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Data Ingestion for Modernization of NEDSS Project by Enquizit


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Data Ingestion for Modernization of NEDSS Project by Enquizit

Running Application inside Docker

  • Requirement
    • Java 21
      • Docker
        • Gradle

          • Building application with Docker
            • Create env file on the top directory and name it as dataingestion.env. Update the content below with appropriate value
            - Run "docker-compose up -d"
            - If encounter gradle exception such as missing wrapper then run the following command
              - "gradle wrapper"
  • Build project with gradle (no docker)
    • ./gradlew :hl7-parser:build
    • ./gradlew :data-ingestion-service:build
    • ./gradlew build

Building Docker image for EKS (1)

  • If you are on Mac OS Environnment, look into Docker Buildx, so linux image can be built
  • This example assume local machine run Mac OS.
  • Run "docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t <DOCKER_REPOS>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<VERSION> -f data-ingestion-service/Dockerfile . --push"
    • This command look for Dockerfile inside data-ingestion-service directory and build image from the top level of the project's hierarchy

Deploy Docker image on EKS (2)

  • These steps assume EKS cluster already exist and running, and it is being manage by Helm Charts
  • Run "helm upgrade --install dataingestion-service -f ./dataingestion-service/values-dev.yaml --set jdbc.dbserver='VALUE',jdbc.dbname='VALUE',jdbc.username='VALUE',jdbc.password='VALUE',jdbc.nbs.dbserver='VALUE',jdbc.nbs.dbname='VALUE',jdbc.nbs.username='VALUE',jdbc.nbs.password='VALUE',kafka.cluster='VALUE' dataingestion-service"
    • What this command does is create new if not service not exist and update existing one if it exists.
    • values-dev.yaml: indicate value file, helm charts pull values such as enviroment variable from this file.
    • --set jdb.dbserver='VALUE': argument to pass value into enviroment variable, this value is defined in values-dev.yaml.
    • --set image.repository='VALUE': image repos, say if using registry other than docker hub. Ex: ECR
    • Docker Image need to be specify in values-dev.yaml
    • For Helm Chart and EKS configuration, please refer to this NEDSS-Helm
  • Other useful commands
    • helm delete <SERVICE-NAME>: delete service
    • kubectl exec -it <POD-ID> -- /bin/bash : access pod environment
    • kubectl get pods
    • kubectl describe pod <POD-ID>: get pod info, useful to inspect configuration and debug
    • kubectl logs <POD-ID>

Unit Testing and Code Coverage

  • Requirement:
    • Code coverage must be greater than 90%
  • Progress:
    • hl7-parser is greater than 80%.
    • data-ingestion-service is greater than 80%.
      • Excluding classes and files.
        • Unused model classes in Jaxb package
          • models in this package are generated after built based on given xml definition
          • Unused model classes
            • AnswerType
            • CaseType
            • ClinicalInformationType
            • CodedType
            • CommonQuestionsType
            • DiseaseSpecificQuestionsType
            • EpidemiologicInformationType
            • HeaderType
            • HierarchicalDesignationType
            • HL7NumericType
            • HL7OBXValueType
            • HL7SNType
            • HL7TMType
            • IdentifiersType
            • IdentifierType
            • InvestigationInformationType
            • LabReportCommmenType
            • LabReportType
            • NameType
            • NoteType
            • NumericType
            • ObjectFactory
            • ObservationsType
            • ObservationType
            • OrganizationParticipantType
            • ParticipantsType
            • PatientType
            • PostalAddressType
            • ProviderNameType
            • ProviderParticipantType
            • ReferenceRangeType
            • ReportingInformationType
            • SectionHeaderType
            • SpecimenType
            • SusceptibilityType
            • TelephoneType
            • TestResultType
            • TestsType
            • UnstructuredType
            • ValuesType
        • Configuration classes
          • DataSourceConfig
          • NbsDataSourceConfig
          • OpenAPIConfig
          • SecurityConfig