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Flask REST API For Pizza Delivery Service And Its Deployment To Heroku

Table of Contents
  1. About Flask REST API for Pizza Delivery Service
  2. What I learnt
  3. How to run the project on Local
  4. License
  5. Connect With Me
  6. Acknowledgements

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About Flask REST API for Pizza Delivery Service

This is a GitHub repository for a Pizza Flask API that provides functionality for ordering pizzas from a hypothetical pizza delivery service.

The API provides several endpoints for various actions related to pizza ordering. Some of these endpoints include; sign up, login, place order, get all orders, delete order etc.

This Flask API could be a good starting point for someone looking to build a simple pizza ordering system or learn more about building APIs with Flask.

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Built With:

Python Flask SQLite

Deployed With:


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What I learnt

  • How to set up a Flask API with Flask-RESTX
  • Databases with Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • JWT Authentication with Flask-JWT-Extended
  • Environment variables with Python-Decouple
  • Database migrations with Flask-Migrate
  • How to write Unit Tests with Unittest and PyTest
  • Documenting REST APIs with SwaggerUI and Flask-RESTX
  • Error Handling
  • Flask API Deployment via Heroku

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How to run the project on Local

Clone the project Repository

git clone

Enter the project folder and create a virtual environment

$ cd

$ python -m venv env 

Activate the virtual environment

$ source env/bin/actvate #On linux Or Unix

$ source env/Scripts/activate #On Windows 

Install all requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the project in development

$ export FLASK_APP=api/
$ echo FLASK_APP
$ flask run

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Connect With Me


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This project was made possible by:

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