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tamimamo edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 22 revisions

Minimum Viable Product

Iteration 1 Goals:

The MVP iteration is about creating some parts from the different first layers to demonstrate the primary capability of the product, and to give the user the initial inspiration from the product.

In our product MVP includs first user interface with basic functionality - Home page, navigation between the different website pages, and viewing information about the publishing house and the publishing proccess in Paleta. .

Details on our MVP tasks are in the [Product Backlog.] (../blob/master/PDFs/Product%20Backlog-fixed.pdf)



Issues status:

Screenshot of the issues board at the beginning of iteration 1:

Screenshot of the issues board at the end of iteration 1:

Points Summery:

  • Design the Home page - 5 points.
  • Information about Paleta - 4 points.
  • Create the database - 5 points.
Total : 14 points.

Related documentations

Use cases of each feature are listed in our [SRS] (../wiki/SRS) page.

Class diagram and CRC cards of our data base can be found in our [SDS] (../wiki/sds) page.


Tests will be held by the team.

Iteration Summery:

  • As a summary, In this iteration we focused on creating the main screen for the client- building a home page and pages with information about all Paleta's publishing services.
  • In this first iteration we have invested a lot of time learning how to work correctly with the code and use Botstrap libraries.

See [Paleta website] ( after the MVP iteration.

###Project progress: Until now we have finished 9 points out of 58 points set at the beginning of the project. We hope that the project will continue to progress correct rhythm to be ready for the final deadline.

###Future improvements:

  • Succeed shared all team members in the project and divide the work properly between them.
  • We just started working with Git, and we still do not know clearly how to work with the various commands it contains, we will have to invest time learning the way of working with Git properly.

Next iteration:

[Iteration 2 - RSS] (../wiki/RSS)