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This is an app where user's can look up information on video games using an api from RAWG. The user's can also create a collection of games they own and record the games they have played or own. This project was a follow on from the animi-data and bug tracking app using their different concepts. From anini-data That project was mainly using an api and displaying the information on my website. Bug tracking app I worked with a database getting and sending data to my database. I combined both of them by getting information from the api and storing information users selected to add to their collection.


  • React
  • JSX
  • JavaScript
  • Firebase
  • TanStack Query


The site is deployed on Render


Few Screenshots of the app.

Here is a sample of how I set up game cards UI.

   display: grid;
   padding: 1rem;
   gap: 1rem;
   "game-information-title game-information-title game-information-title game-information-title"
   "game-information-title game-information-title game-information-title game-information-title"
   "game-information-form game-information-form game-information-form game-information-button"
   "game-information-release game-information-release game-information-score game-information-rating"
   "game-information-genre game-information-genre game-information-platforms game-information-platforms"
   "game-information-dev game-information-dev game-information-pub game-information-pub "
   "game-information-details game-information-details game-information-details game-information-details " ;

I added a quick sort for sorting out games

export const qsGames = (games, value, low, high) => {
  if (low > high) {
  const pivotIndex = partition(games, value, low, high);

  qsGames(games, value, low, pivotIndex - 1);
  qsGames(games, value, pivotIndex + 1, high);
  return games;

function partition(games, value, low, high) {
  const pivot = games[high][value];
  let i = low - 1;

  for (let j = low; j <= high - 1; j++) {
    if (games[j][value] >= pivot) {
      [games[i], games[j]] = [games[j], games[i]];
  [games[i + 1], games[high]] = [games[high], games[i + 1]];
  return i + 1;

Lessons learned

  • How react renders and when information will be displayed on the page, I learnt a lot from this project as I didn't fully understand how rendering worked.
  • Using React with a backend (Firebase) and Api. This took a most of my time as trying to sort data from one place to another and pick the best solutions to provide me the best answers.
  • Understanding how firebase stores information. I'm familiar with MongoDB and SQL databases but firebase did it a bit different and I had to get my head around the new way to get data.
  • Using useEffect less for API calls and instead using react query.

Potential future features

  • See other users games collection if public to other users.

Working on

  • Adding more a11y functionality.
  • Cleaning up error handling.
  • Improving backend connection code.
  • Clean up li accessibility and logout button.


  • Need to update error handling.
  • When loading in new games the api calling comes up i want to keep the games on the screen and not the calling api.
  • On card carousel if you select a card it doesn't cause a loading screen.
  • fix disable on button.