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Bruno Levy edited this page Dec 27, 2022 · 5 revisions

3D Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagram

The example program computes a 3D Delaunay triangulation and the dual Voronoi diagram. Try it online. The pointset can be optimized by Lloyd relaxation.

The Delaunay class

The same base class is shared by Delaunay in 2d and 3d. The base class is presented in this tutorial.

There are several implementations of 3d Delaunay triangulations in Geogram:

  • Delaunay3d: the simplest implementation, heavily documented, kept here for reference.
  • ParallelDelaunay3d: a highly optimized multithreaded implementation.
  • PeriodicDelaunay3d: a highly optimized multithreaded implementation that has in addition the possibility of handling periodic boundary conditions. This one is useful for research in astrophysics and material science that often use this type of boundary condition.

Cell incidence (cell to vertex) and cell adjacency (cell to cell) queries work as with Delaunay2d (with the difference that each cell is a tetrahedron, with 4 vertices and 4 neighbors, instead of 3 vertices and 3 neighbors in 2D).

Let us now focus on PeriodicDelaunay3d (that can do everything, and that has functions to select which feature to use). The constructor has an option to specify whether periodic boundary conditions are used, and what the period is (default is the unit cube):

  PeriodicDelaunay3d(bool periodic, double period=1.0)

It can be constructed as follows:

  SmartPointer<PeriodicDelaunay3d> delaunay = new PeriodicDelaunay3d(periodic_, 1.0);

The triangulation can be computed as follows:

  delaunay_->set_vertices(nb_points, points);

where points is a pointer to the vertices coordinates, in a contiguous array (same thing as Delaunay2d, but this time three coordinates per vertex). Once the vertices specified, one needs to call the compute() function (it is so because one can specify additional information before calling compute(), more on this below).

When in non-periodic mode, Delaunay uses a special vertex "at infinity" and virtual inifinite tetrahedra that connect all facets of the convex hull. By default, these tetrahedra are discarted at the end of the construction of the triangulation. One may want to keep them (for instance, to get the convex hull from the tetrahedra incident to the inifinite vertex). It can be done using delaunay_->set_keeps_infinite(true);.

Drawing the Voronoi diagram

As with Delaunay2d, the Voronoi diagram can be deduced "on the fly" from the Delaunay triangulation. To get the Voronoi cell associated with a given vertex, one needs to iterate on the tetrahedra incident to a given vertex, compute the circumcenter of each tetrahedron, and connect it to the circumcenters of the neighborhing tetrahedra. To make this easier, there is a helper ConvexCell class, that represents a convex polytope in 3D, that is, the intersection of half-spaces (delimited by oriented planes). ConvexCell represents a polytope in dual form, that is, as a triangulation where each vertex corresponds to a plane equation, and where each triangle corresponds to a vertex. In our context, we want to represent the Voronoi cell of a vertex v. The triangles of the ConvexCell corresponds to the boundary of the set of tetrahedra incident to vertex v. There is a helper function copy_Laguerre_cell_from_Delaunay() to directly copy a Voronoi cell of a 3d Delaunay triangulation to a ConvexCell. Since this function needs to traverse the tetrahedra incident to the vertex, it takes as an argument a working variable to store the list of tetrahedra (client code does not have to worry about that, it is just a workspace passed to the function, having it makes multithreading more efficient when one extracts Voronoi cells in concurrent threads):

   ConvexCell C;
   PeriodicDelaunay3d::IncidentTetrahedra W;
   for(index_t i=0; i<delaunay_->nb_vertices(); ++i) {
      delaunay_->copy_Laguerre_cell_from_Delaunay(v, C, W);
      // do something with C

Now let us see how to display a given Voronoi cell. Remember, ConvexCell stores a convex polytope in dual form. Iterating over the faces and vertices of each face can be done as follows:

for(index_t v=1; v<C.nb_v(); ++v) {
    index_t t = C.vertex_triangle(v);
    if(t == VBW::END_OF_LIST) {
    do {
	vec3 p = C.triangle_point(VBW::ushort(t));
	// Do something with p ...
	index_t lv = C.triangle_find_vertex(t,v);		   
	t = C.triangle_adjacent(t, (lv + 1)%3);
    } while(t != C.vertex_triangle(v));
  • The loop starts as index 1 (instead of 0), because in ConvexCell, vertex 0 is a virtual vertex at infinity;
  • Each vertex v of ConvexCell knows one of the triangles incident to it, through C.vertex_triangle(v). It is set to VBW::END_OF_LIST if there is no such triangle;
  • If you look at the function draw_cell() in the example program, you will see how to triangulate each face and send the triangles to GLUP to draw them.

Convex clipping

As in the 2D example, if we are not using periodic mode, the vertices on the border of the convex hull have infinite Voronoi cells (with triangles incident to the infinite vertex 0 of the ConvexCell). We can compute the intersection between the ConvexCell and a convex polytope (for instance unit cube), as follows:

   ConvexCell C = ...;
   C.clip_by_plane(vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
   C.clip_by_plane(vec4(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
   C.clip_by_plane(vec4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
   C.clip_by_plane(vec4( 0.0,-1.0, 0.0, 1.0));	
   C.clip_by_plane(vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
   C.clip_by_plane(vec4( 0.0, 0.0,-1.0, 1.0));

The code above first clips the cell with the six planes that define the unit cube. ConvexCell has a member function clip_by_plane() that implements a 3D version of the Sutherland-Hogdman reentrant clipping. Under the hood, it uses exact predicates to make sure that all combinatorial decisions remain coherent. One needs to call C.compute_geometry() in the end to compute the coordinates of the vertices.

In the example program, copying the cell from the Delaunay triangulation and clipping it is implemented in a get_cell() function.

Lloyd relaxation

Now we have all the components to implement Lloyd relaxation (that relocates each vertex at the centroid of its Voronoi cell), as follows:

void Lloyd_iteration() {
    vector<double> new_points(points_.size());
    ConvexCell C;
    for(index_t v=0; v<points_.size()/3; ++v) {
	get_cell(v, C);
	vec3 g = C.barycenter();
	new_points[3*v]   = g.x;
	new_points[3*v+1] = g.y;
	new_points[3*v+2] = g.z;		
    // In periodic mode, points may escape out of
    // the domain. Relocate them in [0,1]^3
    for(index_t i=0; i<new_points.size(); ++i) {
	if(new_points[i] < 0.0) {
	    new_points[i] += 1.0;
	if(new_points[i] > 1.0) {
	    new_points[i] -= 1.0;

Weighted triangulation

PeriodicDelaunay3d also implements weighted triangulations (also called regular triangulations). A weighted triangulation can be computed as follows:

   delaunay_->set_vertices(n, vertices);

where vertices is a pointer to an array of 3*n coordinates, and weights is a pointer to an array of n values. Then, the dual diagram (called a Laguerre diagram) can be constructed using the copy_Laguerre_cell_from_Delaunay() function, just as before.

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