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Releases: Burnt-o/HaloCheckpointManager

HCM 3.0.9d

29 Mar 04:44
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.9d
Currently only fully supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, with limited support for Season 7 and Season 8. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • Refactored how HCM attaches to MCC to attempt to fix some access denied issues people were having. Even if this doesn't fix the issue, the increased logging levels should help me diagnose it for next time.

Known Issues

  • Season 7 and Season 8 only have support for basic save management (checkpoint, revert, inject, dump etc) features. Except for Halo 2 Season 7 which is fully supported.
  • Game will freeze for a couple seconds when HCM shuts down, which has reportedly caused issues with OBS for some people.

HCM 3.0.9

26 Mar 02:30
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.9
Currently only fully supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, with limited support for Season 7 and Season 8. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • Added skull toggles for all skulls, all games. Please note that skull state is saved/loaded by checkpoints/reverts.
  • Added Custom Waypoint feature. This is purely visual, kinda like the in-game HUD objective markers except you can put them wherever you want.
  • Fixed internal injection error that could occur if MCC was opened multiple times in a Windows session.
  • Added even more info to internal injection error dialog in an attempt to diagnose an "Access Denied" issue some people have been reporting.
  • Added full Halo 2 support for Season 7. So not just save management anymore, you can now do all the fun stuff in H2 S7 (invulnerability, AI freeze, teleport, etc etc). I will try to keep H2 S7 fully supported from here out since I know you H2 speednerds all downpatch.
  • Fixed bad velocity math in Display 2D info readout.
  • Fix for teleport/launch radio buttons being in invalid backend state.
  • Improved error message for teleport/launch.

Known Issues

  • Season 7 and Season 8 only have support for basic save management (checkpoint, revert, inject, dump etc) features. Except for Halo 2 Season 7 which is fully supported.
  • Game will freeze for a couple seconds when HCM shuts down, which has reportedly caused issues with OBS for some people.

HCM 3.0.8

03 Mar 10:54
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.8
Currently only fully supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, with only save management support for Season 7 & 8. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • Fixed Rivatuner-related crash during initialisation.
  • Normalised free camera diagonal movement (ie holding forward + strafe no longer makes you go faster).
  • Added checkpoint checksum ignoring feature for H1 and H2 (so all games have it now). This allows you to inject saves to (slightly )modified map files (that weren't the one they were created on).
  • Added status bar to HCMExternal that tells you info about HCMInternals state.
  • If HCMExternal fails to inject HCMInternal into MCC, the error message will now actually tell you why (no more "something went wrong.. not sure what" messages).
  • User can now choose to retry injection if injection fails.
  • Rewrote how HCMExternal attaches to MCC.
  • Added check for user accidentally starting MCC with EAC enabled.
  • Improved logging of Hotkey and Setting (de)serialisation. I still haven't been able to figure out why this sometimes isn't working for some people but the new log files should hopefully tell me more.
  • Improved build process/documentation.

Known Issues

  • Season 7 and Season 8 only have support for basic save management (checkpoint, revert, inject, dump etc) features.
  • Halo 2 position resolution (for Force Teleport/Launch/DisplayInfo) sometimes randomly fails.

HCM 3.0.7

08 Feb 08:55
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.7
Currently only fully supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, with only save management support for Season 7 & 8. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • Fixed issue where ODST/Reach/H4 checkpoint injection would falsely fail due to "wrong game tab open".
  • Fixed initialization (DirectX hook) crash that sometimes occurred on Windows Store / downpatched.

Known Issues

  • Season 7 and Season 8 only have support for basic save management (checkpoint, revert, inject, dump etc) features.
  • Halo 2 position resolution (for Force Teleport/Launch/DisplayInfo) sometimes randomly fails.

HCM 3.0.6

25 Jan 13:00
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**Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.6 **
Currently only fully supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, with only save management support for Season 7 & 8. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

**Change Log: **

  • Added feature to manually set the players health & shields.
  • Fixed Halo 3 performance/FPS issues.
  • Added feature to force a checkpoint at a future game tick (use in co-op to avoid desync - both players need to arm it and set it to the same tick).

** Known Issues **

  • Season 7 and Season 8 only have support for basic save management (checkpoint, revert, inject, dump etc) features.
  • Halo 2 position resolution (for Force Teleport/Launch/DisplayInfo) sometimes randomly fails.

Highlights of what's new in HCM2 -> HCM3

  • In case this is your first time using HCM3 *
  • Large architectural change: all cheat implementation and GUI is now handled in HCMInternal (what was previously called the overlay) instead of via HCMExternal (the "main" window that manages your checkpoint library).
    • This means you now use cheats by interacting with an overlay inside MCC. You can click the arrow or hit the tilde key to toggle the GUI.
    • All cheat stuff is now implemented in c++ & internal to the MCC process, instead of c# & external to the process. Generally speaking, this makes things less buggy, more performant, easier to maintain and best of all: more power to do cooler stuff.
  • No longer needs to be "Run as administrator".
  • A couple new cheats already implemented, like:
    • Cheat Medusa now implemented for Halo 2 (instead of only Halo 1).
    • Free Camera for Halo 1 & 2.
    • AI freeze toggle for all games.
    • Force Launch/Teleport for Halo 4 (and all other games of course. Was previously not implemented for Halo 4).
    • Pause game and tick-advance.
    • Display various game/player info in a 2D Overlay (you can configure which info and how it looks)
  • Better hotkey system that supports multiple bindings to a single function (ie you can have some for M&KB, some for gamepad) and combo bindings (needing to press multiple buttons together to trigger a hotkey).
  • Some UI improvements to HCMExternal:
    • Folder Explorer now shows vertical/horizontal scrollbars if content too large.
    • The right side of the UI can be dragged to the left to give Folder Explorer more room.
    • Columns in main checkpoint view now auto expand to fill available space and clamp to the right side.

