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3.3 Gameplay ‐ What happens during those actions?

KatarinaV edited this page Jun 5, 2024 · 1 revision

The following controls use a standard mouse and keyboard, as well as an xbox controller as reference. For more information see 5. Controls


With a press of one of the arrow keys or the WASD-keys (mouse & keyboard) OR the left stick (controller) the player can move according to the usual directions Once one of the keys is pressed, the player moves [insert number] pixels into the chosen direction. Two directions which are next to each other can be pressed at once to walk diagonally. While the key is being pressed the player walks with a speed of [insert number] of pixels per second. Whilst walking a walking animation is played. After the key is released the animation immediately stops playing and the player stops on the spot. After the walking input stops the playable character goes back to their idle animation until further input. In combat the walking speed is increased. Whilst walking spacebar (mouse & keyboard) or B (controller) can be pressed. This will trigger a dash backwards in the direction the player is facing. The dash lets the player jump [insert number of pixel] pixel back. A dash animation is played and the player is invulnerable during the dash. After the dash the playable character goes back to their idle animation until further input.


Moving the mouse (mouse & keyboard) or right stick (controller) the player rotates with its location and aims in that direction When the left mouse button (mouse & keyboard) or the right trigger (controller) is pressed a bullet is shot. Whilst shooting a shooting animation is played. This animation lasts [insert number] seconds. After the animation is done the playable character goes back to their idle animation until further input. A stronger special attack can be used with pressing the right mouse button (mouse & keyboard) or the left trigger (controller). This attack works similarly to the standard shooting attack, however its animation takes [insert number] seconds longer.

Taking damage

When the player is hit, a [insert number] seconds long damage animation plays. Whilst in this animation the player is invincible, however they are slowed down for [insert number] seconds. After the animation is done the playable character goes back to their idle animation until further input.


The dying animation triggers once the player’s health reaches zero. The animation takes [insert number] seconds to play. After the animation is finished, there is a change of scenes and a death screen is shown.


Some objects can be pushed by the player. Whilst pushing, a pushing animation is played. This animation starts as soon as the player walks up to a movable object and walks against it for [insert number] seconds. While pushing the pushing animation continues and the player moves with a slowed speed of [insert number] pixels per second. The animation stops [insert number] seconds after the player stops walking against the object. The playable character goes back to their idle animation until further input.

Picking up items

When an item is found on the ground, the player can press E (mouse & keyboard) or A (controller) to pick up that item. A picking up animation with a duration of [insert number] seconds is played. Whilst in this animation the player cannot move. The playable character goes back to their idle animation until further input. If the player wishes to pick up an item during combat, the animation is being skipped. Rotating objects, placing objects, pulling switches, pressing buttons, etc. For these interactions with the world there is one collective animation. This animation starts playing as soon as the player comes up to an intractable object and presses the E key (mouse & keyboard) or the A key (controller). The animation plays for [insert number] seconds. Afterwards the playable character goes back to their idle animation until further input.


The player starts a conversation walking up to a NPC and pressing the E key (mouse & keyboard) or with a press on the A key (controller). During conversations the playable character is in their idle animation until further input. Once a NPC is spoken to, a text box will appear, preferably with an icon of the NPC. The player does not have the option to answer.


2. Specifications

3. Gameplay

4. The Game World

5. Controls

6. Rendering system

7. Game Characters

8. User interface

9. Musical scores and sound effects

10. Single-player game

11. Extra miscellaneous stuff

12. Objects appendix

13. User interface appendix

14. Character rendering and animation appendix

15. Cutscenes

16. Source index

17. Style Guide Art

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