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Changing effective genome size and adding differential binding analysis
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tovahmarkowitz committed Jul 15, 2019
1 parent c52fc95 commit 38d74ee
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

Created by: Tovah Markowitz
Date: 5/14/19
Purpose: To create visually appealing plots of FRiP scores
Currently only works with python/3.5

# Modules
import optparse
from pybedtools import BedTool
import pysam
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

# Functions

def split_infiles(infiles):
breaks the infile string with space-delimited file names and
creates a list
infileList = infiles.strip("\'").strip('\"').split(" ")
if len(infileList) == 1:
infileList = infileList[0].split(";")

def count_reads_in_bed(bam, bedfile, genomefile):
some of this comes directly from the pybedtools site; read in
bed (or bed-like) file, sort it, and then count the number of
reads within the regions
bedinfo = BedTool(bedfile)
return (
BedTool(bam).intersect( bedinfo, bed=True, stream=True, )

def count_reads_in_bam(bam):
""" count the number of reads in a given bam file """
return( pysam.AlignmentFile(bam).mapped )

def calculate_frip(nreads, noverlaps):
""" calculate FRiP score from nreads and noverlaps """
return( float(noverlaps) / nreads )

def measure_bedfile_coverage(bedfile, genomefile):
""" calculate the number of bases covered by a given bed file """
bedinfo = BedTool(bedfile)
return( bedinfo.sort(g=genomefile).total_coverage() )

def clip_bamfile_name(bamfile):
clip bam file name for table/plotting purposes; assumes file
naming system matches that of Pipeliner
sample = bamfile.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
condition = ".".join(bamfile.split("/")[-1].split(".")[1:-1])
return( sample, condition )

def clip_bedfile_name(bedfile):
clip bed file name for table/plotting purposes; assumes file
naming system matches that of Pipeliner
toolused = bedfile.split("/")[-3]
sample = bedfile.split("/")[-2]
return( toolused, sample )

def process_files(bamfiles, bedfiles, genome):
this is the main function to take in list of input files and
put out an array containing key file name information, read
counts, and FRiP scores
bamfileL = split_infiles(bamfiles)
bedfileL = split_infiles(bedfiles)
out = [[ "bedtool", "bedsample", "bamsample", "bamcondition",
"n_reads", "n_overlap_reads", "FRiP", "n_basesM" ]]
for bam in bamfileL:
nreads = count_reads_in_bam(bam)
(bamsample, condition) = clip_bamfile_name(bam)
for bed in bedfileL:
(bedtool, bedsample) = clip_bedfile_name(bed)
noverlaps = count_reads_in_bed(bam, bed, genome)
frip = calculate_frip(nreads, noverlaps)
nbases = measure_bedfile_coverage(bed, genome) / 1000000
out.append( [bedtool, bedsample, bamsample, condition,
nreads, noverlaps, frip, nbases] )
out2 = pd.DataFrame(out[1:], columns=out[0])

def create_outfile_names(outroot):
""" uses outroot to create the output file names """
outtable = "FRiP_table.txt"
outbar = "FRiP_barplot.png"
outscatter = "FRiP_scatterplot.png"
if outroot != "":
outtable = outroot + "." + outtable
outbar = outroot + "." + outbar
outscatter = outroot + "." + outscatter
return(outtable, outbar, outscatter)

def write_table(out2, outtable):

def create_barplot(out2,outbar):
creates a barplot of FRiP scores where the x-axis is the bam
sample, the y-axis is the FRiP score, the color is the sample
used to create the peak file, and the panels are the different
peak calling tools
sns.set(style="whitegrid", palette="Set1", font_scale=1.5)
bp = sns.catplot(x="bamsample", y="FRiP", hue="bedsample",
col="bedtool", data=out2, kind="bar", col_wrap=2)
bp.set_axis_labels("Bam File", 'Fraction Reads in Peaks (FRiP)')
bp._legend.set_title("Peak File")
plt.savefig(outbar, bbox_inches='tight')