HCM 3.0.5 (Test Release)

11 Jan 12:19
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.5 (Test Release)
This is an experimental release of a nearly completely re-written HCM. It currently only fully supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, with only save management support for Season 7 & 8. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

**Change Log: **

  • Multithreaded OptionalCheat construction to significantly speed up HCMInternals initialization time. Let me know if you get any weird new initialization errors now, but I thiiiink I caught it all.
  • Fixed occasional crash that could occur when enabling Free Camera.
  • Modal dialogs (such as naming a dumped checkpoint) now block hotkeys from firing.
  • Auto-checkpoint on dump now occurs after the name-your-checkpoint modal dialog (means you won't still get a checkpoint forced if you decide to press cancel).
  • Replaced IsBadReadPtr implementation to maybe fix a rare(ish) free camera crash.
  • Fixed H1 issue where players Datum would not resolve while out-of-bounds.
  • Fixed HCMExternal error when cancelling checkpoint rename dialog

** Known Issues **

  • Season 7 and Season 8 only have support for basic save management (checkpoint, revert, inject, dump etc) features.
  • Halo 2 position resolution (for Force Teleport/Launch/DisplayInfo) sometimes randomly fails.

HCM v3.0.4 (Test Release)

28 Dec 10:44
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.4 (Test Release)
This is an experimental release of a nearly completely re-written HCM. It currently only fully supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, with only save management support for Season 7 & 8. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • Added "OBS Bypass" toggle that makes HCMs GUI not show up on OBS game capture. You need to be using a relatively recent version of OBS for this to work, preferably v29+. (Might be a bit buggy idk).
  • Fixed current-patch issue where Halo 2 would warn you about injecting to wrong level even when that was not the case.
  • Fixed current-patch issue where Halo 2 checkpoint injection would crash the game.
  • Fixed issue where Halo 2 invulnerability would make the player invisible if they got fall-timer'd.
  • Fixed issue where non-H1 games wouldn't have their level icons show up in HCMExternal checkpoint detail view.
  • Fixed issue where dumping a game to the wrong HCMExternal tab would throw a weird error. Now it just works.

HCM v3.0.3 (Test Release)

14 Dec 09:08
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.3 (Test Release)
This is an experimental release of a nearly completely re-written HCM. There's some new features, some yet-to-be-implemented features, and most probably some crashes or bugs that may occur. It also currently only supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, not downpatches. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • Added Free Camera feature for Halo 1 and Halo 2.
  • Added HideHUD feature for Halo 1 and Halo 2.
  • Added View Angle editing feature (all games).
  • Added Switch BSP/Zoneset feature (all games, though really only useful for H1/H2).
  • Added current BSP/Zoneset readout to Display 2D Info feature (all games).
  • Added current RNG readout to Display 2D Info feature (Halo 1 only).
  • Added copy+paste buttons for Force Teleport to AbsolutePosition.
  • Fixed issue where pressing ctrl-tab would bring up blank ImGUI window.
  • Fixed issue where cursor could get caught up on the main gui collapse button while playing.
  • Fixed issue with main GUI being in the wrong position on ultrawide displays.
  • DirectX hook now tries to resolve present pointers with direct pointer when available, falling back to dummy swapchain method (the latter can occasionally crash RivaTuner etc).

Things that are NOT in, and may not come for quite a while:

  • Free Camera support for other games.
  • Free Camera automation (anchoring camera position/rotation to object, etc).
  • Free Camera dolly/path system (I may not ever get around to this TBH).

HCM v3.0.2 (Test Release)

20 Nov 13:45
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.2 (Test Release)
This is an experimental release of a nearly completely re-written HCM. There's some new features, some yet-to-be-implemented features, and most probably some crashes or bugs that may occur. It also currently only supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, not downpatches. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • Added Display 2D Info overlay that can display various game data in realtime, such as:
    • Player View Angle, Health/Shields (& cooldown), Position, Velocity.
    • Same as above but for an arbitrary entity instead of the player (note: there's currently no user-facing way to find the datum of a particular entity so this is kinda useless for the moment).
    • Current Game Tick, friendly aggro information (Halo 1 only), next object Datum (Halo 2 only, useful for AUP).
  • (The exact data that is shown is configurable by various toggles. You can also adjust the visual appearance and position of the info.)
  • Added Infinite Ammo & Bottomless Clip cheats for Halo 1 and Halo 2.
  • Fixed issue where Halo 2 position/velocity data would fail to resolve

HCM v3.0.1 (Test Release)

09 Nov 13:41
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Halo Checkpoint Manager v3.0.1 (Test Release)
This is an experimental release of a nearly completely re-written HCM. There's some new features, some yet-to-be-implemented features, and most probably some crashes or bugs that may occur. It also currently only supports the most up-to-date version of MCC, not downpatches. Please head over to Burnts Tool Testing Zone discord to report bugs & crashes or for general feedback.

Change Log:

  • H1 core load / revert no longer reverts you a second time if you do it inbetween dying and naturally reverting.
  • Added checkpoint metadata for 3272.
  • HCMExternal's right click->Inject command now actually works.
  • Improved injection logging.
  • Improved HCMInternal init exception handling.
  • Now no longer crashes if you run HCM with admin permissions (note: HCM3 does not need admin permissions to work!).