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An implementation of JSR-352 that allows jobs to be distributed using existing clustering frameworks.


Dependency injection frameworks

  • CDI
  • Spring
  • Seam 2


  • Memory
  • MongoDB
  • JPA
  • JDBC (though it has only been tested against H2, PostgreSQL and MariaDB)
  • Redis
  • Infinispan
  • EHCache
  • Hazelcast
  • GridGain


  • Infinispan
  • Hazelcast
  • GridGain

Job loaders

  • XML
  • Java
  • Groovy DSL

These built in loaders all support the job inheritance proposal. A simple spi and utilities to allow user defined loaders to also support job inheritance are provided.

Job Management

  • JMX


To build run mvn clean install.

To build with the coherence modules use mvn clean install -Pcoherence. The test profiles tr-coherence and re-coherence will not work if coherence is not installed.

To build with the seam modules use mvn clean install -Pseam. You will need to add the JBoss public repository to your setting.xml. See the instructions from JBoss for more details. The test profile in-seam will not work if seam is not installed.

Run the integration tests

Copy to This file is used to configure maven to run the tests. All properties in this file will be passed to Surefire and available from System.getProperty(...) in the test JVM.

Copy to You will probably want so set the root logger to INFO and both the chainlink and then loggers to TRACE.

Repository tests requiring a dependency to be installed are protected by the -Prepository profile, though enabling will activate all of them current this means you should have mongodb and redis installed and ready to accept connections as per the properties you configured in . If using the -Pdb-postgresql or -Pdb-mariadb profiles you will also require postgresql and mariadb running respectively

Container tests are available under the -Ptest profile and can be run with mvn integration-test -Ptest,<other profiles>.

There is also a utility script ./testsuite for running the tests. Run ./testsuite -h to see it's options or have a look in .travis.yml for some examples (note, the travis ones are laid out as they are primarily to increase parallelism and avoid the job time limit).

Running the SE TCK Tests

Copy to This file is used to configure maven to run the tests. All properties in this file will be passed to Failsafe and available from System.getProperty(...) in the test JVM.

Copy to though it is only used for transports running on two JVM's. All properties in this file will be passed to Failsafe and available from System.getProperty(...) in the secondary JVM.

Copy to You will probably want so set the root logger to INFO and both the chainlink and then loggers to TRACE.

The test process will create these files from the templates when running the tests if they are not found.

Create the directories /var/run/chainlink and /var/log/chainlink and make sure the user running the tests has write permissions to them.

Maven will start a chainlink daemon before running the tests and stop it afterwards. If the maven process is killed before shutting down the second process you might need to shut it down manually, which you can do by running ./tck/se/target/chainlink-<version>/bin/chainlink -k.

To run the TCK you must select an artifact loader via a maven profile (there is no default) and you may select an alternate repository (an in memory repository will be used by default) and/or an alternate transport.

Run mvn verify -Ptck,se,in-x,re-x,tr-x,ma-x where the in-x, re-x and tr-x are the profiles of artifact loader, repository, transport and marshaller you wish to use. You can see the available tck profiles in the tck modules pom.

An example minimum command to run the TCK is mvn verify -Ptck,se.

Running the EE TCK Tests

No extra setup is required to run the EE TCK tests. You will have to add the relevant profile for the container you wish to run them in, e.g. mvn verify -Ptck,se,glassfish,tomee,wildfly will run them in all the supported containers. Note that currently the tr-X profiles will only work against the se profile, and most of the extensions probably won't work in wildfly yet.

Remote transport tests

Some transports are designed to run on multiple JVM's, one owned by failsafe and one other chainlink process. You can configure the second process in two ways.

Primarily, you can provide options to the java process running the tck by setting the environment variable CHAINLINK_OPTS. For example, to enable debugging on both the first and the second process you could use:

CHAINLINK_OPTS="-server -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=9009" \
    mvn clean install \
        -Ptck,se,tr-<x> \

Properties specified in the file will also be provided to the chainlink daemon.

Infinispan and JGroups Tests

You will need to add this route:

sudo route add -net netmask dev lo

And allow traffic through iptables:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -i lo -d -j ACCEPT

The background process should have the following properties passed to it, either through the CHAINLINK_OPTS environment variable or


Failsafe should also be provided the same properties. To execute the tests you can run something like this (though any artifact loader and repository profile can be used):

mvn clean install -Ptck,se,tr-infinispan

Known issues


  • MariaDB may not work correctly with both the JDBC and JPA repositories due to the create_time field only having second resolution. This may or may not be a problem depending on the workload (i.e. if your steps run for over 1 second it will be fine).

Work in progress components

JGroups Transport

  • Distribution doesn't actually work.

Coherence Transport

  • Need to look into how to correctly configure Coherence.

Coherence Repository

  • Has some issues, see above

Guice ArtifactLoader

  • @javax.inject.Inject does not allow null injection of batch properties
  • Module provider system probably won't work with a real Guice project

Installing coherence

First you need to sign up for an account on oracles site. Once you have one you need to download the coherence installer by selecting 'Coherence Stand-Alone Install'. Run the installer with java -jar /path/to/download/coherence_version.jar and follow the prompts. Now you need to install the coherence jar into your local maven repository:

mvn install:install-file  \  \
      -DartifactId=coherence  \
      -Dversion=<version> \
      -Dfile=${ORACLE_HOME}/coherence/lib/coherence.jar  \
      -Dpackaging=jar \

Where ORACLE_HOME is where you set it in the installer and <version> is the version of coherence you are installing (which should match the version in pom.xml.

Using the build profile coherence or the test profiles tr-coherence and re-coherence will not work if coherence is not installed.


Apache 2.0


An implementation of JSR-352







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