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This program is a platform independent soundboard that was written in Java. This, combined with virtual audio cables / virtual audio mixer, allows anyone to play sounds through their microphone.

This project is heavy inspired by DCSB, the main difference being that this one can be easily used on all platforms.


To run this program, you must have Java 17 installed, which can be found either here or here.
If you wish to have it output to your microphone, you will likely need to use a virtual audio cable.

Virtual audio cables / mixers

There are several free and open source audio cables / mixers, and some closed source but free ones as well.

  • macOS: We recommend using Jack Audio, or Soundflower.
  • Linux: The only mainstream option is Jack Audio, although you can potentially achieve the same thing from command line.
  • Windows: The open source option is Jack Audio, but the free but closed source VB-Audio VoiceMeeter is more widely adopted and has much more online support.

The only tested support is with VoiceMeeter on Windows. Jack Audio likely needs more support from us, but as of right now there is no push for the feature by users, and therefore this isn't one of our priorities. If there is enough request for the feature we will implement it, but as of right now there are no plans to finish the implementation.

Supported Sound formats:

.wavis the only supported file format, although you can technically use .mp3.
All.wavfiles should be supported. Some.mp3files are known to not work.
Almost all sound formats are potentially playable, but nothing other than WAVE and MP3 have been tested.
If you would like to convert sound files to .wav, we recommend using this site.
Additionally you can convert MP3 files to WAV files in Audacity. (Tutorial Coming soon...)


Known issues

  • Users on version 1.2 or 1.3 will not receive auto-updates. 1.3.1+ or 1.1 and earlier will work.



  • Known to build
  • Stable
  • Likely has older features, but they are known to work and are
  • Matches release
  • All optimizations/simple features will eventually be brought to this branch.


  • Likely isn't stable or will crash
  • Typically has major, app breaking, bugs
  • Has the newest features, but likely has broken or incomplete implementations.
  • Combines all the other branches. Has both jack AND interception.


  • Based off of main
  • Includes an implementation of interception, allowing you to use a second keyboard to control soundboard.
  • Very limited implementation, little to no automatic setup.

Jack Audio

  • Based off of main
  • Includes an implementation for jack audio
  • Unfinished with no plans of continuing development.


Building any branch should be done with maven. The build environment should be set up already in pom.xml, so all you should have to do is compile with maven.