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Let's Play

A. Description

React Front-End:

Let's Play was built in 5 days by:
Bryant Cabrera - GitLab Manager/Scrum Master/Documenter/Designer
Abraham Hsu - Scrum Master/API Manager/Designer/React Lead

B. Link to deployed app:


C. User Stories

As a user, I want to be able to check out some of the app's features without having to sign up.
As a user, I want a responsive navigation bar because I want access to appropriate components of the app.
As a user, I want to view a list of all the boardgames and their info without having to log in so I can assess whether I should register on the site or not.
As a user, I want a link in the NavBar to my own profile and a logout link for convenience.
As a user, I want to add boardgames from the boardgames index and know which ones have been added to my profile already for a better user experience.
As a user, on my Edit Page, I want to have input fields pre-populated with my current info so that I know what I want to edit.

D. App Images

  1. Splash Page

    Image of Splash Page

  2. Registration Page

    Image of Registration Page

  3. User Profile Page

    Image of User Profile Page

  4. Boardgame Index

    Image of Boardgame Index

  5. Individual Boardgame's Show Page

    Image of Individual Boardgame's Show Page

E. Technologies Used


1. React
2. Bootstrap
3. BEM
4. Google Fonts
6. CSS
7. Javascript
8. Heroku
9. Git


1. Python
2. PostgreSQL
3. Flask
4. Restful Routing
5. peewee


1. Board Game Geek (JSON): []( 
2. Board Game Geek (XML): []( 


1. Bcrypt


1. Adobe XD
2. Adobe Photoshop
3. Postman

F. Getting Started

###Flask Back-End

1.  Make sure you have downloaded all dependencies for the flask backend
    1.  in terminal, cd to your project folder
    2.  $pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2.  Run the environment with $ virtualenv .env -p python3
3.  Make sure to run the flask server with $python

React Front-End

1. LOGGING IN: Users are able to register for a new account. 
    > When a user signs up for the first time, user will be presented a user profile page, where they'll fill out his or her name, profile picture, and location.

    > User will be able to browse all board games and add a particular game to his/her collection.

    > Once vendor has completed their profile page, website will redirect to their own profile page, showing their info: profile picture, username, location, and board games he/she owns.

    > Upon visiting the landing page, visitors are greeted a splash image of people gathered around playin a boardgame and can either register for a new account, discover all board games, or browse other profile.

    > Upon clicking a boardgame, visitor will be redirected to the Boardgame Show page, which displays additional information about the game: the designer, minimum and maximum players, play time, and description.

    > Available boardgames are viewable by anyone, without the need to register.
    > Clicking a boardgame image will redirect user to a boardgame's individual showpage, showing additional information.

G. Github workflow

  1. Link to repo:
  2. On your personal repo (NOT the General Assembly) enterprise, log in. then click link above and fork the repo. Make sure the repo is in your personal GitHub (go to your personal GitHub account and the project repo “relocater” should be there). Then, from YOUR PERSONAL FORK, clone it to your local repo.
    1. $git clone {without curly braces, put the clone link here}
    2. $git remote add upstream
  3. In terminal, cd to the project repo, open it, and $git checkout -b {without these curly braces, put your first name here in all lower case letters}
    1. EXAMPLE: $git checkout -b bryant
    2. **any other time you are changing back to your branch, you don’t need to type the “-b” part anymore
  4. $npm install
    1. This gets all of the react & express packages downloaded.
  5. FOR EXPRESS: you’re only concerned with the following folders/files
    1. Controllers
    2. Db
    3. Models
    4. Public
    5. Routers
    6. .env
    7. Server.js
  6. FOR REACT: you’re only concerned with the following folders:
    1. src (where you will be making ALL components)
    2. public
  7. When you are 100% sure your data is ready to be merged into the master copy, make sure you are on YOUR OWN BRANCH (lower left of VScode), call Bryant to let him know you're merging, then:
    1. $git add -A
    2. $git commit -m “Adds {put your name here}’s {2-3 word description of the feature/code you made}”
    3. $git push origin {without the curly braces, branchname}
      1. This passes up the whole branch
    4. go to your PERSONAL GitHub repo
      1. OPTION 1: on your PERSONAL GitHub repo, accept and merge the pull requests
      2. OPTION 2 (if you don't see the green button ABOVE the clone/download button on the right):
        1. in your PERSONAL remote repo, use the dorpdown on the left to switch to the branch that you made updates to
        2. click the "New Pull Request" button directly to the right of that dropdown menu
        3. on the new screen, make sure the left side points to the origin master, and the right side points to your personal branch that has your edits
  8. Make sure your local repo is always in sync.
    1. make sure you don't have any pending commits, then
    2. $git checkout master
    3. Bryant will let you know when to $git pull upstream master
    4. $git branch -D {without the curly braces, your name all in lowercase}
      1. this deletes your old branch
    5. $git checkout -b {without the curly braces, your name all in lowercase}
  9. Merging
    1. On master GitHub link
      1. Click green button called “compare & pull”
      2. Create pull request (a) Title: {YourName in all lowercase} –{1-3 word description of new feature/code you made} (b) Description: {line numbers} : Describe in detail what change you made and what it does.
      3. Click send pull request
    2. DO NOT hit “merge”, Bryant will be handling this.

H. Next Steps

  1. Unsolved problems:
    • Search bar needs to match exact characters, including Uppercase.
    • Search bar requires users to press "Reset Search" everytime a user wants to perform another search.
    • After adding a boardgame to user, must view all profiles then click on own profile in order to correctly display owned boardgames.
  2. Planned features:
    • When a boardgame is added, no activity happens. Ideally, we'd make it so a flash message appears, "Boardgame has been added!"
    • Add ability for users able to leave ratings and reviews on boardgames.
    • Add ability for users able to chat with other users to discuss boardgames or meet-up times to play boardgames together.
    • Authentication with Google or other social medias for easier login and security.
    • Add ability for user to delete a boardgame from their list.
    • Make search bar smoother: with each key press, start filtering boardgame names and animate the flow of boardgames disappearing.


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