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Bright Board display

Bright Board is an accessory PCB for micro:bit that is designed for use in wearable projects. It is a part of the Bright Wearables product line of micro:bit-powered LED bags and backpacks. The Bright Board contains twelve SK9822/APA102 addressable LEDs which display different colors, patterns, and animations when controlled by the micro:bit.

This extension intentionally does not support WS2812B addressable LEDs because the timing required to communicate with the WS2812B LEDs is not compatible with micro:bit Bluetooth functionality. Because the Bright Board uses SK9822/APA102 LEDs, the Bright Board extension is compatible with the MakeCode micro:bit Bluetooth extension.

Project and code ideas for the Bright Board may be found at The Bright Board and compatible accessory bags may be purchased at

Basic usage

The Bright Board MakeCode extension contains code blocks to set and manipulate the colors displayed on the twelve Bright Board LEDs. Bright Board code blocks that contain the word "show" or "fade to" will write their pattern to the LEDs when executed. If a code block doesn't contain the word "show", then it only makes changes to the buffered LED values. To make those values visible in the LEDs, you must use the "show" block.

Display property blocks

Set the overall properties of the Bright Board LED display with the following code blocks:

Set the display brightness (from 0-255). The default value is 255. Brightness scaling applies only to future displays after this function call.


Set the color order mode of the display. Defaults to RGB.


Set whether gamma correction is applied to the LEDs each time the "show" function is called. Default value is true (gamma correction on).


Action blocks

Turns all LEDs off. Must call "show" function to execute.


Sets all LEDs to the specified color.


Sets the pixel at the specified index to the specified color.

brightboard.setPixelColor(0, 0xff0000)

Shifts the position of each pixel color around the ring by the specified distance (with wrapping).


Moves the position of each pixel color around the ring by the specified distance (no wrapping).


Fades the brightness of all pixel colors by a value specified from 0 to 255


Color blocks

Specify a color in RGB format

brightboard.rgbColor(0, 0, 0)

Specify a color in HSL format

brightboard.hsl2rgb(0, 99, 50)

Generate a random color (hue is randomized)


Return the color value of the specified pixel


Return the current display brightness setting


Pattern blocks

Set the LED colors from the specified pattern. If the pattern length is less than 12, the colors in the pattern will repeat until all LEDs are set.


A variable-length list of LED colors used to specify a pattern

brightboard.colorForLedVariableLength(0x0087ff, 0x000000)

A list of twelve colors to set the bright board pixels with

brightboard.colorForLed(0xff0000, 0xFF7F00, 0xFFFE00, 0x7FFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x00FF7F, 0x00FFFE, 0x007FFF, 0x0000FF, 0x7F00FF, 0xFE00FF, 0xFF007F)

Change the bright board display from the current colors to the specified pattern at a specified rate

fadeToPattern(brightboard.colorForLedVariableLength(0xff0000, 0x000000), 5)

Create a color gradient with a specified start pixel, length, start color and end color



For instructions and examples of code utilizing the Bright Board MakeCode extension, see

Supported targets

  • for PXT/microbit
