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A simple Push-to-Talk web application. Developed as a contour solution and proof of concept for voice communications in firefighter activities.


Design Points

A combo of two npm projects, the backend server and the frontend UI. So there are two package.json configs and thereforce two places to run npm commands:

  1. Node server: ./package.json
  2. React UI: react-ui/package.json

Local Development

Because this app is made of two npm projects, there are two places to run npm commands:

  1. Node API server at the root ./
  2. React UI in react-ui/ directory.

Run the API server

In a terminal:

# Initial setup
npm install

# Start the server
npm start

Install new npm packages for Node

npm install package-name --save

Run the React UI

The React app is configured to proxy backend requests to the local Node server. (See "proxy" config)

In a separate terminal from the API server, start the UI:

# Always change directory, first
cd react-ui/

# Initial setup
npm install

# Start the server
npm start

Install new npm packages for React UI

# Always change directory, first
cd react-ui/

npm install package-name --save