All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #564 Fixed and changed French label in journal settings
- #585: The history of manually sent emails is not visible when the "Conflict of Interest" option is enabled.
- #580 zbMATH Open export: Authors: add affiliations and ORCIDs
- Volume names are not translated in the volume drop-down list on the reviewing grids list page.
- #543: Not translate select options
- #546: Editors with different local default date formats cannot update the revision deadline.
- #571: The number of days before the review deadline was calculated incorrectly (one day difference).
- Ability to block the automatic transfer of a submission from HAL
- #510: Completing label updates, fixed label starting with a character outside the [a-z] range;
- #510: update the label 'Reviewed' to 'Reviewed pending editorial decision';
- 512: is now possible to introduce a revision deadline at a later date if the publisher has not indicated a revision deadline (optional) when sending the request for revision.
- #511 Do not filter out comments with no message when getting the suggestions form the comment manager.
- Do not filter out comments with no message when getting the suggestions form the comment manager.
- #507: Can't change URLs / HTML in email templates
- #511:Do not filter out comments with no message when getting the suggestions form the comment manager.
- #508: Submission notification parameter: Only the selected roles will receive the notification, If no option is checked, the notification is sent to everyone.
- #509: Pixelated photos (Editorial Staff members page)
- Fixed missing spaces with volumes and section on references for arXiv
- Fixed a bug related to temporary versions with Zenodo:
- Unable to enter the identifier when submitting a new version
- submitting a new version results in an error message "the version of the article to be updated must be greater than the previous version".
- #472[Bug Report] English translation missing: Proposer dans le volume #472
- Duplicated submission when automatically transferring a new version from HAL.
- Add the latest publications to any page by inserting '' to the HTML source code of a page (same content as /browse/latest page)
- Reallocation of a previously allocated doi.
- Resetting the position of a paper in a volume will not work if the paper is removed from the volume.
- #469 [Bug Report] Add ORCID for an author with apostrophe in the name is broken into two
- Allow the assignment of a DOI to a temporarily accepted article
- Automatic numbering of bibliographical references, increased padding between references
- Updated application's requirements to PHP 8.1.* . All application dependencies were updated accordingly
- Section's translations are now stored in database instead of server files
- DOI Content Negotiation support for linked data automatically obtained when submitting or updating metadata + code refactoring
- Crossref Export: the unstructured reference is added with the DOI. Previously it was either DOI or the unstructured
- Scholexplorer API usage: The automated script to discover related datasets to published articles now only handle Datasets
- #431: A link from the peer review result page to the article's administration page.
- Using Citation Style Language and APIs we now retrieve and display the text of the references added for datasets, software, HAL Ids, SWHID, arXiv Ids)
- two new statistical indicators ( Submission-acceptance time, Submission-publication time) to the "At a glance" section.
- A new button as a shortcut access the Episciences bibliographic extraction application to import bibtex
- If the metadata of an Episciences publication hosted on HAL is updated, we now send a COAR notification to HAL to trigger an update of the metadata on HAL.
- ZBJATS export: bibliographical references from bibtex import are now also supported and exported
- #457: DOAJ fullText record gives an url that can't be accessed.
- SignPosting headers: fixed missing domain prefix for DOIs
- Taking into account the new value (3) after changing the authorised values in the user CAS table.
- #453: Show a more prominent error when there is a CSRF token error after the editor's comment has been sent.
- When a new version is transferred form HAL, the DOI assigned to the previous version is not restored in the new document.
- #449: related to #169: the author does not see the review (visible to the administrator but not to the author) on a non-editable version.
- #458 [Bug Report] Bibtex export volume name is malformed
- #446 and #448: Paper list drops some spaces in abstracts.
- #450: Fixed a server configuration issue for Theoretics
- #450: Open the target of the journal's logo in the same page/tab
- System has immediately send automatic reminders 'Unanswered reviewer invitation' following the invitation emails to reviewers: Make sure the invitation is sent x days [delay] later.
- Wrong display of titles and abstracts on the latest articles page: these will now be displayed in the main language [if available].
- delete a volume: add assigned papers error's message.
- Sorted paper by volume: include assigned papers to this one as a secondary volume
- #445: do not limit the number of papers per page to 10: the default limit (100) is used + acceptance date descending order.
- Exporting volumes in DOAJ format does not work for Secondary Volumes
- #423: fix typo Technical support Email.
- #443: In the templates (New version - author and co-author copy, New temporary version author and co-author copy) the tag %%PERMANENT_ARTICLE_ID%% is used, but it did not appear in the subject of the message.
- #443: no content for tags %%TAG_AUTHORS_NAMES%% and %%TAG_CONTRIBUTOR_FULL_NAME%%.
- The guest editor could not see the cover letter for version 2 and the reviewers' names (Revues/Reviews section) on the first version.
- Links to documentation : the "About version numbers" link url has changed and has not been updated.
- Browse by year: documents have been indexed by year of submission instead of year of publication
- Added an option to ignore statistics before a given date 434 now, except for users, the total number of submissions is the total number of articles published, indicators only include data after the date configured in the journal's settings. The feature is also handled by the Episciences API
- Submission form validation fails when replacing existing version.
