre vectores, escalares y matrices, en relacion con el tema de números complejos






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