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Format and Rules

Alex Ma edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 8 revisions

Format and Rules

Each team of 2-5 people will work on a "challenge". The organization committee will propose a set of challenges to bootstrap feedback and refinement based on community input: participants can propose totally new challenges, modifications to existing ones, and express their preferences. The set of potential challenges will continuously evolve in the days preceding the hackathon.

On Saturday morning, teams will be officially finalized. On Saturday and Sunday, participants will work together in teams to hack and develop their ideas, culminating in very short presentations to the jury on Sunday evening and a party to announce the winning teams and celebrate everyone's participation. During the event, domain-experts will provide support to the teams.

Participants are free to work on drafted challenges and on their own ideas in the days preceding the hackathon. A mailing list and documentation will provide support on the platforms/tools/data used in the hackathon. However, for the teams to compete in the hackathon for prizes, they will have to demonstrate that substantial work was done during the two-day event.

Food and drinks will be provided throughout the two-day event.

Please note everyone entering the building during the hackathon will need to be registered and pre-approved, and will be required to sign a University campus liability waiver on check-in.


The three teams that produce the best results will receive prizes. The prize awarded to each member of the three winning teams will be a Pebble smartwatch -- a waterproof, hackable smartwatch compatible with both iPhone and Android smartphones. We will award at most 5 watches (depending on the number of team members) to each winning team.

All participants will receive commemorative CAIDA t-shirts and mugs.

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