- [Bug Report] Browse by authors or date: wrong links on the titles #435
- System has immediately send automatic reminders 'Unanswered reviewer invitation' following the invitation emails to reviewers.
- Fixed ORCID max length of user profiles
- Invite a new user form: make it possible to choose between two languages, even for uni-lingual sites & label renamed to 'Default Language'.
- [COAR Notify] processing of new versions + enhancements
- Improvements on the indexing process with Apache Solr
- Script ZBJATS : Skip documents which are not articles with a PDF, such as datasets
- Application error: Argument 1 passed to Episciences_Volume::setTitles() must be of the type array or null, string give.
- "false positive" for missing translations in logs.
- [COAR Notify] when processing several submission at the same time, notification of submissions were sent to wrong recipients
- [Acceptance date] During the publication process, if the article is accepted with a temporary version, then its acceptance date is that of the 1st temporary version. The problem did not exist on published articles.
- Citations of published papers: Improvement in obtaining the source journal from openAlex's response
- Typo 423
- Crossref export of bibliographical references: fixed unescaped HTML, added a log for XML errors
- Fix #417 Identifiers other than SWHID for Software solutions: remove domain prefixing SWH for all software, add the right domain for software (other than SWH), add correct domain for software in TEI
- 413: Crossref Export for bibliographical references when the reference has no DOI
- Wrong link to the paper's URL in the email template for paper's managers.
- Unable to submit a new version from Zenodo.
- The version number for articles "formatted by the author, awaiting final version" is no longer available: the feature could prevent the author from answering the request for a final version
- 322 manage closing mail author
- changing right to adding orcid when you're owner of paper (before was only for paper's managers)
- 133 Add default style for the accepted page
- New email template: inbox_paper_submission_author_copy: Your submission made via a preprint server - Author copy.
- #388: new option to require a deadline to be indicated when requesting a revision.
- #420: Add bibliographical references in zbjats export
- 414: volume page does not show volume description anymore
- 409: was automatically added to avery PIDs even if they were not DOIs
- 408"Update metadata" button seems to delete existing metadata
- Fixed Misleading error message about a document not found
- The bibliographic references panel is now hidden when empty
- Removed cache from OpenCitation API calls when the response is empty
- 394: Improvements to facilitate submissions.
New supported servers: Support for any data repositories powered by Dataverse. 2 examples are available: DaRUS (University of Stuttgart) and Recherche Data Gouv
New feature to automatically extract and manage bibliographical references with a new application
Reviewed and accepted bibliographical references will be exported to Crossref
New API available for journals and internal usage
It is possible to link documents with software, datasets and publications: Previously it was only available with documents hosted on HAL, the feature is now available for any repository, by adding the links on the document's page. As recommended, if the software is archived by Software Heritage and a SWHID is provided, a widget from Software Heritage may be displayed on the web page of the document, showing the archived repository
- Fixed #213: Supplementary material DOI cannot be indicated
- Closed #326: Accept SWHID reference on Episciences platform for software artifact
- Closed #327: Accept HAL reference on Episciences platform for software artifact
- Closed #328: Add a reference to the archived software artifact on reviewer's peer-reviewing form
- Closed #329: Add a reference to the archived software artifact on record landing page
- Closed #330: Add a reference to the archived software artifact on exported metadata (OpenAIRE, Crossref, etc.)
It is now possible to add a cover letter after the initial submission
Closed #367 Display revision deadlines and make them editable:
Author affiliations:
- Added the affiliation acronyms in Crossref DOI and TEI export formats
- Adding an affiliation from ROR: possibility to search by acronym
- Closed #374: ORCID and affiliations are retrieved from Zenodo
- Document types are now displayed on the document's page(ie preprint, article, ...)
- icon to make it easier to identify the user in revision requests section.
Statistics, 2 new indicators:
- The number of accepted articles (submitted in the same year) [A]
- Acceptance rate over the whole year [(A\S)x100] : [ A, S : the number of submissions over the whole year]
Internal updates:
- script to import volumes and volume metadata from journals translation files into the database
- .env file
- New version of Crossref Schema 4.3 -> 5.3 used for DOIs
Accept/reject an invitation: This action is now blocked with an alert message "This paper is under revision, it is useless to review it now."
Answer revision request: Closed #313:
- optional file attachment in "Contact without sending a new version" and "answer without any modifications".
UX: icon to make it easier to identify the user in revision requests section
Closed 323 change default label for home and Ethical charter
Switched to OpenAlex to obtain the text of citations
Template for datasets
Internal updates:
- Repositories config. is now stored in Database.
- Titles and descriptions volume's, titles and content metadata volumes are now stored as JSON
- Fixed #353 Adding a DOI to a proceeding volume does not save the DOI status
- Volumes & Sections list:
- display all available rows in the table (pagination disabled).
- using the search filter: in this case, drag & drop repositions all displayed items, making them appear at the top of the list
- bump jqueryui to 1.13.2
- refactoring : 'yarn encore prod' needed
- Display the total number of volumes / sections
- display all available rows in the table (pagination disabled). The pagination feature was conflicting with the drag and drop feature.