def create_scatter(out2, outscatter):
Create a scatterplot of FRiP scores relative to number of bases
under the peaks. Each panel is for a single bam file. Dots are
colored based upon sample used for peak calling and given symbols
based upon peak caller used.
bams= out2.loc[:,'bamsample'].unique()
nplots= len(bams)
sns.set(style="whitegrid", palette="Set1")
f, axes = plt.subplots(1, nplots, sharey=True)
for bi in range(nplots-1):
tmp = out2.loc[ out2['bamsample'] == bams[bi] ]
sns.scatterplot(data=tmp, x="n_basesM", y="FRiP",
hue="bedsample", style="bedtool", ax=axes[bi],
markers=['o','s','v','X'], legend=False)
axes[bi].set(xlabel="# bases in peaks (M)",
ylabel='Fraction Reads in Peaks (FRiP)')
axes[bi].set_title( bams[bi] )
axes[bi].get_xaxis().set_minor_locator( mpl.ticker.AutoMinorLocator() )
axes[bi].grid(b=True, which='major', color="gray", linewidth=1)
axes[bi].grid(b=True, which='minor', linestyle="--",
color="gray", linewidth=0.5)
tmp = out2.loc[ out2['bamsample'] == bams[nplots-1] ]
sns.scatterplot(data=tmp, x="n_basesM", y="FRiP", hue="bedsample",
style="bedtool", ax=axes[nplots-1],
axes[nplots-1].set(xlabel="# bases in peaks (M)",
ylabel='Fraction Reads in Peaks (FRiP)')
axes[nplots-1].set_title( bams[nplots-1] )
axes[nplots-1].get_xaxis().set_minor_locator( mpl.ticker.AutoMinorLocator() )
axes[nplots-1].grid(b=True, which='major', color="gray", linewidth=1)
axes[nplots-1].grid(b=True, which='minor', linestyle="--",
color="gray", linewidth=0.5)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)
plt.savefig(outscatter, bbox_inches='tight')

# Main

def main():
This function takes a space-delimited or semi-colon delimited list
of bed-like files (extensions must be recognizable by bedtools)
and a list of bam files. It will then calculate the FRiP score for
all possible combinations of files and save the information in a
txt file and a barplot. It will also calculate the number of bases
covered by each bed-like file and create a scatterplot. Note: this
function assumes that the file naming system of the input files
matches that of Pipeliner.

parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=desc)

parser.add_option('-p', dest='peakfiles', default='',
help='A space- or semicolon-delimited list of peakfiles \
(or bed-like files).')
parser.add_option('-b', dest='bamfiles', default='',
help='A space- or semicolon-delimited list of bamfiles.')
parser.add_option('-g', dest='genomefile', default='',
help='The name of the .genome file so bedtools knows the \
size of every chromosome.')
parser.add_option('-o', dest='outroot', default='',
help='The root name of the multiple output files. Default: ""')

(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
bedfiles = options.peakfiles
bamfiles = options.bamfiles
genomefile = options.genomefile
outroot = options.outroot

out2 = process_files(bamfiles, bedfiles, genomefile)
(outtable, outbar, outscatter) = create_outfile_names(outroot)
write_table(out2, outtable)
create_scatter(out2, outscatter)

if __name__ == '__main__':

# example cases

#bedfiles = "macs_broad/mWT_HCF1_mm_i81/mWT_HCF1_mm_i81_peaks.broadPeak macs_broad/mWT_HCF1_mm_i89/mWT_HCF1_mm_i89_peaks.broadPeak"
#bamfiles = "bam/Input_mm_i95.sorted.Q5DD.bam bam/mWT_HCF1_mm_i81.sorted.Q5DD.bam bam/mWT_HCF1_mm_i89.sorted.Q5DD.bam"
#genomefile = "/data/CCBR_Pipeliner/db/PipeDB/Indices/mm10_basic/indexes/mm10.fa.sizes"
#out2 = pd.read_csv("FRIP_test.txt",sep="\t")

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