- using the search filter: in this case, drag & drop repositions all displayed items, making them appear at the top of the list
- bump jqueryui to 1.13.2
- Fixed #139 Put newly created volumes at the top of the list #139
- #392: Translations updated and fixed
- Fixed a bug updating dates for user profiles (User profile modification date updated automatically /!\
- Fixed a bug with feature "Re-invite this reviewer".
- Fixed a difference between the address displayed in the profile and the one displayed when the address was modified.
- Fixed Zenodo submissions following the major update of Zenodo on 2023-10-13.
- Fixed arXiv bibfeed
- Removed sorting option from volumes & sections tables, the feature was confusing and conflicting with another one: drag n drop to sort the volumes/sections
- The new section/volume is now inserted in the first position instead of the last.
- Sorting volumes and sections: drag and drop doesn't always work.
- The order of the papers was corrupted on the page listing the papers in a volume.
- Fixed a case where the button to send a response to the reviewer seems to be missing (RT#193137)
- News: translations were not updated when editing news
- #360: Improvement of the referees user experience.
- Automatic reminders: fixed incorrect management of dates
- Fixed translations of Volumes for Journals with only one locale defined as French
- Fixed English translation
- Refactoring to prevent error on temporary links
- DOI filter not working properly.
- #361: upload Temporary version dialog with no content
- [351] (#351): formatted files available on the copy editing section
- Display "revision contact comments" in "Revision requests" section.
- Fixed internal error: Use of undefined constant REVIEW_PATH
- Automated repeated reminders failed
- 133: wrong acceptance date and docUrl for tmp versions.
- 133 Added html classes and ids, removed useless H2 title
- 133: now all accepted items are included
- 133:
- the modification date previously displayed is replaced by the acceptance date
- a link to the article administration page has been added for editorial secretaries
- Fixed: #352 Augmenter la taille du champ adresse Mastodon / Increase the size of the Mastodon address field
- Administrator are now able to change the address of a user account for support.
- Export of metadata: use relative URLs
- API: list of publishing journals, added journal 'Code' in result
- Fixed export URLs
- Updates on label and download button size #342 Feature request: "Consult the article webpage"
- Conflict of interest: prevent sending email in CC in case of Conflict
- Revision requests section: Fixed wrong URL
- Author's suggestions: fixed: the choice of an editor for the article was not rendered
- Merged Share + Metadata export panels to save space
- New WYSIWYG editor version (editing toolbar for text areas) ; bumped from TinyMCE v4 to TinyMCE v6
- 278: In case an article has been refused: new option to allow forward automatically the message sent to the authors explaining the final decision made by the editor in charge.
- Share buttons for published articles now using We no longer rely on an external service for the feature
- Cancel a DOI assignment for the journal. The feature is available only with manual DOI assignment setting and until the DOI has been requested to Crossref.
- The user profile email update form will detect duplicate accounts and allow you to request merging duplicate accounts
- 283: new template pages for journal websites (credits, publishing-policies, ethical-charter)
- Automated Metadata Enrichment: for authors via HAL XML-TEI when using the metadata update button (OpenAire and HAL Metadata will automatically update)
- 95: Twitter and Mastodon support through user profiles. Possibility to share published papers via admin paper page. The feature will automatically mention the @user if they have added their username in their profile
- Journal may use a specific email alias for bounced emails sent by the platform. Using the new email alias requires a request to Episciences support team for setting up the recipients of the alias.
- COAR Inbox notifications: new script to initialize submissions, pending implementation on HAL
- It is now possible to use LemonLDAP::NG authentication. Pending the release of the new CCSD LemonLDAP::NG in production.
- Fixed [RT#186373]: in some situations, an article can be accepted several times. Now, the first date of acceptance will be taken into account.
- COAR Notify: ietf:cite-as as url for DOI
- OpenAIRE OAI metadata: include mandatory resource license
- [RT#184361]: a person with a conflict of interest may determine the identity of the article's reviewers by trial and error
- related to Allow post - accepting article revisions: "Contact without sending a new version" is now disabled when answer final version request
- now the version of the article can be modified only if its status is :
- submitted
- waiting for reviewing
- accepted
- published
- ready to publish
- approved by author - waiting for final publication
- statistics: the lower limit of years is now set at 2013
- Paper password registration failure
- [RT#182289]: reminders are ignored once the document is accepted.
- [RT#182641]: fixed a case where persons who have declared a conflict of interest are copied in the "Completed rating" e-mail sent to the editors of the article.
- Prevent repeated submission of Editor suggestions form : Force post method and add CSRF
- Prevent repeated submission of comment form
- Fix ignored form name parameter in comment form
- UI/UX add icon to make it easier to identify the user adding a comment
- Prevent multiple submissions of the same form
- Prevent injection when refusing a reviewer invitation with comments and in email history
- Support for autoincrement with DOI Patterns
- #325: the system allows accepting an invitation after it has been canceled
- #324: Updates to journal settings translations
- #315: missing translation
- #316: it is no longer necessary to validate / create an account before declining the invitation.
- 'Not enough reviewers - editor copy: editors'